He is probably starting to cut teeth.
Sleep regretion is real my girl is 16 months and still wakes up 2-3 times a night.
Crush up a rusk and add it to his bottle with the warm milk it’ll fill him up and he should stay asleep longer worked for my little girl
maybe try putting to bed maybe just a little bit later or maybe night time baby bath soap when giving a bath something calming just thoughts thats what i have done maybe bath about 730 bath bed 8 maybe not much difference in your schedule.
Sleep regression at 8 months is coming, and it is still normal for a 7 month to wake at night. My 3yo still wakes at least once a night still. Teething, growth spurts and leaps all effect sleep
Try the pick up put down method, this is likely sleep regression, and it’s awful, baby cries, and momma cries, it’s terrible.
Oh babies actually sleep? mine turned 1 August 10th and he still doesn’t sleep through the night. He wakes up Atleast 3 times a night.
He will never stop if he gets your attention every time.
Sleep training… have 2 grandson’s that are under the age of 2 they have been sleeping through the night since they were 6 months old.
A nice warm lavender bath and a lil cereal in his bottle before bed helps .
Nuk was the only pacifier my little one wanted. It was a godsend for her during teething and overnight fussies.
Google 7 month sleep regression it’s real and it’s tough momma. Hang in there
They stop when they’re ready. Took my almost 2 y.o. over a year to sleep thru the night
Give him a full belly
As long as you go pick him up, he will continue to do this. I know it’s hard to let him cry and it is nerve racking. The doctor is right! Hang in there momma! Best wishes
Hungry not in the bottle make a bowl Rice cereal apple sauce formula warm and spoon feed 7pm worked for mine
The baby is doing what u did when u carried him or her u must of gotten up at those times even to go potty
Feed more solid foods during the day. Maybe
Add a little rice cereal to his bottle. I already know I’m gonna get the “not recommended comment” but my GMA did it, my mom did it, and I did it with no issues and it helped my kids sleep better. Just add a little so it’s still a runny consistency. If you put to much it will become to thick for the nipple.
No real advice but to say my daughter never slept very well either and shes almost 2
My 2 yr old still wakes 3+ times every night!! I’ve tried everything!!
Mine never slept till she was a teenager. You got lucky so far.
How about skipping that last feeding so close to bedtime. That could be bothering his little tummy. It’s o.k. with the bottle when he is laying down and going to sleep. I co-sleep with my grandson who Is almost 2. He puts his little head in the bend of my arm and takes his bottle. When he is diminished, he will flop over to his side like a big fish. Then he is usually out for the night. I still sleep in there with him in case he wakes up needing something. That way he knows i am close by. But i can do this. I am grandma and he stays with me only a couple nights a week. It works that way for us. ALWAYS has worked that way for us even at 7 months.
Do not put cereal in a bottle. Its bad.
Both of my oldest kids never slept through the night. My daughter who is not 2 1/2 months has been sleeping the through the night for a month. Some kids just don’t sleep! My 2 year old still gets up in the night! SMH
We did sleep training with our boy, and one of the things we learnt about was sleep association. Whatever bub is using to go to sleep initially is what they look for to be able to get back to sleep when they wake through the night rather than just rolling over and going back to sleep on their own. Wether that be being rocked or patted to sleep, having a bottle, using a dummy etc. their brain associates that with falling asleep. Made a huuuuge difference for us when we started putting his bottle feed about 45 minutes before actually going to bed rather than immediately before and using it to fall asleep.
We used The Gentle Sleep Specialist if you want to check her out
Crying it out is a game changer
As weird as it sounds, maybe attempt earlier bedtime. My almost 8 month old will go down as early at 530/6 and it works. And he sleeps till 4am and I bottle him in crib and he goes back to sleep until 7/8 ish. Keep the routine. If you allow him a bit of crying, go in and don’t pick him up. Settle and or help soothe, and leave while he’s still awake. Repeat a few times until he catches on.
No advice bc honestly this is pretty good and normal! He’s a baby!!! He needs YOU! Sleep is a milestone, it will happen one day mama, until then I’d just try to lower your expectations
Letting my kids ‘cry it out’ worked for us. It’s horrible to hear your babies crying themselves to sleep. But within a night or two. They learn how to sooth themselves to sleep. My kids are now 4 and 9. We never have troubles with bed time. We kept the same routine since young. Like I said the cry it out isn’t for everyone. Those are the ones that don’t sleep.
I’m in the same boat as you. My almost 7 month old used to be great at sleeping but I’ve noticed she hasn’t been getting all her energy out. My baby has sooo much so if I get her energy out by having her jump in her jumper, and letting her fall asleep on her own makes a difference. Also temperature make sure baby not to cold or hot
Also get some lavender esential oil spray. Really helps my baby when she wakes up. I spray it and I get a couple hours of sleep without her waking
All these saying put risk in the bottle etc, are you in the U.K or somewhere else?
Look into taking cara babies… it’s how I got my baby to sleep thru the night at around 7 months old as well…
Babies do not process rice well at all and it can often leave them with a tummy ache. That’s honestly pretty normal for his age. All babies handle growth spurts differently, some sleep more, or less, eat more, or less. And also sleep regression stages as well. It’s exhausting for sure. My oldest was almost 5 when she started sleeping through the night. My middle son was roughly 18 months. And my youngest is currently and has been and on and off all night sleeper. That’s how I can tell when his growth spurts and teething are bothering him.
Is he teething? I always co-slept with my children and they now sleep in their bed and come to find me and go back to sleep when they wake up, can’t let my children cry when they can just sleep next to me. Xx
My 15 month old won’t sleep at all unless she’s sleeping with us and even then she wakes up several times, so I feel you lol no suggestions though
I think only 2 or 3 times for 12 hours is pretty good actually! Put em to bed later & maybe feed first maybe he’ll skip one of the night feeds! 7 months is still little. Does he eat food yet!?
I am a grandma. I have 2 of ours and 2 step. I found that when my babies didn’t sleep or couldn’t. I would take off the shirt I wore that day and put it near them or covered them with it. We are animals and need smells sometimes to help us cope. Smells can trigger memories but also babies need momma’s scent to help them calm down. Even when they are older the sound or smell of mom will calm an anxiety attack as well.
On another note. I read to them. I started around that age. Reading to your baby or child boosts their IQ up by 20%. I read till they fell asleep. I used a flashlight to see and told them if they go to sleep they can look at pictures tomorrow and we can read it again. Babies are very intelligent. More than you know. God bless.
Could be hot natured, strip em down and see it they settle.
My youngest was like this and boy was it tricky that first time trying to figure out what the heck was wrong!
She was hot.
Hiiiii Mama of 3 here. My 2 kids oldest girls had sleep regression around that age. It’s SUCKS but good thing is, is it will end. Don’t try to change your bedtime routine too drastically. Give it a couple of weeks. And don’t forget you will make it, I promise
I co-slept with all my babies so they always slept good lol. Good luck. It will work itself out
Any doctor that suggests cry it out, isn’t a good doctor. A good doctor would be up to date on research on the negative effects of crying it out. I don’t have any advice aside from: hang in there. But also don’t take what your doctor has suggested as what is right.
Wear a tshirt for 24 hours ; take and out the tshirt the child inside the tshirt after you have worn it and put a sheet over him and lay beside him a few minutes before he goes to sleep . He wants to feel secure .
My child also never really slept at night until around 18 months, just hang in there and keep a supply of caffeine and upbeat music. Trust me when I say you will only stress yourself when you try new things and they won’t work. I accepted my daughter was her own person and worked on getting what little sleep I could while she slept during the day. She’s 2 now and falls asleep before me most of the time now. Things get better
Waking up twice in an 11 hour time period doesn’t seem alarming to me. My son is 7 months and sleeps from 9pm to 10am, waking up twice for a bottle, once around 3am and again at 6:30am. I thought this was a good schedule, he doesn’t nap during the day either. How long is he awake during these nights? Mine wakes, I feed, change him and he’s right back to sleep.
Don’t keep feeding just because he cries. He’s not crying for food, he wants a cuddle. Imagine trying to lie down to sleep on such a full tummy.
When mine were babies, I’d have them in the cot and tap/ rub their back or chest (depending on their position) but didn’t look at them. So they had my touch but not my attention that would keep them engaged and awake. Then when they fell asleep I could stop.
Bottle of warm chamomile tea sweetened as necessary…that worked for me! With one of my twins. With one of my other babies who didn’t like sleeping, I used a color changing lamp where she could see it and played music very lo on my phone…I realized it was the dark she didn’t like even as a baby. Now she’s 16 and still uses a night light
I’m in the same boat… only this is my 3rd, albeit my other children are teenagers however - I have never struggled so much to teach my baby to sleep! She used to… but teething sucks, and being up at 4 M for the day is becoming ridiculous! My baby needs to sleep to grow, and her brain needs the rest to develop… so?? So far, I feed her tons… however she only ever drinks 4 oz, but will eat and eat the cereals and foods. sorry I’m rambling… because I am so far exhausted that I actually wonder how long the human body can stay awake
At 7 months old it is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL to still be waking up to feed or for comfort. Your not doing anything wrong. They also should still be napping during the day. Sometimes, as weird as it sounds, cutting naps hinders their sleeping at night.
It doesn’t stay like this forever. You are not doing anything wrong. It’s normal!!
I put a piece of memory foam on top of my sons baby mattress and it helped him sleep a lot better of! I never let him cry it out.
My first used to wake up every 2 hours until he was off the boob, the he turned 2 and slept through the night and still does.
I have a 1.5 year old daughter and she still wakes up once to twice for a bottle.
To me it’s normal. You get used to being tired and learn to function.
Eventually they sleep.
I found that my childs bottle wasn’t keeping her satisfied, I put 1 teaspoon of rice cereal in her last bottle at night. Not enough to thicken it but it seemed to hold her longer till the next bottle. I never let her cry it out. I mean they do need to learn to self soothe but I just didn’t believe in listening to that level of upset in my child. I would stand at her crib and pat or rub her back and that usually worked but I rarely ever picked her up in that state. Babies learn quickly what brings mommy and more quickly what gets them picked up. Good luck!
Mine never slept until she was 4 years old. Took her to every specialist there was. No answers. Today I would try a weighted blanket.
Let him cry it out, i got 4 kids and theyre still alive and well.when u let ur babies cry a doctor will tell u theyre expanding their lungs. Babies need to cry, its actually good for them. I know it feels awful to listen to them, but remember u r helping ur babys health by letting him cry it out.
Sounds like a developmental leap. You just gotta power through it. My kid wouldnt sleep for 2 months hardly at all during the first year. He hit every leap. I tried everything. You will get through it.
Reading to your child. This is a bonding moment. Have a chair in their bedroom and just you and your child, but don’t read baby books. Your child will pick up better understanding and better speaking skills as they grow up. This time together especially with only them, they will remember forever.
My 2 year old still wakes up 2-4 times a night all children are different but I think at 7 months it’s pretty normal.
I went through the same thing with my last 2. My oldest is 13 he didn’t start sleeping through the night until almost 2. My daughter is 18 months and started sleeping through the night after she turned 1. However, she’s going through something right now, she wakes up throughout the night crying 2-3 times. I now have a 5 week old son and I’m really hoping he’s good to me with sleeping through the night when he is a few months older.
He may be cutting teeth you can try getting teething tabs for him. I know my daughter started sleeping through the night around a month old and then around 8 months she totally relapsed and was waking 3-4 times a night and that was why and every time she starts having problems sleeping through the night I know another tooth is coming in and she is now 2 and has done it for every tooth. However it could be something else just a regular relapse idk but cutting teeth was the reason for my daughter
Omgosh pleasssssse don’t listen to crying it out. That is the most traumatizing thing you can do. You will make him believe it doesn’t matter what he does you won’t be there for him. He’s 7 months! a baby! He needs his mama just be there for him when he needs you.
Dr teal’s makes a melatonin lotion and wash… Works well for my kids
Don’t let him cry it out. It will get better, mine was the same and after she turned 1 it all went back to 7:30-7am. Always respond and let him know your there for him. That’s me personally. I’ve read thousands of peoples research and it can negatively impact him later on in life with depression etc.
That’s actually normal to wake up that much. Please dont do cry it out!!!
Do a dream feed about 11pm
Look up @takingcarababies on Instagram! She is awesome!
Honey works like magic when it comes to sleep. Try giving him a teaspoon full of honey. I used to give my kids. It’s good for health as well. They hardly got sick
i can’t stand cry it out. it wakes up everybody in the house including the other kids who need sleep too. but to each their own. keep him in a dark quiet environment and rock him back to sleep. no stimulation, no food. eventually he will get the idea that night time is bedtime. not time to wake up or eat.
Omg admins please remove Miracle Abiodun already!! She is doing nothing but posting spam!!
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Does he have gas ? My oldest wouldn’t sleep at all tried everything. He cry all time. Come to find out he had gas.
I’ve noticed if my son eats a lot before bed he wakes up more because he pees more, so I started feeding him a smaller bottle at bed time and he only wakes up once or not at all.
Don’t bath before bed. It used to wake mine up! Also you’re giving in to him so he knows he can get your attention within minutes. Go in after five minutes and calm but no food! Then wait ten minutes before you go in again. Don’t get him out, just soothe. Then fifteen minutes (the hardest one). If he’s still unsettled after then, you could give food or cuddles. Obviously if he’s screaming go straight in. He sounds bored rather than hungry so he will cry because he’s bored. It does often take the 30 minutes on the first night or two but then he’ll start to just go back to sleep by himself. Use a timer so you don’t cheat. It’s agonizing but it works and mine have grown up still knowing I’m there if they need me (and still come in my room at night in their teens! )
I always gave my babies a bottle with baby cereal in it at bedtime. It filled them up and helped with their sleep. I also used lavender baby soap and lotion and lavender essential oils that was specifically for babies.
7 months is still too small to sleep all night. Babies under 1 still have their body clock to wake them and it protects them from SIDS. Which is still a scare till 2 yrs old. Appreciate the nightwaking.
Lavender lotion helps my son. He was the same way. He still is sometimes but not as often since ive been using lavender baby wash, lavender baby shampoo, lavender lotion and lavender spray for the pillows
Please please don’t let him cry it out.
You’re doing amazing mama. This is normal for his age.
I’m a mum of 6 and honestly they were all like this! Well not the last one as he’s only 5 months old but he’s doing the same
As yours is now.
Crying it out is not natural to you or him. Whoever said it was ok is deluded. Babies see you as ‘god’ you are their whole universe. To leave them to cry would be of no benefit to you or baby.
Wish you luck sweet x
Babies wake up …that’s what they do …they need the comfort …please don’t let baby “cry it out”
Is there a chance he’s teething? Mouth pain gets more intense at night & my 3 grandsons always had a tough time sleeping when teething.
My daughters usually give Tylenol with the last bottle of the evening & rub a bit on the gums if they wake in middle of the night.
However, 7 months is a bit young to go 12 hours with no bottle, so as long as he takes the bottle, gets a clean diaper & goes back to sleep, that’s all you can ask for.
Look up normal sleep regression ages also.
Honestly it’s just about teaching your baby healthy sleep habits, loving on them, making sure they are dry, fed, & not hurting.
My babies are 2 yrs old and they wake up 2 to 3 times