How to increase milk supply?

Babies are more efficient than pumping so that may be why you’re not seeing as much when you pump. Make sure you’re pumping on the highest suction you can handle, make sure all connections are tight and change out your pump valves. Lactation nurses are an amazing resource for pumping and nursing.

I’ve seen people say Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, maybe Google it. Not talking from experience x

Lactation cookies and tea. Beer. Drinking lots of water.

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What’s the deal with someone posting about cashapp under every post ?

Body armor drinks, coconut water drinks, Dr Pepper & Root Beer, BEER, oatmeal, lactation cookies, oatmeal creme pies :joy:

in Asia, we drink green papaya soup or raw peanut soup for the 1st month and these helped me… been breastfeeding 4 years continuously for my 2 kids…

I have heard body armor is really good for breastfeeding mamas

After my first was born I wouldn’t lactate the whole time we were in the hospital (cesarean) I was super worried cause my baby wouldn’t take a bottle to save his life, once I got home my sister brought me over Barq’s root beer and some mixed nuts, ate half the bag, drank half the bottle, took a nap, woke up soaked and it was a good thing cause little man was clearly very hungry and still never took to a bottle, not even pumped!!

Was told drink plently and make sure you eat .
But with my second my milk dried up fast and no amount of fluid helped.
Keep trying if you can’t express enough do a bottle of formula as hard as it is its for the best.
We had to substitute formula into her diet then i totally dried up so had to switch which wasn’t so hard for baby as she had both.
Hard for me like a bitter pill midwife did explain it can happen

I’ve heard that body armor drinks work awesome!!!

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The baby gets more out than the pump will. But to increase supply for storage just stay very hydrated. Body armor drinks are great for this


Munchkin brand makes Lactation Cookie Bites that not only work to increase breast milk supply, but as a bonus, are absolutely delicious

Alright I read through all of these comments to see if someone had already said it but they haven’t so…. FENUGREEK will turn you into a milk machine in no time. It’s an herb recommended by my lactation specialist (because I was struggling with my supply too and none of that other stuff worked) and you can get it at GNC stores. Fair warning though… you may start to smell a hint like maple syrup, and you can get engorged QUICK.

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I made lactating smoothies and lots of water

Oat meal
Body Armor
They have tea

Drink Red raspberry leaf tea :leaves:

Body armor drinks help a lot and also a good liquid vitamin supplement (I use Buiced) works wonders. Keep pumping on a schedule. Eventually your body will follow your lead and produce more.

Increase your water intake and eat oatmeal. After nursing pump right after.

Drink lots of water!

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Have you tried the body armor drinks? They helped me.

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Hi momma. It is possible to see a dip in supply around your cycle. Some woman take magnesium supplements during this time to help.

With that being said tho, breastfeeding is supply and demand. The more you nurse/pump, the more you make.

Anything you eat or drink that ups your supply is only a temporary fix and really just means your body is lacking calories or hydration.

Unless you’re strictly pumping, pumping is never an indication of supply as babe is much more efficient than a pump.


I make more when I get my period

I found if I drank water like crazy I could produce more breast milk when I pumped.


You can take magnesium and calcium supplements to help boost during your period if it’s that big a drop.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to increase milk supply? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to increase milk supply? - Mamas Uncut

You should take calcium and magnesium to help with supply dips during your cycle

Body armor drinks and oatmeal are what ive been hearing…

Start pumping more, google power pumping to increase supply

Body Armors! Electrolit drinks, it’s like adult Pedialyte.

Drink plenty of water and keep latching. You can also power pump. Try brewers yeast pills also.

Take magnesium and calcium to balance your body

I can’t drink the body armor drinks but my sister told me to drink Gatorade and I definitely see a big increase in my milk i just pumped all of this

Lots and lots of water. When I had my first I practically lived off of almonds, yogurt, and oatmeal. For me they helped increase my supply with the help of lots of water

Drink one beer it helps mine

Powerade helped me alot I would drink one in the morning and had a noticeable change in the amount I was producing in the afvo

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Hydrated. Pump or nurse often. It will go back up after your period.

Body armor to keep hydrated. Oatmeal cream pies always helped my supply too.

Brewers yeast pills and fenugreek pills worked great for me!

I drank a pink drink from starbs and that helped a lot. I also power pumped .

I never had this issue the first time around, but always did with my second child. I’d start this at least a few days before my scheduled period, until the end.

I was always told drink more water. Also, we got this tea called Mother’s milk.

Drink body armor drinks, helped me immensely!

Fenugreek! It helped immensely with my supply.

It happened to me with all 3. Best advice I got was from the lactation nurse was Don’t Stress!!! I lost my whole supply freaking out with the first one. Just power through! It will rebound when you’re done

Your milk will take a dip when you are on your period. There is alot of great help on Exclusively Exclusive Pumping- Evidence Based Support Group join!

Oats helped a lot with my milk supply when I was first nursing, I used to make oatmeal cookies all the time and it helped immensely. Also drink lots and lots of water

Water intake and oatmeal

not a breatsfeeding mama but I hear body Armor works help my friend that breatsfeed hope it help mama

Please avoid fenugreek. It’s known to have the opposite effect and can completely tank your supply even more.

Oats, mothers milk tea, body amor, fenugreek, coconut water\milk, plenty of water, power pumping helps too.

I used tinctures and supplements to increase my milk supply. A quick Google search will tell you the different options and then see what works for you

How old is baby? Usually once you offer solid foods natural course would be to decrease the amount of milk baby needs. Your period returns because of this. Offer a cup with either Milk or a supplement or pump breast milk.

When little one is done eating pump for about 10 minutes. Even if your breasts are empty this will convince them that you are feeding another child and your milk supply will increase, this was always my foolproof method in combination with drinking a good body armor and eating some trail mix. Every single time I pumped after he was done feeding it put me into oversupply and my freezer stock was crazy

Can I ask what makes you think they’re not getting enough breast milk? A lot of times I was doubting myself and people were telling me my little one was still hungry because he woke so frequently at night but that was not the case at all and I had many people try to pressure me and to giving him bottles and whenever I would try he would get sick from overfeeding

Pump more often even if its just a little keep pumping and drink lots of water,

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to increase milk supply? - Mamas Uncut

Lots of water and frequent pumping. Barley and oats help. Mamas cookies. Emergency Cookies - 1 Dozen – Milky Mama Canada

He may not be latching on properly and that’s why he’s not staying on. See if there’s a local bf support group for advice. Pumping does stimulate to a degree but not as much as feeding but if you’re getting some then that’s fine. Formula is fine too. Breast isn’t best, fed is best. Please please don’t stress yourself out over this as that won’t help your supply either.


Body armor drinks helped me and lactation cookies! I found em at Walmart. Also making sure you have proper fitting flanges helps


Do it every two hrs for 15 minutes will really help.

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Drink Body Armor, eat oatmeal every day. Pump every 3 hours and power pump twice a day. That’s what I did and I went from having to supplement with formula (1-2 bottles a day) to producing enough to feed my baby and I’ve built up quite the stash in my freezer (I’ve got well over 200 oz frozen). Once it comes in you can stop power pumping but your body is not going to produce more if youre not stimulating it into doing so.

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Do not drink body armor, if body armor works it just means you’re dehydrated. theres so many sugars in it its not worth it. jsut drink lots of water and make sure youre eating enough food, body needs fuel to produce. pump/nurse on a schedule and try not to get off of it. if you nurse use a hakkaa pump on the breast baby is not on to keep demand up and thus keep supply up.

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I am having the same problem and my baby is 6 weeks old too! Pumping does not work for me even with fitting. Something I did try and helped with latching was the nipple shields I put them on for a few days and then my baby latched good and did not need them anymore ever since then and hydrating a lot I’ve been putting my baby to breast even if I have to supplement with formula and I feel like my supply is slowly increasing. Yesterday morning and today I woke up with fuller breasts :relaxed: I hope it’s working

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Are you taking prenatal vitamins? So the thing with the body armor is it has vitamins you would find in your prenatal vitamins. Also coconut water is hydrating.

I’ve taken to drowning myself :sweat_smile: I drink half my weight in oz (if I’m 150lbs, I’ll drink 75oz of water) per day.
I also drink oat milk which is nasty, but I like to use this kind and make overnight oats which are also good for milk production.
I’ve recently started skin-to-skin again, usually in a warm shower, I’ll have her on my chest while I sit down.

BUT. I also know that sometimes you simply cannot help it. Have your PCP run a Prolactin lab and see where your levels are at. I’ve done EVERYTHING “right” and still had my Prolactin drop and my supply diminish.
Remember that while it’s disappointing, fed IS best.

Many hugs Mama :hugs: :two_hearts:

What about the Haakaa breast pump? I’ve heard some great reviews on it.

I wish I had advice however I never produced enough for any of my 4. Just so you know it is ok if this happens to you. It caused me depression after being made to feel bad for not being able to breast feed.


I’m trying to up my supply too. But my situation is different.

I had an amazing supply when my son was born, my third child. My baby boy is 3mo and 10 days old,and my supply went down. I think it’s because I’m getting to tired to try to pump him milk every time. He has a cleft palate. I didn’t know at the time, but before I even had him, I wanted him to eat from a bottle from birth. But, as soon as he was born, they rushed him to NICU. The first 24hrs they fed him threw a tube that went down his throat.

On his second Check up, we discovered the cleft palate. The doc was surprised that it wasn’t noticed as he was born. So now I know he can’t even latch onto me.
I’ve been drinking the tea for a week and my milk supply went from less then half an oz all the time to half an oz all the way to 2 1/2oz. It’s only sometimes tho. That’s why I’ma start power pumping tomorrow. When Im not busy.

Drink plenty of water, juice, soups, broth and avoid too much caffeinated drinks or those with straight sugar. Try a nipple shield, it mimics bottle nipples if he’s not latching. You can also call a lactation consultant. And mother’s milk tea, oatmeal cookies or just oatmeal. There’s also Ben and Jerry’s oatmeal ice cream!

Be consistent and try not to stress. I know it’s easier said than done. Routine and keep trying.

Also if you happen to just use formula, a fed baby is a happy baby.

Keep taking your prenatal vitamins. You got this mama!

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Drink more and let your baby suckle off you that supposed to stimulate your milk production good luck

Stop pumping. Only breast feed. I was just like you. Pump myself dry. The milk will.come if you breast feed him


You make more breastmilk depending how much the baby drinks. Few women respond to breastpumps and baby isn’t making more milk by how much he drinks if you’re feeding him formula.

Donperidone was a life changer for me. After having such a difficult time with milk production with my first baby I had the same issue with the second, I took that prescription and it was amazing and encouraging to pump because I was actually seeing results.


I never managed to keep enough supply for my 2. Was fine at first then gradually reduced and dried up completely within 3 weeks.
Lots of water , lots of rest , put baby to the breast every feed and top up with formula
If hes latched on properly then spitting out the nipple theres probably little milk.
Dont stress yourself…formula is fine and better than a hungry baby

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Don’t pump and only breastfeed. Baby is turning away the breast because bottle is easier and doesn’t take as much work to suck the milk flow.

Get yourself some dark beer like guiness and drink one a day. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to it for a little extra. I know it sounds crazy but it works great.

Moringa capsules :heart: still breastfeeding my son, 1 year, 7 months and counting. I didn’t experience this with my first son because I didn’t take moringa capsules back then

The more frequent your nipples are being stimulated the more milk you produce.

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More baby is to boob the more milk you will make. Drink lots of water, eat well balanced meals, and don’t stress about it. Be careful with anything with fenugreek. It can help supply or kill it.


Have you tried nipple shields? They are amazing

My experience is, YOU eat more and drink more. Its these skinny, little women who can’t produce enough milk. Theres a reason you naturally put on more weight when you are pregnant. I feel its nature’s way to build for the new life that depends on your body to nurture it’s development. The trick is not to gain too much. Good luck. In addition, find a LaMacha group of women. Other mothers are a marvelous wealth of information. Good luck.

Meet with an ibclc. Have baby checked for oral ties and have your pump flanges fitted correctly.

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Everytime you eat you produce milk so just keep eating

Peanut butter…one of my friends started eating like a teaspoon a few times a day and her milk supply increases greatly

If you don’t have a pump get one stay on a strict pumping schedule the more you empty the more you will make pump like every two hours and power pumping Adleast once a day stay hydrated and make sure you are getting enough calories


I found eating oats or blitzing them into a smoothie made a difference. Steel cut oats worked better than normal oats. Good luck xx

I have heard that drinking body armor helps a lot!

I had a lady suggest fenugreek capsules. Three capsules 2x a day. The smell like maple syrup. That was 10 years ago though.

I am a grandma and nursed my girls. My last daughter was in the hospital for 6 weeks and my milk supply was going down and I used an electric breast pump. I reached out for some help and I was told try brewers yeast. I got some from the health food store and mixed it in juice. It did not taste good but my milk supply doubled. When she was strong enough she did nurse but took a while. The same daughter as a young mother had difficulty nursing and trying different things out she ended up using a nursing shield. Don’t give up just relax and know you are trying. Good luck❤

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these lactation cookies helped me a lot- I went from about 2 ounces from a pump to 8 ounces in both bottles. and they are really yummy also.

I wasn’t able to breast feed cause I had to start back on my Crohn’s medication but I remember the lactation nurse telling me to try not to stimulate mine at all. To make sure I kept my back turned in the shower to keep the hot water from running over them. Make sure I didn’t massage them even when drying off and to wear a bra even to sleep in for the first couple of weeks. All of these things helped and I never drop any milk. So I’m wondering if doing them would help your supply or if that was just to make sure it didn’t come in the first place. He was 16 days early and a csection and I never even had a drop.

I had a friend who had complications getting her milk to produce until she started drinking body armour. It may work for you momma! I wish you the best of luck :crossed_fingers:

Mothers milk tea, oatmeal, and Armour drinks

Oatmeal, but also sometimes (for me especially) pumping just didn’t stimulate my supply enough. I nursed my 3rd for nearly 3 years, yet for my 4th my husband and i divorced and I had to pump every other week, my supply dried up in 4 months. :disappointed:

The more you pump and the more the baby cries and latches the more you produce. The main thing is hydration. You need to be drinking a ton. Also the hand pump worked better for me than any electric pump.

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Breast pump or baby latching on regularly even if nothing comes out it stimulates production. You could also try fenugreek the natural herb is supposed to help production but if you contact your lactation consultant they can prescribe hormones to help. Also if you are on a cambination birth control that can interfear with production.

It’s weird that you produce more milk with a girl than you do a boy.

Drink as much water as you can!

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