How to keep a marriage alive?

Marriage is hard with a 6 month old. We work full time jobs, as well as run a full time business together. Counseling isn’t really an option with our work schedules. Anyone have a favorite daily devotional they use, whether it be religious or not? How do you show your spouse you still care even when you have no energy left? Any other advice?


I firmly believe that if you truly care, you find the energy to show it. There’s always time for love.


Check out right now media. Also- MAKE. TIME. for each other. Even if you only get one night a week after the kids go to bed, just to order a pizza and watch a movie.


Write small notes to put into his lunch/wallet, or put on the fridge


This is really tough. Honestly, it is. Because you get SO busy basically being work mates that your friendship gets put on the back burner kind of without you really realizing it even. We have a 6 yo and 11 mo twins. Annnd…honestly it’s definitely come to me taking PTO on his day off and paying for an extra day at daycare. No joke.

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I have no idea. I work 4-4 come home do dinner get my daughter in bed and by that time I’m ready for bed. It’s hard. We try but we have nobody to watch our daughter so we just enjoy what little alone time we have. Hopefully when she gets older it’ll be easier.

Maybe find a routine to do every time you guys see eachother when you get home, even if its just a moment to hold eachother and say I love you. Having that moment will help you and your spouse feel like you made time for each other. I think that is so important.

We have to say thank u to each other for the little things. We both never feel appreciated saying it to each other is what we are working on. I put my time aside for us time. Although I miss my “me” time. I try to balance it. It’s so hard at times.

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Take a break from work and go away for the weekend!!

Write notes and leave them in their pockets or toolbox or where they can find them. " Just thinking of you."
Be flirty like when ya first met.
Watch movies together and snuggle.
Have a picnic in the living room with blanket good food and book taking turns to read to one another.
Being in Love means I chose You in this moment.

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We have a 13 year old, a 5 year old, and twins on the way. We always kiss eachother goodbye and say I love you even if one of us is sleeping. He will come home from work and surprise me with my favorite snacks or flowers just to show he was thinking of me, I will make him his favorite meals when I can find the energy lately and I’ll write him silly note and leave them on his desk. we always make sure to say thankyou and remind the other how much we appreciate eachother. The little things matter

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I totally understand…
My husband is always reminding us how different our love languages are. For example, his is “Touch” love language, meaning, he like to feel affectionate, hold his hand, as you walk by touch his shoulder, smack his butt… That’s love for him…
For me - “one on one time” love language, so we would take 30 mins just talking about random topics, talk about our daughter, watch movie together (if I don’t pass out), and try to have dinner together as a family…

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If nothing else just every morning and night just say something you like about them, some way they’ve made you smile that day. Send a text out of nowhere saying you love him, knowing he’ll see it later.
People make a big deal, but those little things are enough and make all the difference.

Watch the movie The war room. It is a vety good movie!


Doesn’t take much energy to say “I appreciate you” and it means a lot.

I suggest you Five language of love The Five Love Languages - Wikipedia .
I have discovered that my husband and I had different way to communicate our love and there were many misunderstandings. Love for him was “you do something for me like preparing dinner”, love for me is “spending time together”. We hurted each other without being aware of it.


As side from the 5 love languages mentioned above, I would suggest His Needs, Her Needs and possibly even The Love Dare from the movie Fireproof. Honestly I can’t stress how important it is to understand yours and his love language as well as the essential needs of men and women and how they differ. This way even if you have little to no time, you can still love each other right.

I ask my husband how his day was. We cuddle… alot. N we ALWAYS give each other a kiss as soon as one of gets home n b4 bed.

I completely understand. My husband and I are best friends, but things get rough mentally for us both when we are tired and stressed.
I have ppd, and he has severe anxiety. So, every evening we sit and talk about our day, our frustrations, and our joyful moments. Even if it is only 5 minutes, that time is important to us. We pride ourselves on being so open and honest with each other, and it has only made our relationship stronger.

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I agree with the LOVE DARE Journal…it really makes you think about your Husband ( wife ) & ways to express your love & devotion.

We talk at night before bed.