Question for other moms
Has any mothers after months of being dried up decided to get their milk back and successfully do so? If so what did you do?..
My baby is now five months and has been on formula 90% of her life. But after research and how formula affects her I want to breast feed I thought it was to late but I’m being told it’s not impossible. That it’s actually very attainable. Is this true? I only know that breast milk my baby almost never spit up but any formulas she has.
A lactation consultant told me putting babe to breast would help, and lots of skin to skin.
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Not impossible but may be hard. Oatmeal cookies, and lactation cookies from Walmart. I didnt have much luck with anything though. I never got enough in to completely stop formula, And have you tried enfamil ar? Our lo used to spit up alot then we switched and in less then a week he completely stopped spitting up. Good luck momma
Yeah, you can relactate. I know a lot of people talk about fenugreek and drinking tons of water.
It is very possible! I know a few that have been successful at it
Pump every two hours and take Mother’s milk tea along with fenugreek. I had terrible milk production and this helped me successfully nurse until 7 months
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Make homemade lactation cookies. There’s tons of recipes on Pinterest. I made no bake ones but whatever you prefer. Power pumping does a lot. Don’t drink alcohol. It will lower your supply. Even if people tell you to drink dark beer, don’t. They are referring to the barley in it which barley helps but alcohol doesn’t.
Get to a IBCLC they can help. Adoptive parents can breast feed. There is a prescription available.
I still lactate after 3.5 years… Help. Lol
Brewers yeast! Look up lactation cookies recipe with brewers yeast in them. I also put the yeast in smoothies n i made sooo much milk. Stay well hydrated n latch baby as often as possible n pump every 2 hours.
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No food or drink is proven to increase or cause supply so ignore those suggestions. Get an SNS system and put baby to breast as much as possible. It is highly possible they lost the memory and ability to latch correctly so you will need an IBCLC. Stay hydrated, eat 500 extra calories a day. Stay away from Fenugreek. Make sure you’re pumping every 3hrs for at least 20 minutes. It will take time, it will not be an immediate thing. Someone women don’t respond well to pumps.