I have a question Id like to ask the moms as I’m expecting my first in June.
With this being my first child I wanted to know what supplements has everyone used that worked best for them for breastfeeding?
Recent family members who have had babies dried up fairly quickly and I truly want to at-least try to breastfeed and produce breast milk!
Any advice? Tips? Or products anyone highly recommends?
Thanks in advance!
Just honestly stay hydrated as heck water and gatorsde
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Fenugreek seeds , there is a lot of pins on Pinterest that I used for milk production , I was able to until my youngest daughter turned 2
Just honestly stay hydrated as heck water and gatorsde
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Fenugreek and mother’s milk tea! Supply doubled almost immediately.
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Oatmeal and Gatorade that helped me
Being hydrated and upping my protein intake helped but I prefer Milky Mama. Lots of tasty treats and drinks all formulated by a lactation consultant and nurse. Also, fenugreek has the chance to dry you up faster.
Keep your boobs dry or you’ll get thrush and so will your baby. Big problem i had
oats, oatmilk, coconut milk, coconut water.
if you pump, just know that isnt a good indication of your supply, as not all women respond to a pump and babies can get more out than a pump can.
Fenugreek mothers milk tea stay super hydrated eat every time you’re hungry get enough rest and feed your baby in the first hour of being born so you can get help with latching while in the hospital if you need any.
Oatmeal and water. Drink lots and lots of water. And only pump when you have to.
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Drink plenty of water you will produce
Breastfeeding is supply and demand driven. Nurse, nurse, nurse that baby all the time. Meet with an international board certified lactation consultant in the hospital to help show you how to properly latch etc.
Honestly drink a ton of water but the best advice i ever got in all the advice was to continue to put baby to breast. The more baby latches and nurses, the more your body will make. My baby girl was a month preemie and she was too little to suck, it took about three weeks to get her to only want breastmilk and by one minth she was not even interested in a bottle only boob. And my supply was in by then pretty well. For a while I pumped at first so I could do bottles in public and so I had to kinda even put my supply but now 7 months in and she eats food and nurses and I still have a good supply, she still nurses all the time.
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Mothers milk and lactation cookies, brownies and smoothies
Body armor drinks help me stay hydrated. Working on 18 months BFing
Drink a lot of water and atleast one Gatorade a day… eating oatmeal and fruit helps… walmart sells lactation cookies
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If you like beer drink a beer. The yeast in it doubled my supply over night. Anytime Id start dropping id just drink another one
Fenugreek can make some women lose their milk so I wouldn’t risk it in case you are one of those women. Coconut milk works well, lots of water for hydration, and lots of high protein food. You need an extra 500 calories a day for milk production. Pump pump pump!!! The body is supply and demand. The more you pump after every feeding the more you will produce, plus when you freeze it, that extra stash will come in handy later. Feed the baby on demand too, day or night. Mine is 11 months soon and we’re still going strong. You can do this, it can be hard work at times but as long as you stay dedicated you will be fine.
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Put the baby to breast every 1-2 hours the first 6 weeks. It’s very time consuming and exhausting but it works. I struggled with my first child because I worked and didn’t respond to a pump. I’m a stay at home mom and we are 8 months ebf. He nurses constantly still every two hours. Just don’t let the baby go more than 2 hours without nursing, your supply will drop. It’s all about supply and demand they take more out you make more.
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There is a certain tea you can buy. I think it’s called motherhood.
$15 on Amazon and it’s almost doubled my supply. I also drink one body armour a day and that helps as well.
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Be VERY careful with Fenugreek. It can help but it can also dry you up. Coconut water, oatmeal, Body armor deinks, lactation cookies and drink mixes.
Nurse nurse nurse and nurse some more
I ate alot of oatmeal, drank at least 5 to 6 bottles of water a day (16oz), and i found a woman locally who made breast milk cookie. That had natural and safe ingredients that also included fenugreek. They also sell different supplements and teas that contain fenugreek. I was able to breastfed and pump ALOT the first 6 months. After that, i couldnt keep up between 2 kids, and work so i started weaning my baby off the breast
supplements are usually not needed. breastfeeding is supply and demand. you have to eat to make the milk. baby has to eat to tell your body you need more milk. things with fenugreek can sometimes backfire and lower your supply.
Mothers milk tea at Walmart was a game changer for us.