How to help someone with a porn addiction?

You can help yourself with your needing to control anyone but yourself. If it’s a true addiction no one can help him but trained professionals and himself


Read Proverbs everyday. Seek God’s guidance.


The porn IS the problem. This is a real addiction issue. He needs to admit he has a problem and get help. Otherwise, nothing will change.

To me this is just a typical man :rofl:


maybe get him to see some off the docos that shows how these are made to point out how fake it all is

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Pornography wrecks relationships and peoples lives. He needs to seek help, counseling etc. Talk to your church if you are at all involved. Blessings to you.

This is an impulse control/escapism issue and he will not get better unless he sees a professional about it. He does not have to talk about porn he just has to talk about his irresistible compulsions to do specific things And how to realistically get out of that avoidance mindset.

Seek Jesus. He can set him free from that stronghold .


Get flip up phone don’t work like the others


Why are people laughing? Addiction is addiction and this man is obviously suffering.
But unfortunately it’s not up to you, he can really only help himself when it comes to addiction it’s a terrible disease


Sounds like a normal guy. If it isnt affecting his time with family and friends…not a big deal. Watch with him. Maybe play out his fantasies…use different toys. Get his mind more on you than it. Know a lot of women who say too tired to put out…but then get mad when their guy watches porn. I watch it with my husband. Every evening after kids go to bed and before sexy time. I believe my husband is a sex addict…lol…wants it every day. Im evedy 3 days. We have to compromise and have a 1 to 2 day break every now and then. Now…if he is ignoring your needs or your family and friends…it is an issue he needs to talk out.

Start making your own private Collection and he can live it and not have to watch it


No point just pack up he is a lost cause at this point sorry.


12 step program for porn will be a great option.

My fiancé has this addiction it is a counseling needed thing but I suggest parental locks, and being able to see his history etc until proven he has broken the addiction


He might also have a hormonal or mental imbalance which makes him struggle with impulse control, hypersexuality, etc. He might want to see a regular physician who can run a panel on him.


This can’t be real lol what the actual eff


The only one to help him is …YOU. Sit down and discuss why. If you can’t discuss it because it’s embarrassing, how can you make love. Is he embarrassed then, I don’t think so. This is not his problem. It’s Both of your problem. Not because you can’t get him to stop but because your not comfortable in the bedroom with him and he’s not with you. So this is a Couple problem. Maybe couples therapy would help you Both. Sorry.


That is something he has no control over. He must repent for it and pray n ask God to deliver him from this addiction.


Covenant eyes ! Porn addiction is a REAL thing. If you can’t go 3 days with out something it’s an addiction

Cant believe how some people are joking and laughing about this!!!


I think instead of asking women what they think on this subject ask other men… see what they think and say because men are different then women. And just drain his balls everyday. Put on a wig, spice it up. Take his sexual “addiction” of “watching” to doing… this distraction will help trust me… he shouldn’t feel guilty for it if it’s an addiction… So make a fun distraction out of it

His mom says this is ongoing behavior
When the two of you met, he had this addiction,
Either you did not know about it and it did not affect your relationship and you became intimate couple. .but now you are aware of it, and want him to stop.
The only reason It affects your relationship now is because you know, and you don’t approve.
Or you knew about it and chosex to commit to relationship, and now insisting he stop.
That doesn’t seem fair.


This was part of a marriage retreat I went to and it’s stuck to my brain like glue:

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That is a behavioral addiction. He should be in counseling for addiction or it could go to a higher step and issue

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He has to want to stop. Don’t sound to me like he wants to stop.

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They don’t stop because they don’t want too. It has to be on him and noone eles.

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I’ve learned that it’s something very hard to break the addiction from. I have seen a few resources but they are mainly Christian based. I’m not sure if that would be a put off or you’re not. I have known people who had an addiction when they were younger and they broke it because they didn’t want their future wife or significant other to feel insecure or not good enough. I’m sorry that you have to go through that. And I feel sorry for the people who think it’s no big deal. If they knew the background behind those porn videos that they watch, I would hope they would feel disgusted

Just gonna leave this here as well

He really NEEDS counseling for an ADDICTION. It’s serious. He won’t " just stop" because he’s asked. He will need to stop for himself … and that requires help. There are support groups. Please, try to find a qualified counselor.

You can message me. I have a lot of info and experience w this.

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He needs professional help. His mom should have done that long ago.

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My guestion is does affect your sex life. If not I really don’t see what the problem is .its normal for males . But if it is affecting your sex life then. It is a problem. That u need to address to him .if he don’t wanna stop for your sake. Then he really don’t respect you and love enough. Maybe its better to move on and find someone else that has least intrest in porn .all males are different even females watch porn .its your decision alone what ever makes you happy good luck

It takes YEARS for someone to recover from addiction. I personally consider it cheating. So really think if you want to be in a relationship like that. Especially if hes been addicted for so long, he likely wont change.


Please message me if interested in a group to understand the severity of what you are dealing with. Ultimately it takes a lot of work and commitment and understanding the damage it causes. While new studies want to detract from the connection to PIED, porn induced erectile dysfunction, there are more cases supporting this as an end result. Studies have resulted in doctors saying they would rather have to treat a cocaine addicted individual than a porn addicted individual. Both brains exhibit the same visual destruction when side by side. When the cocaine is removed the brain begins healing. When the porn is removed the thoughts remain so it is a long process to truly heal from. There are women addicts as well. Men tend to become more and more narcissistic, cruel and seemingly uncaring. Many are lead to other destructive activity like infidelity and prostitution and the extreme side I won’t discuss here. It’s not a laughing matter at all. Here are two examples