How to lose weight after a c section?

I have 3 children the first two were delivered naturally, & I never had trouble losing the weight after but my last one I had to have an emergency C-section, which was 17 months ago. my question is for any mama that’s had a C-section did you find it more difficult to lose weight after you had s C-section??
I started my diet a week ago & I’m surprisingly down 8 lbs,
Any input/ advice is appreciated😊


I lost 55 pounds on Weight Watchers last year after having had 2 csections

I have had a hard time keeping my weight off after my csection

No sugar will help you loose weight (do allow by eating fruits) no fried food. I lost weight quick just doing these two things and also no pork or beef just chicken for a while… exercise at least 30 min … water should be your best friend … just what I did

I’ve had 2 c sections and will have another one in 2 months… I’ve never had any problems losing the weight. I do have 4 kids all 10 months apart, one pregnancy was twins, idk if them being so close had something to do with it or not.

May have more to do with your body after 3 kids more so than the c-section.

More is needed then just a diet change. Why do women think having kid makes you fat? It doesn’t. Not keeping up with physical activity, poor nutrition for much longer than just during pregnancy, poor hydration which leads to saggy skin that won’t bounce back. Don’t blame it on your babies, blame it on lack of self control and then completely change the way you been doing things because it obviously hasn’t done anything for you. Pain and swelling will make it hard after a c section, but the easiest way to get weight off is to never let it accumulate in the first place, it’s way to pack it on, bit it takes much much more than just a diet change to get it off. We don’t know what you eat or what you do. It’s common sense to not eat junk if you don’t wanna be fat. Start making better choices. The body is like a machine, you get out what you put in.

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Doesn’t make a difference. Weight is weight.

No I had a c-section with my son and dropped all the baby weight plus more after 3 months postpartum! I was actually 10lbs under what I was before I got pregnant with him! Breastfeeding helps a TON! :relaxed:

Exercise and portion control

I’ve had 3 c-sections and it took forever after the first two and I’m still working on losing weight after this one! Lol.
I think age is a factor. Lol

I weighed 110 lbs.when I got pregnant
Went to127 lbs
Had the baby natural lost back to stay between 105 -117. Wish I could gain up to 125. Can’t gain a oz.

My c section 29 yrs ago but went in weighing 200 lbs 9 weeks later down to size 2. Metabolism changed havent been able to gain more than 5 lbs

I had a c-section and lost the 25 lbs I gained in two weeks. I had 14 weeks of morning sickness and lived only off of fruits and chicken. I continued to have multiple pregnancy issues throughout that were exacerbated by a car accident at 30 weeks. My daughter, now 5, was 9 lbs and is completely healthy. So most of my weight was her. Lol