Hi mommies so I have a few questions about breast feeding. Let me start off by saying I pumped with my first. That’s what worked for me and I didn’t mind pumping. I’m wondering though can you start pumping before before your due date ? Even if it’s just for a short amount of time few times a day? (38 weeks) Can you start pumping at the hospital right after delivery? And with my first I ate lactation cookies and would drink milk flow packets in my water 2 times a day. Can I start eating and drinking those sooner then my due date ? Thank you in advance!!!
Ask your doctor, but from what I’ve heard no to pumping early. Idk about the hospital. Again I’d ask your OB though
No pumping before baby can cause you to go into labor. And if you pump right after you have the baby it can cause you to have an over supply so they say. I pumped a week after I had my son and was fine.
They don’t advise you to start pumping prior to birth because it triggers uterine contractions and thus can start labor. (That’s great for AFTER because it helps the uterus return to its normal size.)
I’ve always heard not to pump because it can cause early labor. But I’m not sure about the rest. I’m following for those! I would assume you can pump right after delivery if you’re wanting to Exclusively pump instead of latching. I’ve heard its best to latch then pump to get a steady flow and not an over supply but it’s up to you.
Ask your midwife. My midwife gave me permission to start antenatally expressing at 38 weeks, even providing syringes, so when my daughter arrived on her due date I had about 30mls of colostrum stored which was used while I was establishing breastfeeding
As to right AFTER labor, yes, you should be able to. Most babies will actually start rooting for the nipple and breastfeed within an hour of birth.
I pumped right after birth and had an oversupply.
I’d wait to start pumping after you have the baby. I pumped right after my youngest son was born because he was in the NICU and I couldn’t hold him to breast feed. The hospital gave me a pump to use while I was there.
No pumping before baby bc it can cause early labor.
No. Unless you want to go into labor at 38 weeks because pumping will stimulate your breasts therefore stimulate your uterus to contract
Full term pregnancy starts at 37 wks… Idk if you want to aim at the full 40 but if you pump now it can trigger labor.
You can freeze breast milk for uo to 3 months, but fresh is best due to freezing it can lead to some lost nutrients.
Pumping didn’t"t work for me.
Check out Milky Mamas Breastfeeding Support they can answer these questions and have a few specialist in the group
I don’t know about pumping before birth, but my lactation consultant had me pumping on the 2nd day after giving birth. I wanted to strictly breastfeed, but my son wasn’t getting enough colostrum for his sugar to stay at a healthy level. So she brought me the pump so that I could give him as much as possible until my milk came in. I ended up having to supplement him a bottle twice though
Pumping before can trigger labor. Plus your milk after birth is colostrum which the baby needs. Once you have baby, they will let you feed or pump, whichever if you want
I pumped right after birth and was making so much milk I was miserable… like 6 oz off each boob every 4 hours and would wake up soaked at night…even my husband would be soaked lol
Still gonna do it again tho. I’d rather have too much milk than not enough
Pumping causes contractions I wouldnt start that yet, yes you can pump after delivering your baby. Yes you can start the lactation cookies and milk flow now it doesnt harm baby.
Wait til baby is born to pump. You can pump right away - my son went right to the NICU and I pumped later in the day he was born
Ask your doctor, but from what I’ve heard no to pumping early. Idk about the hospital. Again I’d ask your OB though
No. It can cause early labour, and the colostrum is the most important part for baby.
I pumped early morning on my induction day. With baby 6… It caused contractions…only thing besides sex that actually sent me into labor.