How to increase milk supply?

Hi mommies question for moms who breast-fed. I pumped with my first cause he wouldn’t latch on and I got a good 5oz if not more every time I pumped. I want to pump again with my second. What are some things you did to increase you milk supply. How many’s times in between, cookies, certain foods? Anything ! Thank you !!! :blush:

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Best way to increase supply is to empty more frequently and completely :raised_hands:t2: making sure flanges fit properly, eating and drinking enough, and sleep​:two_hearts:

I’m a mum of 4 and i have never had a low milk supply but i found that my milk would increase after drinking water and eating fruit and veggies :slight_smile: could be different for other breastfeeding mum’s though

I breast fed my first baby till 31months. Best way to increase milk supply is to drink lots of water, always have some soup(veggies specially)always eat green leafy foods.

Definitely look into the group milky momma’s on here, it’s a huge help and thanks to what I learned there I’m still going strong at 21mos!

I had a script for domperidone with my most recent LO which was great, I still make a batch of lactation cookies every week that contains brewers yeast and Oates. I tried a few supplements that were a bit useless for me however they seem to work well for others. Every body is different, I’m not pumping well since the domperidone stopped and have read some women have needed it ongoing, also read it can cause a dip when you stop taking it :woman_shrugging:

Oatmeal every morning

Juice, especially pineapple juice. I think I did pineapple strawberry banana. I breastfed all 3 kids at least 1 year.

Lots of water, oatmeal, fenugreek, Gatorade, almonds

Didn’t do anything extra just pumped every 2 hours and pumped more then enough each time

Just stay consistent and eat healthy, drink lots of water. They have a tea called mother’s milk, I’m currently BF with my 2nd. My first I fed for 2years but couldn’t pump at all… luckily this time I am able to. Every time I would nurse, I would pump the opposite side, just start slow with one pump, you have to basically train your boobs produce, good luck

Blue Gatorade
Oatmeal once a day
Lactation cookies
Mothers milk tea