How to keep a social life as a mom?

Anyone moms out there that don’t have much of a social life like myself? I just want to rant a little. I feel a bit of loneliness having no friends to go out with once in awhile to have some fun. I haven’t been able to find any new mom friends since moved away. My husband works a lot he works at night for 12 hours and I work during the day so we never spend any quality time together as a family I would like and have talked to him about it. We have a 2 year old son and another on the way.


Oh these posts make me so sad!! I’m so grateful to still have my girlfriends and those relationships are so important. Maybe the OP could find local playgroups to make friends?

I dont. I stay at home with my kiddos and my hubby has the car. I moved to another state 5 years ago and haven’t made any friends.


I dont have any friends and it sucks. Very lonely.


I know how you feel. Go crazy having no one

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I know this feeling to well! My husband is Military so I feel really isolated and I couldn’t relate with any of the older girls I worked with so I didnt have anyone around to have anyone to hangout with or talk to. And my family lives 18 hours away. Hoping when we move at the end of the year I find a place I can relate better to

Find your local church that might do a Moms day out. Or start going to church and meet other moms as they drop off in the nursery.

same over here mama :tired_face:

I don’t have girlfriends or family anymore. Just slowly lost everyone over years of 12 hour night shifts struggling as a single mama. Two years ago I met a wonderful man and remarried. Now his family has adopted me.

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I feel u mine works 10 hour nights and I work days

I have friends but it’s been 2 years since I’ve gone out. My mom would have no problem watching my son if I asked her to but I feel bad lol.

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I have like no friends either. I have my boyfriend but that’s pretty much it. I keep to myself and I’m always home with my son

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I haven’t had a social life since my kiddo was born. At first I hated it, now that I’m older, I loooooove it. Lol Also, my husband and I worked opposite shifts for 10 years. It’ll be rough but you’ll eventually get it worked out.

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I feel you😭 I don’t have any friends at all. I spend all my time at home and the only people I see is my husband, son, and other close relatives. It sucks and it does get lonely. Maybe try to meet up with someone you normally wouldn’t like someone you know has kids just ask them if they would be interested in meeting you at a park to let the kids play or something.

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Maybe go to a local McDonalds with a play area at lunch time. I used to find mom’s with kids, start a conversation about kids. Go from there.

Let’s help some mommas out‼️
What city and state are you in? Only if you’re comfortable…

You never know there may be some besties in the making here :grin::woman_shrugging:t4:

I’ll go first… Bakersfield, Ca


No social life what so ever. I have family events but no girls nights or even dates. Work, take care of baby, sleep, repeat. Throw in church on Wednesday and thats it.

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I can relate :purple_heart::cry: its hard to make friends sometimes and harder still when you become a mom. Hang in there and keep reaching out like you just have and friends will come :blue_heart:

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I hide in my house with my 2 year old and 2 month old lmao
I don’t have any friends and the only time we really go anywhere is for dr appointments

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A social life? What is that?