How to leave a toxic relationship?

How do I leave my bf of 4 years? We have a baby together ? I’m just not happy anymore, He so negative and he’s always negatively complimenting everything I do. I’m working over 50 hours a week and still taking care of the baby. I’m just scared to leave. Last time I left him , his mom tried taking custody of the baby. I’m just scared of the repruccisons , I tried talking for the last 3 years and it has only gotten worse instead of better


File for emergency custody. His mom can’t do shit and she could get a kidnapping charge. It’s not her baby.

File custody then leave

Don’t be afraid to leave. Its like they’re bullying you.


Make a plan. Start with getting full custody.

Same day just go grab baby clothes an go back with civil standby

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Hand him a sock and tell him he’s a free elf now.


Dont know what stae u live in but in indiana the father doesnt have any rights to the child till the pay for the paternity test no matter if u together ir not then they still got to go to court to have joint custody

Contact a lawyer regarding your rights and custody

why would the mother file for custody? if you are a good mom, then let her take you to court.


His stupid ass momma can’t do a daaaaaamn thing.

If you are working 50 hours a week you are not taking care of your child. If you are doing nothing wrong then his mother can’t get custody. Take your child and leave. Maybe first document everything going on. If his mom is watching the child she’s thinking she’s more the parent than you are. Good luck.


If you aren’t married, you have sole custody automatically.


If your taking good care of the baby she cant file a restraining order

Reach out to family friends n LEAVE WITH BABY


Just go, people do it all the time…
His mother has no rights to your child, bottom line…
No worries, as long as you are providing a safe environment for your child…


Nobody can take your baby from you unless they can prove you are unfit which i doubt you are… if you are not happy then just pack your and babys things and leave. Dont let anyone manipulate you into staying in a toxic relationship


As a person who just got left , I would say tell him just how you feel that you have played out leaving in your mind and are now mentally moving forward to do so . He should know what’s up UNLESS HE A POSS DANGEROUS . Treat him as you would want to be treated, always the best advice.


His mom cant take the baby unless you are on fit. If you have a job and baby is taken care of dont worry. Just leave. File for full custody. And child support.


Did he sign the birth certificate? If not, unless it is different in your state, he has absolutely no rights at all until and unless he takes you to court to adjudicate parentage. You can pack up and leave and tell them to pound rocks. If he is on the BC then you can still leave - he would still need to take you to court to establish custody and visitation. If he is on the BC, I would be cautious of allowing him to take the child for visitation without a formal court order in place, because he could simply not return the child and that would make things difficult for you. As far as his mother - her threats are ridiculous unless it can be proven that you are somehow unfit.

In georgia if your not married the father has no rights at all untill he pays 1500 to get legitimized even if he is on the birth certificate. I would go talk to a cop or lawyer about what rights he has in your state and what you need to do to be able to up and leave

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The only way they will take a child from the mother is if the baby is in danger or being abused.

Disappear. You’re not married.

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Pack your stuff and leave put an expartae against him and his family in reguards youre worried if they get a vhance they will take her away.Also you might trying for parental legal custody while she is with you.He can do that if the baby with him .whoever is with the child can file legal custody.

Be thankful you didn’t get married… Just pack and leave… Depending on the state you live in will depends on what will happen… But you are your child’s mother unless you are unfit the Court system can’t just take your child… I live in Florida and was never married and left in the middle of the night with a newborn because of her father was abusive. He has tried to get custody but still has not even after 3 years… Do not allow him to take the child if you fear he will take off with the child…

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Unless you are an unfit parent or put your child in danger NO judge is gonna take your baby away from you. No one has rights to a child but the parents (unless one is in jail or dead then she could get grandparents rights) but that is only visitation. Look up or call the courthouse. Know your rights!!


If u r not happy leave him. Unless you r unfit mum the child will stay with you

Leave as soon as possible…Unless he gets professional help the negativity will not get better (I know —I put up with a negative boyfriend for two years–my family kept trying to tell me about it but i kept thinking it will get better…until I saw family Christmas photo’s and while everybody else looked happy and like they were having fun it was obvious he was angry and depressed…) I got smart and got out.

Kat Braetyllo is spot on and is correct.

So with that being said leave.

They cannot take the baby from you if you are a responsible mother take action now dnt waste your life!

Leave and set up to make custody arrangements quickly. You didn’t say he was an unfit parent so i imagine he will get visitations of some sort. Grandma can also get visitations but unless she can prove your unfit for the child she cannot take custody. If your unhappy leave your child should have both parents but shouldn’t think living unhappy with your SO is normal.

If you’re working 50hrs a week, after bills do you have enough to out as a down payment on your own apartment? I’d suggest doing that. You’re allowed to move out of the home, just not out of the state I think. And they can’t take your child unless there is abuse or neglect on your part. They can’t take your child just because you left a relationship you weren’t happy in. Get your own place, don’t tell him, ask for a day off from work and pick a day he won’t be home and have some friends of family or even a.moving company pack up your things and leave. Afterwards go to court and file custody papers before he does. Then all you’ll have to worry about is court setting up visitation and child support and such.


Leave your bf, it’s only going to get worse. and let the chip fall where they may. If you are good hard working mother she cannot take the child. document every little thing and keep it in a safe place.

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Contact a women’s shelter to create a safe plan to leave. Leaving can be the most dangerous time if dad is abusive. If not, write him a letter of explanation, pack up & go.


Get out of there hun and don’t let them scare you!! File all of the proper papers and custody and his mom can’t take your child. They are bullying and scaring you and you need to do what’s best for you and be happy.
If you need help leaving it feel unsafe reach out there are women’s groups who will help you.


His mom is not gonna get custody of your baby. My son’s father threatened this kind of sh*t too. I finally left anyway and then got some free legal advice (Google free legal clinics in your area), and ultimately got sole custody, sole decision making, etc. I know how terrifying it is, I felt nauseas I was so scared I was going to lose my son. But the women on here are right: you’re not married, that is YOUR child. Leave honey, it’s hard at first and it’s scary at first, but it is worth it and you And your child will be better off!! :heartbeat:

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His mother has no rights to the baby. If you are not happy, leave or have him leave (depending on whose name the current housing is in). Do 50/50 custody. Just because he is a pessimist does not mean he is a bad father. Unless there is drugs, excessive drinking, or abuse involved, both parents should have equal access and decision making for the child.

Pack your bags and your baby and leave! So many parent’s are afraid of the other party taking the child/children. Won’t happen!!! As long as your putting that babies needs before your own then all is up! Get out before his nagitive attitude starts effecting the little one. Good luck, you can do this!!!

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They cannot take your baby if you are not a unfit mom!

You sound like maybe you’re scared of the truth. The truth is , they sound like trash. Leave him, get child support, full custody with him only having supervised visitation. All of it is free through the courts. If you are low income apply for any assistance your city offers to see if you qualify. Make your own way. I did with my daughter. Eventually I met a wonderful new man that she loves and he does his part to help and encourage us both.

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I left my daughters dad two years ago last month, and I haven’t been happier! You can do it stay strong, if your not happy then there isn’t a point to stay together just because you have a baby either. Keep your chin up, I lived with family then I lived with roommates before I actually got my own place.

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Just leave. His mother has no rights and can not take your child. Dad can tho if he’s on the birth certificate so file for custody soon as you leave

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His mama or him can’t do shit unless you are unfit. If you aren’t an unfit parent then you have nothing to worry about. Just grab that child and leave. Make sure you can support that child when you leave and can afford to get into a place.

File for custody and leave, his mom would have to prove you unfit with the courts so don’t let either of them have baby till you have court documents in hand and even then make him file for visitation. Grand parents really don’t have rights unless both parents are unable to care for the child.

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Leave and file for full custody

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hismom cant take your baby away from you shes just trying to scare you and as lng as she cant prove you unfit then nothing she can do as long as you know your a good mother and take good care of your baby then your safe

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Is he on the birth certificate? If y’all are not married then his mother does not have any rights to the baby. Some states do not have grandparents laws. Emotional and verbal abuse is bad. Get out. If you are working that much and still taking care of the baby then just move and find a sitter. Go to the courts for them to get visitation and parenting plan. Stick to your guns when it comes to your child

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Grandparents can only if you are unfit some way. They can get visitation unless they are unfit, same for him or can get supervised visitation if you are worried about them running. Sounds like you are the breadwinner and they do not want you to go. See fast. His criticism sounds like abuse and it only gets worse. Talk to some one at a shelter for advice. Whether you go to one or not they are a wealth of info and if he decides to get violent or to try to keep you from leaving you may need to go for a little while. You are ahead of a lot of women with the capability to support yourself. Also don t always listen to friends advice etc. sometimes they are wrong or what is true for them is not true for you. Hang in there. You will always have options so don t let yourself feel trapped.

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Go to the court house get interm custody of your child than go to a shelter have your stuff packed in the car go to court house get a friend to serve him and get to a shelter make sure to take all important documents and yours and babies ID good luck momma stay safe

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His mother can’t do nothing… leave

Then why are you still with him