How to increase milk supply?

I had a c-section on June 13th. My baby is 7 weeks old today. I’ve been really missing breastfeeding her. I had to stop after she was a week old because she couldn’t latch properly at every feed, only sometimes (she had a tongue tie at birth), and she lost a significant amount of weight and would not poop or pee. I started birth control pills (Alysena 28) 10 days ago. Just wondering if it is possible for me to stop taking my pills and start breastfeeding again? I read that you can re-build your supply if your baby is under 6 months old. Am I too late? Will the birth control pills affect me at attempting to breastfeed again? Can I start putting her on my breast with the birth control pills still in my system, if not how long should I wait?


Get on birth control that is safe for breastfeeding. Get her tongue tie fixed and go for it.


Agree with above! Coming from someone who Dr’s never clipped my tongue please just tell them you want it clipped now so u can breastfeed. The mouth heals very quickly and it’s not bad when they are really young

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Call a lactation consultant or contact La Leche

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Her tongue tie was clipped right after birth


Unfortunately ties can reattach if not doing the exercises correctly. I would reach back out to have it rechecked. As well as maybe some missed ones(tongue/cheeks):yellow_heart:

My problem was lazy babies. After a break, they wanted to bottle. It was easier for them. Talk to a doctor and your child’s pediatrician. While skin to skin is important, so is proper nutrition. Mine are grown now and it never crosses my mind if we would be closer had I been able to breastfeed.

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You should go talk to your doctor or ask your health nurse for advice hun their, there to help. I think you need to be on the mini pill to breast feed safely but otherwise I say go for it you could probably do both bottle and breast but check with a health professional first just to be sure. Good luck there’s nothing like breastfeeding I still miss it and I feed all 5 of mine last one until she was nearly 3. :grinning: :+1:

Pump and bottle feed if she cant latch correctly.

I wouldn’t recommend getting implanon or nexplanon for birth control if you switch because it dried up my supply within the first week I was on it. Power pumping is a good thing to do as stated above in one of the pictures posted. Good luck!

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Yes you can! Also my son wouldnt latch so i pumped :two_hearts:

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GIRL THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY!!! fenugreek or malunggay supplements, milky mama snacks and drinks, diet- contact your lactation consultant ASAP to make a game plan and make it happen. you can DEFINITELY do this!!! work with your lac until her latch works for you guys- we found out 3 mo late that my girl had a lip tie; we exclusively pumped but only bc I had terrible PPD and didn’t get the help I needed. with my twins i am so excited to breastfeed again!!! YOU GOT THIS!

My son is 6 months old, I stopped breast feeding after 3 weeks and my supply still tries to start again and I’m in birth control. I’m on nexplanon so I’m not sure if different birth controls make a difference but I’d look into it if you really want to breast feed.