How to make money quick?

If you live near Decatur al you could donate plasma for like $120. They have to check your body over and do a lot of stuff but it’s $120

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Call 211 and call churches

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Donating plasma is most likely gonna get you paid the quickest. And pays well for doing practically nothing. And both of you can donate.
Valid licenses and vehicle(s)? Go thru the process to deliver for doordash, Uber eats, etc.
Got a McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or BK hiring near you? Most of them use pay systems that actually allow you to cash out a portion of your check either immediately or by the next day.

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I do body shop at home for extra money :tipping_hand_woman:t3::grinning:

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I sold scentsey on side and of you have not ever tried it…way better than candles and so easy to find customers!

Dave app, Bridgette app,donate plasma

Get a event server job they usually pay the day or the weekend depending on the job

If you have a car Uber/Lyft. If you’re nervous about driving strangers around then Door Dash, Instacart, Postmates, etc…

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Almost any pizza place is always hiring for delivery drivers

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I’m a waitress. I bring cash home every night.

I advertise for cleaning and make a good living


Donate plasma good money

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Stop wasting your money on cigarettes and beers you’ll save that way


donate plasma if you have a plasma donation center in town.

I do DoorDash. I don’t “need” the extra money but it is easy

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I make lots of extra money DoorDashing

My husband does insta cart (on the side now)and he does really well. He tried door dash, however in our area it just wasn’t worth it not to mention you can cash out insta cart same day, door dash you have to wait til Sunday (our/his experience).

Doordash. I make 100 a day. 20 an hour. Stay driving. Stay on a busy access road with restaurants.

Babysitting, clean houses,

Start signing up for programs like door dash assuming you drive

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Have a small yard sale and dispose of stuff you don’t use

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