How to increase milk supply?

How do i increase my milk supply? She a new born but i had to star formula feeding because i have really low milk supply! But i really want to breast feed!


Pump! Pump! Pump! Make sure your boobies are completely empty after each feeding.

Fennel essential oil from young living!

Like the other ladies said if you’re not feeding, pump as much as possible. And try to empty both breasts completely after each feeding.

My doc told me a half a can of beer. The yeast helps. But pump for the 1st 24hrs after having the beer and toss out.

Feed baby then pump repeat every feeding.

Get with an IBCLC asap! Pump or put baby to the breast as much as possible. At least 10-12 times in a 24hr period. Its all supply and demand. Supplementing will hurt your supply even more if you do not pump with every feeding. Remember an infants tummy is miniscule.

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I found drinking tons of water helped.

Baby to breast more often. The more you use formula and supplement, the more your supply can suffer.

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Pump after every feeding or at least every 2 hour and drink lots of water

If baby will latch have baby cluster feed to help boost your supply. And pump as much as you can! Don’t use supplements until you are sure nothing else is helping your supply increase. Check out I used them with my son when my supply was decreasing and it helped me :blush:

If she’s a newborn, how do you know you have a low supply?
New babies are on the boob often, they up your supply themselves. Supply and demand situation.
Gaining weight? 6+ wet diapers?
Supplementing only hurts your supply. If your concerned because you started pumping and dont have a lot to show, don’t worry. Pump output doesn’t signify low supply.
Drink lots of water, coconut water helps a lot!


I went to a breastfeeding clinic and they suggested fenugreek and this! Its a feeding tube connected the bottle and your nipple. It feeds the baby, yet since the baby is still sucking, it produces more breast milk. Skin on skin helps increase supply as well. (Picture is not me)

Eat more food!!! The more you eat the more milk you make.

Lactogenic smoothies , oats, chia seeds, brewers yeast and flaxseed

Steel oats, water, record her crying and watch it when you pump to trigger more let downs! :two_hearts:

Fresh orange juice. Wash the oranges bf juicing advacado and pecans

She is most likely cluster feeding which is the best way to up your supply

Lots of water. I pumped after feeding and every 2 hours to make my supply really build up. I also loved these lactation energy bites.

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How old is your baby? Your milk isn’t even established until about 8 weeks. Drink tons and tons of water, eat oatmeal. There is a body armor drink that really helps keep my supply up. Let baby nurse whenever for however long they want on demand. Be careful with fenugreek as it can make baby really gassy and fussy and has a chance of making your supply truly drop. You can also pump to help. The best time is early morning, that’s when you produce the most. It’s exhausting the pumping the nursing among everything else that needs done, but totally worth it.

I agree with Jody Lee about the cookies…I used them my last pregnancy and I found it helped

Find lacation treats like cookies or bars. Also fenugreek helped me ALOT

Have you had your baby checked for a tongue and lip tie?

Are you still taking your prenatals? That helps me, and lots of water. Also, when she is done eating, maybe you can pump so it triggers more

Smoothies…oatmeal and PUMP PUMP PUMP lmao. drink lots of water. If u want to use a bottle full of breast milk then do so…and if u feel she isnt getting enough, your doing the right thing by giving formula.

Your first child is always hard to feed. Your milk is just learning to come in.

The most u can do is pump after feedings and between to make it come out more.

Yeasty beer 1 a night.