Hi! I have a question. My husband and I are really strapped for cash this month, and I was wondering if any mamas have ideas on how to make some money really quick. I need a little extra for rent this month, and im stressing hard about it. Its due by the 7th and I dont know what to do.
Vinted - selling things
Donate plasma
BioLife Plasma Services
If you have anything you don’t use or grew out of post on marketplace to sell.
Plasma is good but do by the 7th she’ll get like 50 bucks but I agree doing like Uber eats or Postmates or doordash
Instacart! They send you your card and stuff really quick too! It’s a great way to make money when you’re struggling (and if you have a vehicle) You also choose the batches you take and when you want to work.
Get your husband to get scrap metals it helps
Face book market place sell stuff. Craig’s list sell stuff
Sell any used/new items you don’t use anymore or never used. Clothes, TV’s that aren’t being used, kids toys or clothes, shoes, baby items not in use, ect.
For everybody saying doordash, I work for doordash and there was a almost 2 month hire waitlist where I am. I second plasma donation both u and hubby can go 2x the first week, usually $180 if you both do twice, or it was when my hubby and I did. Also, stop buying groceries. Go to the food bank and work with what they give you. It’s not much, but you will survive. That or in my experience meal lines actually have really good restaurant quality food. Post items you don’t need anymore for sale in Facebook marketplace. I’ve literally made over 10k doing that as well as sold my house via marketplace for market value. It’s really a great resource to sell quickly. (Literally sold my hose in 8 hours sight unseen) Ask your neighbors if they have odd jobs. I am always hiring my neighbors to water my plants when I’m away, do my oil changes, drive me to the airport and my other neighbors do the same with paying ppl to let their dogs out while they are at work
Babysit - yard maintenance for others
Instacart, Uber Eats
Plasma, Only Fans, Babysit for neighbors, sell stuff you don’t need
Go work part time at UPS.
Plasma, Uber, Lyft, door dash, stripping, only fans, offer baby sitting, sell some items online.
Ask neighbors or post services on marketplace like cleaning,yard work, trash removal, etc. Anything extra people need done
I always need a babysitter
Have a good sort out declutter and sell bits
Grass cutting
Car washing
House cleaner
Leaf racker
Insta chart
Door dash, instacart, roadie, spark, point pick up, Amazon flex, Uber eats. My sole income is based off of one of these an a little comes from another. You want money that you can have immediately instacart you can cash out right after you e completed an order you just don’t get the tip right away bc that’s pending for if the customer changes anything to it. Door dash is Monday- Sunday with payout on Mondays generally deposit hits late Monday nights or early Tuesday. Depends on your bank sometimes.
Donate plasma twice a week. You can make a little less than a thousand in a month
Agree w others donate plasma , also if you have any good jewelry pawn it , sell things you dont want/need
Ask family and friends if they need stuff done. Make sure to let them know why you’re offering. I clean and cut grass when I need extra money. I also love flipping finds. I go through my stuff and find things I really don’t need/use and sell.
Plasma is the fastest. Then a delivery service
Idk if you can do odd jobs like dog walking, cleaning houses, lawncare, helping someone move, things like that or not. And I know a lot said plasma donation but I know personally I couldn’t do that for health reasons. I would try to sell things you don’t need. Or there are some places you can call for rental assistance like Catholic charities, salvation army, your local department of human resources can point you to help as well in your area.
Kids clothes that are outgrown to sell, or your clothes purses. When we are low I start pulling things out of freezers, cupboards/pantries for meals. Not sure your jobs but can you pick up overtime, that’s what my husband & I do. Or do you have local diner /or restaurants you can start working hours /weekend…bartending… waitresses & bartenders are great tips… pizza places are always looking for extra help… I have done all of this… also local bakeries or coffee shops usually are looking for people to cone in early to start things up… I have done this also…go in early then home before the kids get off to school… even local fast food are always looking for openers & closers . I know in my area everywhere is hiring. …& most places that are part time work with you on hours you want.
Go on your local community Facebook group and ask if anyone needs odd jobs done and ask if anyone has any bottles you could take off their hands. (if you work in a state that charges $0.05 refund fee for recycling) I can’t tell you how many jobs my husband and I have gotten off our community page! Literally hundreds!
Fbook marketplace sell things like clothes, shoes. Winter/fall items will go fast bc of weather change.
The 7th is 2 days. How did you not know ahead of time you were going to be short.
Food delivery apps. I can easily make extra hundreds of dollars in a few days if I’m not lazy.
Sale that money maker, lol. Just a joke. Ha ha
Advertise to mow /weed yards… grocery shop for others, cleaning,
Check out Fivvver for something you can do.
Only fans
Dog walker
Baby sitter
Selling unneeded things in your home.
Plasma donation? I don’t do it but you can make a few hundred a month.
My mom sells he plasma and gets $100 per time she does it.
We sell stuff we don’t use on FB auction site locally for extra cash
Sell your husband’s
Server, you start making tips right away
Do you have a plasma donation center near you? We had a major house fire at the end of July and had to uproot and move 300 miles away. Until we could find jobs and settle in my husband and I donated plasma twice a week.
I also do a personal shopper service, but it took about a week, week and a half to get started on that because they had to run a background check. I only do 1 or 2 orders a day and make about $300 a week.
Instacart is easy and can make some quick money.
Doordash/ or Uber eats delivery
Find a restaurant that needs servers badly .you start making cash same day ! 
Go on your local community page, forum, and ask if anyone needs some yardwork, babysitting, pet sitting, or errands ran, sometimes they may even need u regularly
Doordash is the quickest gig to get started with
If you donate plasma , you get the money right away
Babysit, houseclean, look for odd cash jobs,
Craigslist has new jobs daily. Including moving jobs that typically pay really well
Been there! I had a friend show me a not so great way to do it, but it worked and I got $150 bucks in just a hour.
Omegle. Get on there, have your Venmo, cash app, whatever your plan on using ready. Find the bait of a guy who wants to see pics of you and tell ‘em your prices. You don’t even have to send your actual pics of you, get them online or wherever. I use to give my snap chat and then talk there so I could keep them on the line. Sometimes it takes a while but find the right people and they will send money like they rich lol.
Sell old toys and/or clothes to place like baby gaga they give you cash or go citizens advice they can help with rent through charities or call rent for you and set up a plan x
Blood donation, payday advance, friends and family, selling some drugs, only fans, grabbing some overtime.
Mostly better planning in the future lol
If you don’t mind doing anything labor intensive…
Offer to clean houses.
Yard work.
Pet walking.
Construction clean up?
Sell things on marketplace. We all have stuff we can get rid of. Keep in mind what you don’t think someone will want, someone will buy. People are weird.
Do you know how to do hair? Nails? Cook? Do you know how to wash cars? Paint? Buy a case of water, chill it, go sit at a busy park and sell them $1 a bottle.
Single serve chips, candy.
In the evening my husband works at Domino’s just so he has the tip money
Post to clean houses, yard work, babysit
Sell everything that you own that isn’t nailed down.
Cash app referrals. Have cash app…Sign friends up and u get some kinda cash back for signing em up
Donate plasma or blood, you can do it regularly…might wanna put yourselves on a budget…
Look for clothing stores that buy gentle used clothing… Have a yard sale… Try churches also… I’ve been there years ago… Wishing you the best of luck…
Babysit, clean houses, sell stuff, dog walking
Feet pics…. Use feet finder
Lots of good ideas here! Also, there may be a rental assistance program in your area!
I hear catalytic converters are a hot seller right now,lol
Cleaning houses is a good one for sure!
Temp agencies for day work
Mining bitcoin
Any app that gives you cash for referrals.
Plug key words in the app store and see what you get. Receipt apps. Survey for cash apps
Mercari. You can sell anything.
Try Dave and see if you can get an advance. If you have steady money rolling in, you shouldn’t have a problem getting one. It’s an app.
Put thing you don’t use anymore on Facebook market or let go you can sell so many things
Donate plasma… the plasma place here in PA offers $100 your first 7 visits, then depending on your weight and how often you go you can make $50-$70 per donation after those 7 visits.
sell stuff you’re not using or don’t need on FB marketplace or eBay… whenever I needed some extra cash FB marketplace always came through quickly.
sign up to be a dasher for door dash in your area.
*** also check to see if there is rental assistance programs in your area. Here in my state they still one available to help people in need ***
Create as a you would have when you were a child, start small with something you love and are driven for. Just a different idea.
This is about Monroe. Send these questions and concerns to Dear Abby’s daughter.
Day labor. They pay daily
Where are you located
I could use a little help cleaning/organizing rooms
Cleaning porches off
If your not close I bet people in your area could use some help
Door dash ,instacart
Delivery services, donate blood or plasma, look on craigslist for odd jobs
Donate plasma, sell stuff, clean houses,
Door dash, sell items not used around the house, blood plasma.
Sell baked goods and foods on your local community pages. Those always generate a little bit of extra money.
Are there can returns where you live? Recycling cans each can is ten cents it adds up n if u drink a lot of bottled water or cans it helps n ten cents adds up quick if you find n got alot
Sell things on marketplace?
Sell stuff around the house
Start delivering for the many delivery services. You could potentially make a few hundred dollars over a couple days
Cant donate plasma if you have lupus so i wouldnt even waste your time going if you have an autoimmune disorder.
However there are apps that help you save. Ibotta for shopping. The smores app if you let it play ads on your lock screen itll build up money not much but 10 or 15 every 3 months they give you coupon codes to use the money on Amazon etc
Sell stuff on FB.
Door dash, destash the wants, give plasma.
Your state might have an emergency rent assistance. I do door dash on the side as a second job - they pay same day and I do Walmart delivery you could that or plasma! Apply for a pay day loan or installment loan.
Onlyfans, maid services, Uber Lyft , Amazon flex
Have your husband do side jobs or handy man jobs…can you babysit?
I’m inviting you to join AttaPoll. Get paid to take surveys. Download the app here: AttaPoll - Paid Surveys
Join this servy app u won’t make 100s but will make alittle I’ve made £9 in 3 n half days
$100 anyone?
Join Upgrade Rewards Checking with my link and we’ll both get $100!
Order card
Once you get card make 3 transactions with card can be any amount
But 3 $1 items on amazon doing 3 separate transactions once you get card activate and load at least $5 on there to cover taxes please add upgrade card to Amazon account
Refer others to make $100 per referrals limit $1000
Transfer money from cash app to upgrade when you get card put upgrade card on cash app to transfer your funds to make 3 purchases it’s instant don’t do bank it takes forever
…I was a stripper and it was hard fast cash.
make rent and bounce. Could take an hour, might take the weekend but Itl b fast cash. Good luck x
My daughter in law started baking for extra cash
A lot of people I know started driving for Uber and some of those other services where you do other peoples shopping
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I donate plasma … it’s a nice amount of extra income.
Sell old clothes etc
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Sell stuff you dont need. We started a consignment booth with free stuff of marketplace or going to one of those stores on $1 day
Sell plasma, stripping, babysitting ool
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Do you have any hobbies or crafts?? My friend sells hand made cards.
Donating plasma usually pays pretty well I’ve done it before. If never donated before your considered a new donor and the amount they pay out is higher. I don’t recommend it for a long-term solution to making extra cash but if you’re in a pinch it might work.