How to help these kids through this?

Praying for your daughter and her boyfriend! I just can’t imagine, I’m so sorry!!

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There are some great couples on instagram who she should check out. @roll.with.cole and kev and dee.


My Mama had a surgical procedure that left her paralyzed in 2014. It changed everything about her life. Our life. Definitely support groups and take it day by day. Right now he needs all the support and friends he can get.
It was a hard adjustment. Hardest thing I’ve probably ever went through. But let her know it’s not her responsibility to bare. Dealing with it as an adult is one thing… I couldn’t imagine going through it as a child.


Support her in the time she spends with him. She sounds like a lovely lady and I pray God protests their love and it works out the best way!

Have her join groups and watch blogs of people who are going through this!

If she wants to be there now, let her but if it ever becomes too much and she wants to leave be understanding. I recommend support groups.

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My son broke his neck recovered maybe he will be alright


I’m sorry for everyone involved. The only thing I know is pray and get counseling.


They are Soo young it will be a test of time💕

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Help surround him and her with love, support and reassurance. Offer a hand if he and his family needs it. Be a listening ear for anyone in need of it. Some therapy for your daughter for her mental load, suggest he get some as well.

Counseling for them both and if she stays they should also go together. It’s big lige changing and talking to someone may help.

What the Dr said doesn’t have to be true, look up information online. There are ppl told that, then beat the odds with determination and proper exercise. A few have gone on to teach others how . Being negative will be his demise.
I’ll try to get the name of the man/trainer my boyfriend knows, he’s very famous for his teaching of others. Just can’t remember his name atm.
I’m following his exercise routine for herniated disks with sciatica. In 28 years, two car accidents, 2neck surgery’s and 1 back surgery this has helped more than anything the drs have given me.
Stay positive and help your daughter stay positive. His ability may be different but his brain is the same, he’s still there, he is the same person. Positive affirmations and gratitude, positive thinking.

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Praying for everybody involved, this is awful

Momma just be there.


Depends on the injury, the level of the break. She needs to gather information but take time for herself also. Quad life is all encompassing its a whole new life. Very different than what life was. Just be ready for intensity. Alot can’t handle it. As long as she knows what she’s getting into and she loves him, they will be ok.

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Honestly they are young, tell her to worry about just being his friend right now, he is really going to need the mental support. And she may need some counseling as well❤️ Prayers for them.


Counseling for you both…find a good therapist…she is too young to handle the guilt of what will become of him

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Same thing happened to my daughter and her bf when she was 15 and he was 16…. They wrecked and he is paralyzed from the waist down. They stayed together for almost 6 years after the wreck…. He’s very independent and has a great outlook and that’s kept him from going insane!!!


This made me cry so hard Jesus christ

This fella has been quadriplegic since 16! Fab page to follow for advice & positivity xx

She needs counseling on everything personal and all not wait til getting married and wanting to have relations I understand that’s not the point but she needs in depth critical care instruction she and he will need to learn to love each other without the physical contact…contact Roll with Cole & Charisma Videos this may help a lot I love the life these have managed to have

counseling and therapy for both of them, this is a huge life change.

Faith, and time…
Praying for you all :pray:t2:

That’s true commitment that alot of adults out there are lacking…


I was in this same situation. Its hard. It’s very hard but she also has her whole life ahead of her. What If this didn’t happen? Would they even stay together ? She is only 16. She still has college etc… she doesn’t need to feel guilty for still wanting to have her life.


End results can change and do sometimes wishing you all the best

Praying for your Daughter n boyfriend…no large discussions should be made in my opinion his mom n Dad n him n girlfriend should soon be put in therapy

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Right now she can only show him day by day. Words and promises don’t last long when you’re the one laying there feeling hopeless. We all only have one a day at a time so the days to come will show him how much everyone cares including doctors, nurses, therapists, friends and family. You’re daughter at this age, accident or not, has a lot of time to figure out her life ahead. Hopefully no one shames her or guilts her into making lifelong commitments right now. One day, one moment at a time is all we have. :woman_shrugging:t3:


If she is a true friend she will stay friend’s. He’ll go into depression and suffer more if she isn’t there to support him. She must be strong and encourage him. That can be done with help from those who love her. That doesn’t mean they’ll stay together forever but those choices will come later when they both mature. I pray he will heal physically more than Drs. Are saying now. Never give up. With Faith all things are possible.


She is an amazing women, it takes a lot to stand but someone like that.

Therapy for both and as they both with need support and an outlet to talk.

3rd even if they do part ways it’s amazing she wants to stand by him. That shows a love and bravery must adults don’t havev


One day at a time…is all you can do…so sorry :pensive:

Before the accident she was too young for any commitments and she still is, however she can be there to support him through whatever recovery he makes, dont worry about her future as much as letting her empathy develop at this time


He will need therapy or counciling. To learn to mentally cope with this drastic change. I would encourage her to go to college and take physical therapy or nursing if she intends to stick it out. That way she can take care of him at home. Let her know she is young and may later regret not dating others. I hope she realizes this is not love but, empathy of his predicament. I’m sure she cares for him very much. Prayers for her and him. It’s in God’s hands. Tell her to pray about it. God bless.

Just be there for her, she will need it when he goes through depression and anger and directs it toward her. Just let her know he is not mad at her he is just angry that it happened to him and he is trying to sort the rest of his life out.


Been there! The Big thing for her is talk to his counselor about what to expect. Turning, catherters, unable to move. Which means he has to be fed,turned diapers changed etc. How long in rehab.he will go thru the stages of grief and will have a very bad attitude at times. Just be his Advocate but not his person to take thing’s out on. God bless you.


One day at a time that’s alot. Too young to be obligated to ANYTHING.


Get her into some really good grievance therapy… Prayers


She can go visit with him and read to him. Talk to him. Watch TV with him. If they are Christians, she can pray with him, for him. Go online and look into new innovated surgical trials for his condition to see if there are any new surgical proceedures like exoskeleton trials.


Praying for a miracle!

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One day at a time. That’s amazing she will stand by his side. He needs to know not to give up. He’s still young and could have a chance to get some functionality back. Prayers! :heart:


She’s not married to him but a friend is a friend. Encourage her to be a great friend and let the future pan out for both their lives. It’s not the end for both of them. Doesn’t look like a new beginning but it is

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Just walk along side him, keep his spirits up.

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Support them and their choices from here on. Thankfully they have love.

Whether they stay together as a couple or not, it may be worth reaching out to this girl. This couple have a beautiful marriage and she may be willing to give some words of advice, even as a friend. So tragic. I hope he/they can find some happiness.

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If she decides it’s not for her, be there for her. Right now as she dives into this new world, be there for her. Allow her to figure this out. Who knows, maybe it helps her figure out more about herself too.

They will still have an amazing, happy future :heart::slightly_smiling_face:

She’s a kid, let her be she’ll figure it out!! I hope he recovers soon :heart:

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This was difficult to read. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. Please seek out counseling for your daughter. I’d assume the hospital will provide counseling for the friend.

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First of all let me just say :clap::clap::clap::clap: to your daughter! She’s seems mature for her age and that makes this mommas heart happy to read. Secondly kudos to you for instilling such compassion into her. This is such a life changing event for sure, i think once he sees she’s not going anywhere he will come around and hopefully will feel all the love and embrace his life as it is… sending love :heart:


I really don’t know how to give thanks to priest Roso for bringing my beloved back with his powers. I never would have believed that I could have my wife again after leaving my kids angry and my wife got frustrated because I didn’t care for them. I realized that I have done the wrong thing to my lovely family, which resulted in a separation between myself and my wife and children. I have been in pain for a number of years after trying by all possible means to get it back but to no avail. Someone talked about Priest Roso and I felt that I could be helped too and had to ask him for help too, to feel happy again for the first time in so many years It felt like a dream to me, but it was a reality. In short, I and my family are reunited and my wife is very happy to be with me again. I feel very comfortable with the help of priest Roso is blessed and I really appreciates his great effort towards my life and that of my family. Since the great priest Roso was referred to me, I would ask and I’m also happy to pass onto anyone who needs help to contact him through the page by clicking on the link below :point_down::point_down::point_down: Redirecting...

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I have been exactly where she is. The only difference is I was 23 with 2 children with him when it happened. I prayed the day of the accident that if God would let him live I would never leave his side. I learned how to take care of him and he wouldn’t let anyone else do anything for him. It lasted 12 years and I don’t regret it but he turned into my patient instead of my husband. He kept a lot of anger inside not understanding why….

Best advice get counselling to help her understand how she can help in good times and bad good therapy and support will guide them both it’s a long road and can be frustrating as you being concerned for her try keeping a open eye for her and support her the best you can I no this from experience sadly my partner couldn’t handle life anymore and passed away

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When my daughter was is 13 her best friend was paralyzed and her mother was killed by a driver who was under the influence of a drug. It was the hardest conversation to have with her. Not only did have to tell her someone she loved had died but also her best friend would never walk again because of someone else’s selfish actions. We visited her many times in the hospital. He family lived right next door to us. It was sooo sad. Sending prayers for your daughter and her boyfriend and his family.

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Just be there for her no matter what

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Oh my! Sending lots of love strength and prayers for you and your family and all involved!

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Maybe seek advice through the Nurses, Doctors, Physio Therapy people caring for him? They will have experienced this situation between partners before.


She just needs to keep showing him that she is by his side. Eventually he will know that she is there for him.

Also might suggest watching Roll With Cole and Charisma. It can show both of them that their relationship can continue.

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Take each day as it comes

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Counseling, see if there are support groups that can give her a clear picture of what to expect. And he needs time to grieve also, ask her to be patient


Medicine has changed so much these days not much is the way it was hooe and prayers will go a long way .she must keep her study up science is good , look what they have done for the military and their injury keep the faith. It’s always darkest before the dawn

That’s a huge responsibility for a 16 year old. :pleading_face: but I’m glad he has her love and support.


Counseling! For both of them :heart:

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So sorry this happened. Sending love and prayers and support :heart:

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Hugs to your daughter. Tell them how much you love them and be there for them. They need time to heal and grieve. Sadly there is little more you can do. Alao keep in mind the advances in medicine he will have a higher quality of life than even 20 years ago.


That is normal for a person to feel that way when they are facing a major change in their life and their family dynamics
Have your daughter contact a quadriplegic specialist team at the local hospital
They will teach her and other family how to care for him and his needs as well as physical and occupational therapy as well as organising
Aids like wheel chairs , shower chairs ect
The important thing is to keep encouraging him and reassuring him she won’t leave him
She also needs to remember being a carer is
a 24 hour , 7 days a week job and is not an easy job
It will mean full time care and support
Sadly she will also give up the life she was used to having
I wish her so much luck and positive vibes
From Australia


Therapy would be a good place to start, there’s always hope he will learn to walk again one day :heart:

Roll with Cole & Charisma Videos

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DK IF YOU WILL EVEN SEE THIS, BUT! You should submit this to PROVERBS 31!!! It’s a woman’s group and thousands of women will pray for him! His family And your daughter! To get through this! Just an idea I had to pass along! The power of prayer is amazing if interested!!!


It’s a huge change for the boy and only time will help him realize that she will be there. I would do all of your best to make sure that he knows his disability is not a burden to anyone, that he didn’t ask for this, and that he is loved. I know plenty of couples that are inter-abled and they make it work and are very, very happy! He might also find therapy helpful


Actions are louder than words


Counselling & take one day at a time :pray:

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Member update

Update to the post about my daughter and her boyfriend. Y’all he’ll be 3 weeks out tomorrow on having his accident and this boy is a fighter, doctors said that he more thank likely would eventually have enough strength to feed himself but it would be months, and he fed himself today y’all. His right arm is stronger than his left, and we did find out on Monday that he has a incomplete injury. The nurses said that with the fight he has he may gain back more functionality than originally though.


Such a heartbreaking & tragic story. Your daughter sounds like a wonderful young lady. I hope her boyfriend recovers.Best wishes for all

My son broke every bone in his neck but one and by the grace of God he’s walking that was in 2017


Sounds like he’s a fighter great news prayers for continued healing :pray::pray::pray:


You have raised an amazing young lady. Wishing the best for everyone involved.


You never can tell. He may overcome all this.


I’m so sorry …what a shame !The fact that they love one another so much is a testimony to what real love is !I was only 5 weeks old when I had my first radiation therapy !I got married at age 17 he 21.6 months after I got married I got diagnosed with lupus & I almost died I was in the hospital 32 days !Ive had over 39 + major surgeries and 3 were brain tumors and a stroke at age 31!I was told after my stroke I wouldn’t walk again but I was walking again within a year! We’ve just had our 52 Anniversary my man has stood by me just like I would for him if it were him being the sick one.Im now 70 he 74 still works !I had to go on disability at age 52.I have more things wrong than right,Strength and fight has a lot to do with over coming things in life !.I have another brain tumor now , but it’s an inoperable one on the brain stem causing all kinds of issues.If your daughter wants to still be with her BF and is mature enough to understand the big responsibility of taking care of a possible handicap person let her make her own choice.Maybe some counseling would help her with some reasoning!Im so sorry this happened.My grandson was age 18 and had a rodeo accident and broke his back all up he had to have a rod in his spine the Dr said one more inch and he would of been paralyzed from the neck down .He was very fortunate.Many prayers for your daughter and her BF​:rainbow::pray:t3::revolving_hearts:


Roll with Cole & Charisma Videos

Just keep supporting her and help her get all information available


Counseling for sure. This happen to my husband at 25 years of age. It’s been almost 13 years next month. Our daughter was 1. It’s very hard. I am his caregiver and wife. It’s hard to be in 2 roles. Sending hugs and prayers :yellow_heart:


This is not the same situation but as someone who has recently had to accept and deal with my son being diagnosed with a serious illness my advice would be tell her to just take it day by day. Meaning, not to overthink what may happen to him or the final outcome but keep hope right now for the best and tell him the same. He is going to deal with a lot of grieving himself for his life and what he can’t do right now. It is going to be a strain on her. So I would tell her to be strong, realize he is going to grieve. She should just tell him she is there for him and also make some time for herself every day because it’s very stressful.


She sounds like a wonderful person with a huge heart wanting to know how best to help him through this. I would reach out to the hospital and see if maybe there’s someone she would be able to talk to whose been through something similar that can give her some guidance or right with his rehab people if possible. Also speaking with his parents and letting them know that she’s there for him and them and to let her know if he’s having a hard time and there’s anything she can do. My heart goes out to all of them, I can’t imagine watching your kid have to go through that.

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I was raised by a dad who is a quad, he’s was a single father to me and married when I was 10. I watched him date, I learned all the medical knowledge and spent my life doing things and understanding circumstances that most other people will never understand. I love my father and I’m rewarded by all that I learned . My dad has been paralyzed for 29 years now with a successful business and 5 kids in total. He’s one of the best men I’ll ever meet.

But given their age, she’ll fold. She has absolutely no clue the degree of care and consideration that goes into a medical and romantic relationship of that nature. It’s not just “not for the faint of heart”, it will be the most challenging thing to ever happen to him. She will never understand how he feels and he knows that, so he will most likely want to process on his own or with other like him. On the other side of that coin, I hope she has thick skin when he realizes he needs to find his independence and groove before dating someone. He will eventually realize that he will want someone who chooses him in the chair rather than in spite of it.

Maybe they’ll find their way back to each other but I doubt it


My boyfriend fell off the back of his truck in 2016 and broke his neck. He had to have emergency surgery and they said he would never walk again be paralyzed from neck down and have to breath through a ventilator. It is a scary situation and very hard and stressful on everyone involved. My boyfriend got in his mind he was gonna walk again and he took a step 3 days after surgery and then spent 2 months in an inpatient rehab facility. He does walk today but has severe nerve damage and has alot of lingering issues and will never be the same as he was. But he is alive and we take everything day by day that’s all you can do. Be there for her and him and support them the best way you can. Lots of patience is needed there will be highs and lows for sure. Just have them talk about feelings especially with each other. It’s life changing to say the least. If you or she want to reach out feel free to message me.


Look for a Bach Flower Practitioner, they will definitely help her and her poor boyfriend to cope with things. You an get the Rescue Remedy from the chemist this will assist coping with the emotional side of things. Do try it it’s amazing having to deal with such trauma xxooxx

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Make sure they both get counseling to help them

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Pray with her for this young man … God is in the business of miracles - I promise!

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Bless them both for what they are about to go through :pray:

Check this couple out!


You can support her, encourage her and listen to her the only help you can give is what is asked for.

What a strong little girl you have raised and the values and morals have stuck with her and you should be very very very proud of her for making that choice and not judging and sticking by his side . You should be one proud parent mam :heart::heart::heart:❤‍🩹


Has he been to the Shepherd center in Atlanta, Georgia? I would look into it or mention it to his parents since it’s for people with spinal injuries such as his. I know a LOT of people it’s really helped regain more function too. They’re a wonderful place and I’ve seen some huge improvements and a couple of miracles. But the best thing for your daughter to do is take it one day at a time and just be there and keep encouraging him to stay strong and keep fighting. It’s going to take a lot of time for him to adjust to his new way of life, and it also doesn’t mean it’s permanent. Just keep encouraging your daughter to be the beautiful person she is on the inside too.

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I’m telling you right now it won’t last.

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Andrea Watkins can you please help this mother out?

I’m so sorry this happened! I’ll pray for you all. I think researching as much as possible. Put together some binders maybe on things she can help with. Scheduling and routines. Research different programs that are specifically for quadriplegic individuals. Maybe help with his family in anyways possible.

Unfortunately all you can do is be there. He is grieving and she just needs to carry on being her, you need to find enough strength for you all as you will cop the brunt of the tears tantrums everything xx


Sorry to be blunt but this won’t last. She will fold. She is not of the age to even comprehend what this will entail long term. Prayers for you all.

Have her read the book ‘The Dive from Clausen’s Pier’.