Life is too short to be unhappy.
Put your foot down and tell him it’s over.
Life is extremely to short to live like this … move on… best wishes to you and your kids!
It is a disservice to your kids to see parents in a relationship where there is not much affection if any. Sooner or later they may attribute you staying together is for their sake and may end up blaming themselves for their parents not being happy together or they may think this is what a relationship is like. Whichever way and whatever the reasons for staying is setting a bad precedent as well as unhealthy programming for your daughters. They may see this as “normal”
I always wonder why women get pregnant when they are dissatisfied with their lives. If you were unhappy without kids, did you not notice that nothing got better after one? Then 2? I find it amazing that people have to “work” at relationships. If you have to work at being happy, I’d have checked out a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with 2 kids that need a mom and a dad and get to work at being happy. You better find a good hobby, cuz life is all about choices.
Get yourself out of there hun. It’ll be better than living like you do and dragging you down … sometimes you just simply have to call it a day…good luck x
I honestly think the best way to get out of a relationship is AFTER you have tried to mend it…especially with kids. Try again and again until you KNOW you will never want to come back and try again. Again you have kids…and yes you should be happy…but being a single mom is a hard damn job. I was raised by one and my mom kept a roof over my head and clothes on my back but she was never around…I was alone ALOT and now we have a strained relationship. Counseling and therapy separately is amazing and sometimes sitting down and talking about goals and objectives is important. Take time for yourself from eachother and find what you really fell in love with. If you have tried everything in all the books and internet searched to mend it and it’s just broken and you guys cannot grow together then it’s time to end it. When you cant grow together you cannot be together…
TIME TO SAY,see u later
You two need a vacation from each other
Save up all you can build up your money and take any courses and certifications to build up you skill sets. In the mean why have you tell him you want to do couple consulting if he refuses and argue just continue to build up you saving buy thing and put it in a cheap storage place. Clothes, documents, stuff for new house you need if you have to leave middle night. Speak to lawyer or legal aid about custody and concerns about his behavior and the children to see what your options are.
WHY? would you have children with a guy you aren’t married to? let it be a lesson for others…hard to throw him out, if you don’t have a job…but you could move in with relatives? yeah, with two kids !! not likely…gotta make him understand…cut the cord on the tv?
Do you want to leave, or would you stay if your relationship improved? Can you/ would you like to go to counseling…? Many churches offer free couple/ marriage counseling. Would he be shocked you are so unhappy you want to leave? Are you safe to leave… have a place to go… or will he leave? If nothing else… speak to an objective support person who has your best interest at heart… a counselor or mental health person from work, the community or any professional, a women’s center counselor, a friend or family member you trust? First… figure yourself out. Keep yourself safe.
If your married you need to take the kids to were u want to go and stay. Because when the devorce happens you have to have written. Concent from him to take the kids out of state. So do that while you have a chance make sure you leave something telling him you and the kids are leaving and the courts can figure out custody from there but if you dont want to live in the state your in now its best to move before the courts requires written concent
Either counseling if you want to save it or you walk.
Pack your bags, pick up your car keys (call a cab if you don’t have a car), open the door and walk out. But before you do that, talk to a professional regarding kids, check what your options are. Once you are out, stay where you are comfortable, give yourself some time and space to think, decide your final move after that. Whatever you do, think logically, not emotionally or you might regret your decision later.
Put your big girl panties on and move on.
Just leave. If you try to talk to him and he snaps there’s no point anymore. I’m sure there are guys out there that will treat you right.
Same here,we don’t fight but don’t do anything together,I am living my husband
try talking to him if he doesn’t want to leave him life is to short
Talk to him. Communication is the key. Ask him to leave and if he doesn’t pack up, then you pack up and leave but make sure it’s really what you want and the best thing and can’t be fixed. X
just leave,no time in a life for this crap…he`s unhappy…leave him there…
Try asking him whats wrong? Try talking to him. He is clearly needing something.
Just leave. Start looking for a place, save up money. Start packing.
No body can tell you what to do…only you can make that decision…
Ugh, boyfriend?? Yall are common law married …11 years …oh dear lord …
He’s complacent, wake him up.
Leave if you wanna leave…
If you the means too leave before it gets any worse
He already left you. He is def seeing other people, but he needs his house manager, kid-raiser, and meal-maker to keep doing all the work while he has fun with other women.
Make some quiet plans. Then, just sit him down and say buh-bye!