How to make potty training fun?

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make potty training fun for a 2 year old girl. She doesn’t seem intrest/ sit on toilet long enough to try. Please help a mamma out


It will do nothing but stress you and child out unless you wait until she is ready . It is fun when the child wants to do it ! My first child I got so stressed and then second and third I just let them do it when they were ready and we were all happy

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Make it happen your the parent. Strict consistent routine

Idk I just told my daughter she can’t start school until she’s potty trained and seemed to work cuz her older brother was in school

Potty training star chart/reward chart and let her stick the stars on. I’ve got one for my 2 year old daughter it has 5 different things written on there: ‘I asked to go potty/toilet I sat on the potty/toilet I had a wee/poo on potty/toilet, I washed my hands and I flushed the toilet’ we’ve been using it nearly two weeks and my little girl will sit on the potty when asked/taken too and she’s even asked to use potty or brought the potty over to us and stands by it. She’s only had two wee’s in it but has definitely improved from when we first tried when she was 18 months old.

Get washable markers. Sit her on the. Potty. Backwards. And let her. Draw


Sounds like she’s not ready yet, don’t push it. Wait till she’s ready