So I need some advise on breast milk supply when baby starts to sleep through the night, from people who are experienced in it… My daughter is my second baby, shes 2 months old today , my first was bottle fed though due to issues in the hospital and having to put him on a bottle (couldnt get him back on the breast after) and then I dried up from pumping all the time and had to switch to formula, also he didnt sleep through the night until I sleep trained him. Well my issue is that I’ve fed on demand from the beginning, never really needed to wake her since she was a month old. Shes spread out her feeding at night for the last month which is fine, but lately shes been going more and more nights without eating for 8-10 hrs. Whether she wakes or not, she just isn’t interested in eating. I feel like my supply may be dropping, my question is, is that something I should worry about ? Should I wake up and pump half way through ? Or will my body adjust to her new schedule shes made for herself and still produce enough milk during the day ? I dont want to have to switch another baby to formula if I can avoid it. If I can avoid having to wake in the night that’d be great too, since I also have a 2 year old son, but am willing to if need be. TIA.
Baby will get what she needs from you during the day even if she slows down at night. Feeding=production. My son is about the same age and doing the same thing. My daughter did it too. I pump throughout the day in between feedings and it helps my milk supply come in more. Also if you’re worried about your supply dropping there are lactation support drink mix.
Following, as I’m in the same situation. My baby is 5 months old and sleeps through the night almost 10 hours without eating and I’m exclusively breastfeeding so i dont pump or bottle feed him but I always wake up engorged. He also doesn’t eat very much during the day either.
Get up and pump your milk and freeze it. It is freezable and that way you will have so.e spares I. Case you catch a bug or something.
He won’t starve to death as long as you keep feeding him. If he’s gaining weight and growing you have nothing to fear if however he’s not gaining you need to consult your baby doctor.
My body adjusted in a week or so. I’d be super full when she woke after 8-10 hours. If you do happen to notice a dip you can always stay up later than her and pump one time before you go to bed. Maybe at 11 or so
Pump and drink water if she wint feed.
You should pump so your supply won’t go down.