How to help morning sickness?

Peppermint tea, ginger tea, bread with butter. I went through this thankfully I was better mid 2nd trimester

My OB had me on Unisom and B6 for nausea

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It seems contrary to how youā€™re feeling but you need to eat often. I kept fig Newtonā€™s next to the bed and ate them a few minutes before getting up. Then tried to eat often throughout the day.

1 more week mama. Hang in. I was sooooo sick for 12 weeks

Iā€™m 32 weeks and still throwing up, Dramamine helps as does unisom. Oh and mineral water. Iā€™ve lost like 30 pounds with this pregnancy, my doctor isnā€™t worried because my daughter is gaining weightā€¦

Pineapple juice and saltine crackers ā€¦

water, juice & nibbling on crackers will help.

For me it was saltines and orange juice, but the pulp free/low acid juice.

My dr prescribed reglan Iā€™m only 8 weeks and it was prescribed when I first found out 6w due to not being able to get out of bed I felt so sick

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I had the same problem and ended up in the ER at 11 weeks. They prescribed me diclegis. GET IT. Only thing that has worked for meā€” still nauseous but nothing like I was


I was on phenergan for the first six months and had it in my IV . Couldnā€™t keep down an ice chip . This too shall pass . Hang in there !

Nausea bands ! Nothing else worked for me. Iā€™d legit drink a sip of water and projectile vomit bile :woman_facepalming:t3:

salttines are the best

I had to go on Zofran and go in for hydration at er like 5 times my first trimester. The Zofran helped to make it so I could eat more than 2 bites. And could pre take it if I was going to be in situations either food or smells that I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to handle.

Have you tried preggy pops those are supposed to help with morning sickness

Ask doctor for zofran it really helped me.

I was the same with my first daughter I had nausea and vomiting for the 9 months and nothing helps and with this second pregnancy :pregnant_woman: the doctor prescribed me at 9 weeks pregnant :pregnant_woman: promethazine 25 mg for nausea

Iā€™m 20 weeks pregnant and I still get sick everyday. I was 198 before I got pregnant and now Iā€™m 161. I take Zofran on my bad days.

I had a motion sickness patch i wore behind my ear for my 3rd, wished I had done it for my first 2ā€¦ gave me bad cotton mouth but workedā€¦ 1st one I went swimming or sat in a tub of water when I felt sickā€¦ seemed to help if I ate light & got in water :woman_shrugging:

I chewed gum. Mainly any gum that was minty. Helped in all 3 of my pregnancies