How to lose weight?

So i just saw a post about getting your tubes tied. A couple people mentioned weight gain. If u had your tubes tied, have u struggled with your weight after or notice any difference? What about energy level?


I gained about 20 lbs and it’s harder to lose it.

I got my tubes removed in december & so far no side effects or weight gain

I had four kids and had my tubes tied 8 yrs ago I’ve had no problems what so ever with weight gain, the only problem I get is sometimes I feel pregnant I know it’s weird but it happens


I had mine done after my c section 12/19/18. . I have had no weight gain I have lost weight . My periods are short but I am lacking dryness down there . Which is no fun .

I got my removed and have been maintaining weight amazingly. I have 4 kids total.

Going on 5 years, no weight issues. 3 kids.

LOST weight since getting mine clamped 3yrs ago. I am now only 102lbs

I did not gain any weight after having mine done.

Mine have been tied 4 years. I gained weight, hormones are all over the place, face breaks out, heavy periods… it messed me all up. But everyone is different

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I have had my tubes done but mine weren’t tied they were burned off! Nearly 2 years now I’ve had no problems

I had mine removed as tying them leads to major issues for most women. No weight gain, periods are amazing, my hormones have calm down (acne, mood swings etc) and I don’t cramp the way I did (which disabled me) and with two toddlers is no energy, only coffee. :joy:

Ok so i have been debating this for awhile 2 and the biggest reason i hvnt is cuz of the excuriating pain i hv seen some go thru when air gets trapped in there and they hv to wait for it to pass but this impossible weight gain. Im probably just gunna keep my preventative old school haha.

I had mine done 14 years ago. I only gain weight if I eat crappy food :woman_shrugging:t3:


Scientifically there’s no reason a person would gain weight after tubal ligation.


I had no problems list weight felt great

Weight gain is not sign symptoms of this

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I am considering this option after birth in a few weeks… following

I had mine removed. I gained 20 lbs. I blame hormones.

I had my tubes removed 7 months ago and haven’t noticed anything different besides bad ovulation pain.

My husband’s just getting a vasectomy so I won’t have any issues.

My only problem as of now is my periods are super heavy and clotty

I had 4 kids, always maintained a healthy weight. After I had my 4th I lost 22lbs then had my tubes tied then gained 90lbs over the next 2 yrs. They say it doesn’t cause weight gain but I fully believe it did in my case

As a 20+ year OB/GYN LDRP and Post Surgical RN. Tying the actual tubes does nothing to your apoetite or your metabolism. Messing with your ovaries and their hormones does, ie birth control pills. Post surgery nonmobility can slow metabolism but short term. Recover and literally move on! Clips or stitches matter foreign things in your body matter. MESH- BAD, Heavy metals BAD, synthetic plastics-BAD. Ask about proceedure and materials to be used!


No weight gain for me, but I have had my sex drive slow down alot after tying them and had more cramps than before during bmy period

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I had it done and a hysterectomy no weight gain if anything lost and no energy issues

I had my tubal done 9 years ago, no issues.

How on earth would it cause weight gain? Done a year ago, actually lost 30 pounds getting off that damn IUD!

I gained weight, no doubt about it, and it completely messed with my periods, cramps more painful than I’ve ever had before.

I had mine done in October during a cesarean. My only issue I had was that I didn’t have a period for 6 months after and when I did it felt like Satan himself had infiltrated my uterus and it was one of the heaviest periods I’ve ever had. I actually had a portion of my tubes cut out instead of the clamp. I told my OB I wanted no more kids and was extremely adamant about it so that’s what he did.

No lol I had mine tied 7 years ago. I’m 126lbs. Go between 114 and 126. It goes to and down. Getting them tied doesn’t effect your weight. Can make period pains a lot worse. Mainly if you wear a tampon thou

Tubes tied 9 years ago. Weight gain, more tired then ever, and horrible periods as well.


They cut my tubes off… they did not tie them. I have the most seriously awful periods now. Q

Ive had mine done and no weight gain whatsoever :blush:

Had tubes done in 2006. I’ve gained a ton of weight and ended up getting diagnosed with pcos :rage:

I keep a certain weight but can’t lose most. I also had open heart surgery 6 weeks after it and that doesn’t help. But 14 years later I still have a stomach and hubby loves it. Periods do suck tho and I am pretty energetic. Just kind of lazy lol

Never an issue for me

Just get a hysterectomy I’m living life​:grinning::grinning::grinning:

More cramps, but lighter period only 2-3 days. No weight gain

My sister finally had her tubes tied after having 9 kids. I noticed that her energy levels did go down and she did gain some weight that’s a tad harder to keep off.

Had mine done 26 yrs and im still 115 lbs

I did not gain weight

I’ve gained weight and had horrible periods now. Saving to get them reversed. Totally not worth it for me.

Gained no weight and no changes in energy

I had my tubes removed. I can’t say I’ve noticed anything different due to that. I’m more tired and I’m having a hard time losing my last 10 lbs but I think it has more to do with the fact that this time, was 35 when I gave birth. My metabolism has definitely slowed.

That being said, I’ve lost about 10lbs since I’ve had them removed.

I had mine taken out 2.5 yrs ago and I’ve noticed im alot more tired (also add in I had mine done right after delivery so I’m also raising a little boy :joy:)
But I’ve also noticed my weight has been fluctuating alot. I gain real easy now and its harder to lose it
Now my periods arent as bad and have gotten lighter. I was real heavy and would go thru 2 big boxs of super plus and I’m down to one box on a bad month.
Each person’s body will be alittle different. Ask your OB what are main side effects as well to get you prepared if you get it done.

Had it done almost a year ago. I haven’t gained any weight. First 2 days of period is heavier but that’s about it

I have my tubes tied no weight gain no but my energy level has changed some and my periods are heavier now

Weight gain and worse periods zero energy … I’m faulty

No weight gain, but my periods are horrible now!

Got my tubes tied and when i went to cloth pads it’s been all great. No pain, shorter period length, less heavy bleeding, no weight gain and energy is fine.

I got them removed this year and put on 30lbs and my energy levels are way down. But ive had 5 children.

Had mine done for 2 years. No weight gain. But two years later. I’m doing great. No weight gain and my period is pretty normal. No loss of sex drive.