How to help my kids get along?

My son is 5 and my daughter is 3… and they fight ALL THE TIME, every second of everyday, legit from the time they awake till the time they go to sleep. My son is at school for the most part of the day and when I get home from work with him the fighting starts. Im constantly trying to correct their behavior towards one another or help them to try to get along but nothing is working. They say they hate each other and it hurts me. Like why can’t they get along ? Is this normal and just going to get worse ? I’m hopeless


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my kids get along?

It’s normal just keep trying or just try to put then in separate rooms and let them play it could just be a stage

Normal…. It’ll get better. But for now Start taking stuff away from them n don’t let them get the stuff back till behavior improves. Try the get along T-shirt thing lol.

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My older two (now ages 16 and 12) were like that for a couple years. I felt like you did. Then one day they just decided to get along. Idk why the change, I even asked and was told they don’t know either lol. Now they act like best friends.

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Thought I posted cause SAME and same ages too

Ask why they hate eachother, have them do activities together at the table for an hour arts and crafts, observe them for a week, listen to there fights. See what they are about. Explain later in life hopefully they will lean on one another. Id say listen to there fights and try 2 make sense of them

My 9 and soon to be 13 boys are the same way but can’t go anywhere without each other drives me nuts

My kids too. Even as adults they roll their eyes at each other or do the verbal equivalent, but they get along, help each other out, and let stuff roll off their backs. They clearly love each other.

I think they bonded at one time because they hated my second husband so had a common enemy. I divorced him after two years because it turned out he was in fact an a-hole.

It also helps if you and hubs could take one child so each gets 100% of attention from one parent, then you switch.

See if you can separate them as much as possible even if you have to draw chalk lines on the floor give them certain toys for 10-20 minutes and then they have to switch. See if you can find activities where they have to help each other out to succeed, or games that encourage cooperation vs. competition. Read books with the theme of cooperation and compromise.

Make a chore chart and put “get along with your sibling” for gold stars for each of them. Maybe pick specific times of day like when son gets home from school from 3-4 and again from 4-5 pm. Or make it in specific situations like getting ready for school or bed and again at the dinner table.

I’d have a talk with my two about how they need to be friends so when mom & dad die they will have each other to lean on the rest of their lives. I think it helped a little.

We also got a van big enough for each child to have their own row where they couldn’t touch each other. When they were driving me nuts in the vehicle I’d pull over someplace safe, tell them to get out with one at the front and one at the back of the car and lock myself in until I calmed down. Of course they were embarrassed so they’d behave better after that. I also found having other non-family members in the car made them behave better.

Teach them how to manage their emotions and to walk away. But yeah, a lot of parenting is being a referee. I had a boy and a girl, 3 years apart. It helped when they liked different toys, had different friends, had different interests, we’re on different teams & in different activities (away from their sibling) and went to different schools. Mine also benefited from having different last names (same parents though) and not looking that much alike so they could carve out their own niche at school.

Good luck! Adulting is hard and parenting is really hard. But

Give them the same toys and have them on opposite sides of rug or table when they eat
They want their personal bubble respected
Try to spend individual time with them
Then they need to learn to share so u can get crafts or bake cupcakes and each decorate them and make for eachother

My 5 year old and 2 year old daughters fight all the time. I am thinking it’s normal.

Normal. Mine are now 16 and 21 and love each other so much. But when they were young, they couldn’t stand each other.

It’s normal. My oldest two were like that til they became teenagers. They are now 18 and 16 and don’t hate each other all the time.

Have you ever raised a litter of puppies or kittens? Well, they fight, all the time. This is how they learn to navigate the world. You should intervene if someone is being bullied or really injured, but otherwise just let them sort it out. I raised four kids before I figured this out.

Let me just go ahead and tell you that it doesn’t get better any time soon. My son is 10 and my daughter is 8. They still fight and argue everyday. The moment their eyes open it begins. Good luck.

I have 7 and 4 yr old. I feel ya :sleepy: its awful

My younger brother and I fought into my mid 20s…hes 7 years younger than me and him and I are best friends now

Make them sit together and play. Family is everything! If they don’t want to play with their sibling then they can’t play with their toys. Correct this behavior now. It’s NOT normal. I’m the oldest of 4 and we never fought like that.

Totally normal unfortunately :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I have 6 boys and I swear on my life I’m loosing my mind with the amount of arguing I hear each day

Oh no girl, it will always be a battle between siblings.

Idk we are all in our 30s and still destroy each other :joy::joy::joy:

Got a 2yr and a 4yr old ive stopped getting involved, they will punch on half way through they start laughing and make it into a game. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: