How to lose baby weight?

Does anyone suffer with baby weight after more than 3 years postpartum?I gained 20kg during and after pregnancy and it seems impossible to lose them, I tried several diets with different nutritionists but everyone says different causes and no matter the method or the medication they gave me it didn’t work.If there’s any specialist in the group they can help telling me what might be the causes!


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First, see a doctor to see if everything is good. Consider joining the Macros Inc group, do their free calculator, and post in the group for a free macros check. The idea is to be in a deficit while focusing on eating alot of protein. If you haven’t tried it yet, buy a food scale, and weigh everything in grams or mL. There is an app called MyMacros+ that you can input custom entries in that will automatically determine the calories of the food/drink you’re having. The Macros Inc group offers free advice and help with questions. Some of the members post some healthier recipes for ideas.

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First, if they haven’t, get your thyroid checked. Second, try low carb or keto if you haven’t already, just make sure you’re doing clean eating.

I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18989 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

Breast feeding my gigantic babies made it melt off!

I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13576 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles


Join a gym.
Or walk or run daily.

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You have to work out and eat right. There is no magical diet that will help you lose and keep off weight. It’s a lot of work and eating the correct foods.