How to lose weight?

I need to lose weight. It’s really putting a damper on my self esteem & self confidence. I have had 2 kids & was still skinny when I was pregnant (I would be like 7 months pregnant & you could barely tell). I was put on a medication years ago & that’s what started the weight gain. I’m the biggest I have ever been. I have health problems & can’t exercise. I have tried fasting but I’m borderline diabetic & would get sick whenever I did it. Any suggestions for me?


Sounds like you don’t want to put in the work. Health problems don’t keep you from some types of exercise or eating right. Talk to your doctor.

Being in a calorie deficit will be the only way to lose weight and sustain it! X


Put your weight and age in the computer and get the amount of calories for you body. Calorie counting is really easy and fun to do.


Drink at least 64oz of water a day. I have been doing a high protein diet and have lost 60 pounds in the last year. Eat 6 times a day at 2.5 hour intervals. 3 main meals and 3 snacks, all high protein with 30 minutes of exercise a day.


While rehabilitating from total knee surgery the care giver I lived with was a diabetic. Despite not doing much ‘exercise’ because my knee had no range of movement and strength - I lost 10 pounds in 2 months since my meals didn’t include carbohydrates and sugar! Lots of protein, good fats, vegetables & ’ low’ sugar fruits(berries,melon,apples).

I was super skinny and then gain a lot of weight I had to have gallbladder surgery about 3 months ago at my Dr visit I was talking to him and told him I gain 60 lbs and it’s like all I want to do is eat if I watch a food video I want to eat also well he started to ask me a bunch of questions and stuff I told him I have bad anxiety now and I am even feeling depress I also have back problems he gave me a med he said I am killing 3 stones in 1 I said ok 1 anxiety 2 depression 3 for pain in my back I take. It no side effects whatsoever it took my cravings away I lost 10 lbs in about 2 months

Some basic “ rules”: drink more water, don’t eat late( stop about 4 hrs before bedtime) , no junk food, no soda , etc basically eat less calories


I have physical problems and can still find a way to move my body. You can also.
You need a calorie deficit. Take in less than your body burns in a day.
If you don’t move your body, your health will deteriorate further

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I gained 90 lbs overweight and last couple years did alot of walking. I even walk to work sense 15 minutes away but when nice weather.and I do dinner before certain time myself I’ve only lost like 50 in the last 2 years sense my oldest daughter who is almost 29 and try watch what eat.

Cardio and weight training there is no easy way out!

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The only way to lose weight is calorie deficit. You’ll have to find out what your goal would be and do the math

Start walking, if you can’t do a lot of exercise just do a little everyday. Drink water. Eat a lot of vegetables. Minimize or eliminate unhealthy items. Best of luck to you.

So like eggs steak chicken any meet all the veggies and fruit and make sure you use portions control and you will loose weight without working out

Oh honey I feel you. I was 95 pounds when I was put on seroquil for sleep problems. After 8 months I was 167. I quit taking it and lost 40 pounds but I’m sure I’ll never see 95 again but 120 would be nice!!

Eat more protein and less carbs

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Figure out how many calories you need/ want to eat in a day. Use the app MyNetDiary . Drink lots of water.

Calorie counting is my fave! Lost loads and it’s so easy. I lost 1st in 3 weeks.

There’s even a fitness coach on TikTok who ate nothing but maccies breakfast, lunch and tea for a month straight but calorie counting and still lost

This is what works for me. Keep in mind I can’t workout like a normal person due to health issues.
Walk. Walk as much as you can. Even If its just a couple of blocks a day.
Also sourdough. I have lost so much since switching to sourdough. It’s not just bread.
It helps with the bad bacteria in your gut. It’s also easier for your body to digest.

Try this:
It helps re-regulate your body, is simple and reminds you to breathe deeply. Also try meditation to reduce stress which can make you gain weight. Can you take yoga regular or seated? There are kinds just based on breathwork. Move often in whatever ways you are able. Doc gave my mom exercises to do in the bathtub so she couldn’t fall or injure herself. Can you go to a pool and just walk? The buoyancy helps your joints.

Do not fast. It’ll make your body hang onto more fat. Just cut back a lot on carbs & sugar & plan your meals around colorful vegetables. Buy organic meats & dairy. We are ingesting growth hormones with non-organic meats and dairy, and who needs to get bigger? Not to mention the pesticides and antibiotics in them.

Eat less meat, more fresh or frozen veggies and whole grains. Use olive oil instead of butter. Eat low on the food chain—the more a food is processed the more unnatural sugars and fats go into it and stick on your frame.

Look up vegan and vegetarian recipes. You can always add meat or fish to a dish if you want. Beans have carbs but also fiber so they’re OK for diabetics. If you eat cheese, choose those with tons of flavor so you need less (bleu/stilton, fresh grated Parmesan, extra sharp cheddar) , and pick more hard cheeses and less creamy cheeses and organic to save calories.

Quinoa is a complete protein and a delish whole grain that takes minutes to prepare: pour boiling water over it & let steep for a few minutes. Eat off of small plates so you visually trick yourself into eating less. Have cut veggies, fruits and nuts readily available for snacks so you don’t go for chips and such.Warning: “veggie” chips are just the same deep fried potato chips with some vegetable juice coloring. Shop at organic food stores, cook at home more, use the money you save not eating out on organic foods. Wendy’s has a variety of salad options as does Panera, and some of their soups are healthy too, and CAVA & Sweetgreen have healthy fast foods and interesting drink options vs. sodas.

White wine is the least caloric alcoholic option. Skip carbonated drinks as sodas are terrible for you and the CO2 can give you gas & bloat, though unsweetened seltzers are OK once in a while, and go for a variety of teas —there are tons of flavors in black, green and herbal, and coffee, hot or iced; just don’t add sugar or cream. Organic milk is ok, maybe a touch of honey—raw honey has medicinal properties.

Calories counting is what I can recommend you. I’m doing it and it really work.
Walking is the best exercise you can do. If you can’t do other exercise. Zumba is another exercise you can do.

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I was always 7 and a half stone up till my first baby I then put a bit of weight on when pregnant then went to 8 stone I was so happy with how I was I felt amazing in myself and then I had my second baby and piled weight on (don’t know how because I couldn’t eat I was so poorly) then when I had my second baby I went back on the depo injections and it made me nee pile on so much weight I went from 8 stone before I got pregnant to 13 stone!! I felt sick every time I looked like oed at myself I wasn’t happy I felt rubbish every day! So I started walking, I came off the depo I went gym and I cut majority of bad foods out I ate mostly corn flakes for breakfast then rice and chicken with veg for my dinner/tea! I didn’t eat 3 meals I only ate 2 meals a day, I cut off the full
Fat coke and went to diet but I also drank flavoured water because I hate plain water it makes me be sick… and I got down from 13 stone to 9 stone, I was happy again, I then passed my driving test in November 2023 and now I’m driving and not walking as much it’s slowly coming back​:sob::sob:


I am Bianca and I’m the owner of DownsizingBee🐝.

DownsizingBee was created when I was 100kgs and about to embark on my weightloss journey after struggling for years with my weight.

My problem was FOOD!

Food was my go to thing, anytime of the day i would eat and eat and eat. Somehow consuming a ridiculous amount of about 5000 calories a day easily!

Chips, pies, chocolates, biscuits, samosas, energy drinks and not to mention my all time favorite Coca-Cola, that coming l at a good 3 x 2 litres a day!!! Yes you read that correctly.

Food was everything, food was comforting, and food never hurt me or turned on me!! It was something that was there to help me get through every emotion.

One day I just became tired, tired of sleeping all day, watching others exercise and feeling embarrassed to even try, so I decided that was it and embarked on my journey to lose weight.

I created my own meal plan, exercise plan and Detox plan with SUCCESSFUL weight loss, and soon I was creating plans for friends and family.

I lost 55kgs and this motivated me to help others. It motivated me to get people where they wanted to be. To support them and be at their sides so they didn’t embark on the journey alone.

Downsizing Bee is my business and I couldn’t be prouder of what I have achieved this far and can only imagine what the future holds.

To my clients without you, this wouldn’t be possible. Together we are going to buzzz all the way to our goals.

Our motto! “NO EXCUSES”
How it works: You send me your current weight, and you get a plan that will work for YOU. Designed For YOU!

You will receive the following

  • 5day Detox plan
  • 3 months meal plans
  • Exercise plan
  • You will be added to my Downsizing Bee Support group where all the other clients are. Here is where they share tips, useful information, motivate one another, encourage one another, and have fun.
  • My help as coach Bee

R270 - R420 depending on the package you take. For the three months once off payment.


0662633757 whatsapp

I lost 100# this past year by drinking half my body weight in OZ of water per day… It will be challenging and it will be a lot of peeing but it’s changed my life… Try it!

Yeah u can exercise and eat right. Prediabetes doesn’t prevent that. U just want the lazy fix.

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I am Bianca and I’m the owner of DownsizingBee🐝.

DownsizingBee was created when I was 100kgs and about to embark on my weightloss journey after struggling for years with my weight.

My problem was FOOD!

Food was my go to thing, anytime of the day i would eat and eat and eat. Somehow consuming a ridiculous amount of about 5000 calories a day easily!

Chips, pies, chocolates, biscuits, samosas, energy drinks and not to mention my all time favorite Coca-Cola, that coming l at a good 3 x 2 litres a day!!! Yes you read that correctly.

Food was everything, food was comforting, and food never hurt me or turned on me!! It was something that was there to help me get through every emotion.

One day I just became tired, tired of sleeping all day, watching others exercise and feeling embarrassed to even try, so I decided that was it and embarked on my journey to lose weight.

I created my own meal plan, exercise plan and Detox plan with SUCCESSFUL weight loss, and soon I was creating plans for friends and family.

I lost 55kgs and this motivated me to help others. It motivated me to get people where they wanted to be. To support them and be at their sides so they didn’t embark on the journey alone.

Downsizing Bee is my business and I couldn’t be prouder of what I have achieved this far and can only imagine what the future holds.

To my clients without you, this wouldn’t be possible. Together we are going to buzzz all the way to our goals.

Our motto! “NO EXCUSES”
How it works: You send me your current weight, and you get a plan that will work for YOU. Designed For YOU!

You will receive the following

  • 5day Detox plan
  • 3 months meal plans
  • Exercise plan
  • You will be added to my Downsizing Bee Support group where all the other clients are. Here is where they share tips, useful information, motivate one another, encourage one another, and have fun.
  • My help as coach Bee

R270 - R420 depending on the package you take. For the three months once off payment.


0662633757 whatsapp