How to help my son behave better at school?

We’ve recently moved to uk. My elder one (almost 5 yrs old) has been going to school since he was 2.8. The first few days were difficult but he got hang of it and settled well. Then covid happened. Schools got closed so he was at home for almost 9 months. Then a friend offered tutions for kg kids so I sent him there just for the routine and socialising but he became voilent seeing other kids hitting and fighting Bullying which ruined his behaviour. Now that we in uk The schools has started last week and my son is not settling in. He’d run here and there at all times. Doesn’t focus or listen to teachers as well as push/hit his fellows around (not harshly). The teacher calls us to pick him up everyday before time. And we keep telling and repeating to him to be nice and do not push anyone, sit with your fellows and listen to what the teacher is saying. What else can we do? How to tackle him? The teacher almost said we shouldn’t send him to school. But how can we do that? He’ll never know skills then and never be able to socialise or learn.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my son behave better at school?

They are supposed to help support you and child not send him away is their a board member you can speak with also look into ODD /adhd

Beat his assss!!! What I mean is use the rod …. But don’t actually beat him to death.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my son behave better at school?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my son behave better at school?

Hes surviving a pandemic… My son had some school behavior issues when after a few months last year… It was in the middle of his first grade year and he couldnt see his friends or teachers and it happened so fast… Id talk to a pediatrician and see if he can talk to someone… Play therapy is amazing since kids communicate differently. Especially at that age. Be gentle and patient with him.

Take him to his pediatrician and have him checked out. If that doesn’t help then maybe some discipline is what is needed. If he can’t behave at school, no TV, video games, whatever. Maybe take him to the park to play, get him interested in an animal rescue. Help him to learn compassion. Just ideas!

This has been happening with my nephew, he’s going to play therapy which was recommended through the doctors and they’re also going to be checking him for ADHD. Maybe something to consider?

If there is no reason he can’t behave I believe that a spanking might help.


Spank his butt nothing that a good old fashion spanking won’t hurt.Trust me got alot by my mom

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my son behave better at school?

You need to take him to the doctor to make sure there aren’t any underlying medical issues.

Sounds like he needs therapy. My daughter almost got kicked out of school in kindergarten for her behavior. The only thing that helped was iep and therapy. Plus she went to a special school for a bit before back to regular school. She is 10 and doing amazing now

Spank his butt for consequences