How to increse milk supply?

A few days, maybe a week ago I asked about allowing my two month old sleep through the night as opposed to getting her out of bed for night feedings.
I’ve been letting her sleep and that’s been great.
However I am so paranoid of losing my milk supply I will wake up and do a quick pump in the middle of the night when I feel let downs.
Am I being crazy :joy:
Has anyone had issues with their milk supply after baby sleeps through the night?

I struggled a lot getting my milk supply in and almost was forced to do formula. I have a lot of chronic illnesses that hinder milk production so that is why I’m so paranoid about keeping my boobs on schedule

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Breast milk is supply and demand so if your not feeding or pumping in the night, usually, your supply will go down. So no you’re not crazy

I exclusively pumped as baby wouldn’t latch but my milk supply would drop if I didn’t pump every 3-4hrs I had to set alarms to wake and pump but that was just my experience

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My almost 3 month old wakes once at night. Goes to bed at 8. Wakes at midnight-1am for a feeding, then sleeps the rest of the night til about 630-7. I’ve never noticed my supply dropping. But he also feeds alot during the day.
I’ve gotten into a schedule of pumping for 10 min on each side before bedtime.

If your baby is sleeping through the night. I would suggest to pump before bed. Then also have an alarm set to pump every 2-3 hours at night. Just to keep your supply up.
I also suggest to check out Milky Mama, LLC for lactation supplements if needed. I’ve heard the lady leche oil is great to bring up supply.

You could also do dream feeding if you don’t want your supply to drop

Stopping feeding in the night that young will definitely lower your supply. If you don’t pump you may not produce enough to feed the first year. Also, a pump doesn’t completely empty a breast the way a baby does so it will decrease anyway. At 2 months they still need to nurse throughout the night. They are lossing all those hours of getting nutrients. Liquids go right through you, that’s why the feed so much.

Yeah you gotta pump on schedule! I did every 4 hours even thru the night

I am probably one of the few overproducers. Peanut started sleeping through the night at 2 months and my supply has actually continued to increase. I breast feed on demand and pump after each feeding, and get 6-8 oz after each feeding still. I’ve had to start pumping and dumping since my freezer is full and my breasts become extremely heavy and sore if I don’t.

Pump at night you will lose it if not

Honestly 2 months old you shouldnt be letting sleep through the night