So I need advice on best thing to help toddlers gain weight. My daughter is 2 years and 5 months. She is 3’2" and 25lbs. Her BMI is 12%. We give her at least 4 meals a day and 2 snacks. She drinks hole milk 4 times a day. She is on a multi vitamin. Pluse iron and vitamin d supplements. Please help.
Seems fine! Let her grow
Everything sounds good!
Cows milk is for baby cows
I’m sure she’s fine, my 5 year old is only 27lbs and 32" tall, they grow in their own time
My daughter isn’t even 2 yet and has been stuck at 24 lbs for 6 months
Pediasure drinks once or twice a day. I don’t think she’s under weight though. My 10 y.o. is 4’4" and weighs 48#. Shes super thin built and eats like a horse. On the other hand my 3 y.o. is 3’6" and 39# she’s thicker built and a finicky eater. They both wear the same size shorts and shirts
Pediasure…be sure to ask her doctor first
Sounds my kiddo, tall & skinny lol. You can try adding more protein & healthy carbs to her diet if you’re worried. Talk to her doctor too!
She seems fine. My 4 yr old weighs 35lbs I forget his exact height but Dr has never been concerned.
My grand daughter is 3 and is 20 lbs.
dr said she is fine. She eats a lot too but just petite.
As long as your little one is healthy, your probably good
My son is almost 3 and only weighs 30 lbs. all kids are built different, if your dr is not worried then it is probably what my dr calls momma worries.
My son 1 yr & 7 months and he weighs 33 lbs. We do sloppy joes, cornbread, lots of potatoes, casseroles, we fill his plate up so he can chino down. Try giving her more meat
My 3yr 6mo daughter is 37 in and 29 lbs saw dr today hes not worried at all
Maybe she’s just petite.
Oh Lord. My 4 month old is 15lb. I’m guessing she’s just chunky. If her doctor says she’s fine she’s fine. She will grow.
The dr says she needs to gain weight so her bones and muscles develop properly
My 2.5 year old is 30 inches and 24 lbs. He is perfect and healthy, he’s just a bit on the small side.
My almost 8 year old is at like 5%. We have seen a dietitian and that resulted in the “well, maybe shes just going to be tiny” and sending us on our way. She actually eats a ton of good fats, proteins and all the good recommended things. Shes 45.25" tall and 55lbs
My daughter was tiny. She ate very well. Kindergarten - 3rd grade sz 3 Toddler. Start of 7th grade sz6x-7. End of 7th grade 14 slim. She topped out at 4’11 3/4 inches. Your little one is just petite. She’ll grow in her own time just keep feeding good healthy foods.
A lady I was close to always added heavy cream to anything that needed milk. But she never gained weight.
My daughters coller bones still out and I worry but her doctors all agree she is fine. I however have always been heavy since puberty so I worried A lot. As long as she eats. And the doctors don’t worry then you don’t.
Also Pedialyte and pediasure are life savers
High calorie intake, and pediasures. Also talk to a nutritionist. That’s what we had to do when Prayers for Eleanor - Baby Lady lost weight from chemotherapy.
Pediasure once or twice a day
Mine is 4 and weighs 25 lbs the doctors are not concerned at all as all her blood work is perfect she’s just tiny and eats plenty and then some…
My son is about to turn 3 and hes 28lbs (fluctuates 1lb or so) if her doctor isnt worried neither would I, but you can try pediasures
Sounds like she eats plenty. Some kids have a higher metabolism and are just smaller. If the pediatrician isn’t worried then just let her grow at her own pace.
Butter that baby up! That good ol’ grass-fed, cultured stuff. Animal fats are amazing for brain development.
My almost 6 year old is only 34 pounds. My 2 year old is 30 pounds. All kids are different. If she’s not being malnourished she’s probably fine
Sometimes it just is the way they are. I’ve been small my whole life. I’m on my fourth child I’m 17 weeks I weighed in at 117 and now only weigh 115 I lost 5lbs the first 3 months. And I am now just gaining some. The most I have gained is 15lbs. Some kids just don’t gain I wouldn’t worry to much. My daughter is just over two and only 30lbs. But literally I barely ever gain weight I’m usually between 110-120 and it took me until high school to hit 100lbs
My 2 year old is 77% for height and 13% for weight but I’m not worried because the doctor isn’t worried. I would imagine if your doctor was terribly worried they would have given some suggestions.
She might just be petite
If your daughter is eating that much she should be ok… Some people care just built smaller or bigger
25lbs seems normal my daughter was 26lbs and 32 inches nothing was said … try pedisure
Everyone is different and if she’s eating she should be fine. Shoot I was skinny almost my entire life…graduated high school at 5’9” and weighed 98 pounds!
Consult a pediatrician. They’ll be able to assess the situation and provide you with advice tailored to your little one. Best of luck!
We gave our son pediasure
I use these core protein drinks. My daughter is 5 years old and 38 pounds at 3 feet 5 In
My 3 year old is only 25.6 lbs. doctor isn’t worried she said she is just petite. She eats all day long but poops 2 to 3 times a day
Pediasure my son gained weight like crazy
If the Dr isn’t concerned then I wouldn’t worry about it. Probobly just a fast and healthy metabolism. My daughters the same way.
Don’t over feed her she is developing naturally she will gain weight when it happens .
My daughter has always been 5% percentile and less, but has followed a curve. Nothing wrong with having a small baby my daughter is 2, and weights 23 pounds and about the same height. She’s smart and talented, and definitely not starved
keep up the good work, mama!
People come in all shapes and sizes. Some women are 6’ and 200lb and some are 5’1” and 99lb… who says ever single 2 year old has to weigh the same thing. If she eats and is happy and healthy worry about something else.
Pediasure drinks help but my son is just small like that. Totally normal.
Nido Hispanic milk it goes from 1 to 3 helps my son he is 1 years 3’3, 25 pounds and 4.0 oz
Ensure works really well, I was 70 lbs going into high school, was 80 by the end if that year. Next year, I was a healthy three inches taller and 150 lbs. That being 5’1
My son was small…ate like a adult…just the way he was built
Maybe she’s just gonna be small. Everyone is different.
Some kids are just small.
It’s ok. She obviously isn’t starving so don’t push her to be overweight someday.
Not everyone is “average” and I wish they’d shove that chart up their
My niece is the exact same way. She eats but stays so skinny.
Maybe that’s just her body…she’s just small… That’s enough food for nourishment, maybe protein shakes if more nutrients are needed but my son has always been small and his weight stayed the same for a long time.
If she’s eating great then you need to let her grow at her on pace. I think you need to let her be all kids are different
My daughter is the same weight and just turned 2 in May. Her pediatrician just said she’s petite. My 4 month old son is 26 inches long and 16 lbs. each kid is different. As long as she is healthy and happy I wouldn’t worry
My daughter is small. If the doctor isn’t concerened, I wouldn’t be either. Don’t overfeed her. Nutrition/eating problems can most definitely start this young.
Pedisure! Itll help make sure she gets all thats needed
My daughter loved the strawberry. Would give it to ger in the morning has her “breakfast shake”
She will be okay, just keep feeding her healthy foods
My little sister is 3 and she just now weighs 24 lbs she’s on her own percentile scale the doctor said as long as she’s eating drinking and healthy than there’s nothing to worry about she’s just small!
Talk to get pedi she’s probably just small.
Haha my daughter will be 5 on Saturday. She still weighs 34 lbs. Shes healthy just little!
My son was put on carnation instant breakfast to gain weight.
My 5 year old is just built small. He eats great but only weighs about 40 pounds.
You should talk to your pediatrician, not fb doctors.
She may be petite.
Get her some protein powder from GNC. MAKE good ice cream drinks for her. She will gain.
Some children are just small for stature. Not everyone fits the same mold. You’re feeding her right, I assume she’s healthy and well. Don’t worry!
I wish my kids only asked for 2 snacks🤣. All day that’s all I here.
Pediasure twice a day
This requires doctor’s advice and attention.
Try whole milk instead of hole milk.
Why are you concerned about it if she is eating normally unless she is sickly or complaining that she is hungry and don’t do all this crap people are saying like the pediasure that is just extra sugar that she doesn’t need or protein shakes or whatever
Thyroid? Take her to the Dr…
I have 2 year old he weighs 23lbs, i have a 4 year old she weighs 33lbs and I also have a 6 year old that weighs 39lbs… doctor told me asking as they are eating a healthy diet to not worry.
Her weight for her height is good. I have 9 children. Most of mine were about that same size at her age. Doctor said they were fine. People come in all shapes and sizes, so do children. As long as shes eating and is happy and healthy she is were she needs to be. Keep up the good work momma.
Pedisure grow and gain
My 2 year old that’s same height weights 23 pounds and her doctor has her pediasure but my 2 year old hardly eats when we try feeding her.
Pedisure will help my son is also very small
If she is consistently growing I wouldn’t worry, she may just be small.
Is she following her growth curve?? I spent years worried about my child being to small… She didnt hit 20 lbs till she was 4 years old. She has always maintained her growth curve and she is who she is … She now 1w years old and weights 62lbs… She is perfect just the way she is, she eats like a horse and plays hard.
Maybe pediasure and more healthy protein.
She is the same age and weight as my daughter and my daughter is perfectly healthy and thriving. She is shooting up in height right now so instead of storing body fat she is sprouting up. It’s amazing how fast those little bodies grow so I wouldn’t worry about it unless she is feeling unwell, lacking in energy, or constantly picking up sicknesses
My 2.5 year old is 3’1 and 28 pounds. She’s right at 50th percentile for weight so I wouldn’t think your daughter was that far off. If your doctor isn’t concerned I would say she’s just a little kid.
My 2 1/2 year old same way 26lb solid muscle and 3 ft tall. Girl goes like the energizer bunny an eats like a horse. Some kids just are this way. I mean genetics play roles. If she is eatting well as you say then its not malnourishment. Some kids just are chunky, some are not I wouldnt worry alot about it.
When my son was little (3 yrs old) my parents gave him Boost or Ensure Plus calories…not the kids version of Pediasure but the adult kind…1/2 bottle each day…it worked…he slowly gained some lbs by the time her started kinder…it has to say “Plus calories)
Some kids are just smaller than other. My first was huge and chunky. She was wearing 2T by the time she was 1. My second was small and petite. She never was as big or as chunky as my first. Point is as long as she is eating healthy dont worry. Especially as she gets older. You dont want her to be ashamed of her natural body
My middle was the same way. She is almost 6 niw and finally hit 33 pounds. Shes just skinny. None of her drs have ever worried. She eats healthy, and if she goes in one of her i hate food kicks, she gets pediasure.
Literally my daughter is the EXACT weight and height, we have the same struggle of her gaining weight. She is on vitamin D, eats three solid meals, snack inbetween meals and homo milk throughout the day! My doctor said no to using pediasure, he said some kids are just this way and has no concerns for her.
We teach her to love her body no matter her size, we know she’s healthy and that’s all that matters.
My daughter is 36” and only 28lbs… she’s in 5th percentile for height and 42nd for weight… some kids are just small… I’m only 5’2” so she is just gonna be little like me
My daughter is 28lbs at 2yrs 4months, she’s tall, also. I wouldn’t worry unless your doc is suggesting to try to put weight one your child.
My daughter is 2.5 and weighs 27 pounds. I would assume she is just a little petite. If shes eating then it’s normal.
Be careful with the iron, my son was on it and it ruined one of his teeth. He’s 3 1/2 and just hit 29 lbs. He eats like crazy but he takes after his dad who has high metabolism and we’re both small. So his doctor isnt concerned.
Probiotics. But have to say, I would not worry about a child’s weight til they are 18.