Hey Mama’s, I have a quick “help me” question. If anyone could answer ASAP, so I can get started soon, that would be awesome. I’m making pulled pork (non BBQ) for dinner today, I have never made it before. I’m going to be making it in the crock pot, slow cooking. I got a roast for it. My question is do I need to put water in with it? Or another form of liquid? Also any tips to make an awesome, not dry, pulled pork is greatly welcomed as well. Thank you
No water, low heat for 8 hours. Shred when it’s done and add bbq sauce of choice!
I do apple juice and water. Cook on low! Cover meat halfway with liquid.
Chicken stock, season it with pork rub as well
I found the best is to be pork loin for pulled pork. But if it’s a roast Def add water that’s what makes it all fall apart, and then have pulled pork seasoning you can buy if you haven’t already it’s so good
I use beef or chicken broth in mine about half way up the meat, you can also use Dr pepper which is pretty good, I just used both the other day. Then just use bbq sauce afterwords when it’s done. Low 8 hours, or on high 4-6 hours
I would season it well, and give it a good sear on all sides in a cast iron, dont cook it all the way through. And maybe add a cup or 2 of beef or chicken stock with lots of garlic and whatever else you want
I always add apple juice or chicken stock. And season to your liking!!! Good luck.
You need to either use chicken broth mixed with water, seasonings, & butter.
If you using sauce that will work for the liquid
Oh I just did this yesterday… I used left over pork loin… I cubed it… added about 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar… a little water. And cooked it on high for 4 hours I think. Then shredded and added BBQ. I’m currently eating it over cheesey tater tots with the pulled pork lol
Pork loin
Maybe wee bit if water to prevent sticking on
BBQ sauce or alot of seasoning
It’s a fav in my house
No water I use a pork shoulder cook over night on low 8 hour or so .then drain fluid out throw fat part out shread the rest add big thing of sweet baby rays bbq…Enjoy …so good .
Water and seasoning. I also fry green & yellow and red cut up peppers. And cut up onions and couple spoons garlic. I add that to the meat when meat is almost done. You can buy seasoning for the kind of meat you want to cook. Did you get pork roast than get pork seasoning. But you don’t have to add veggies if you don’t want to.
No water ,low heat it will create its own liquid, with fat in a slow cooker. Add seasoning and cook till it falls apart.
I use chicken stock, spices and some spiced rum, red wine works too
The best cut of pork to use for this is a shoulder or a butt. Put it in the crockpot with no liquid, with the fat side up. Season it with whatever spices you want and let it cook low and slow. The fat will melt some during the cooking process and keep the meat moist. Leaner cuts of pork just don’t do as well. Once it is done, it will be falling off the bone. I remove to a cookie sheet, remove remaining fat and bones then shred it with 2 forks. Add sauce or serve it on the side to dress meat as preferred.
I mix BBQ, A1, and Worcestershire sauce with my seasoning and add it to the water or broth
Cook it in orange soda! About half way up the roast!
Onions, liquid smoke, 1 cup chicken broth when fke tender save a cups or two of liquid pull the roast with a fork add your bbq sauce and about a cup of the liquid
I add water about half way up the height of the roast and add dry package of Lipton Onion soup mix for a roast! Not sure what to do diff for pulled pork
I’ve tried many many pulled pork recipes as I have lots of mouths to feed in the summers. This is my fave recipe. Took this to an outing a few weeks ago and came home with only enough meat for one more sandwich And quite honestly, I use whatever pork roast I pull out of the freezer. Mostly shoulder roasts are what I have on hand.
I make pulled pork for my tamales all the time
I use pork picnic roast and add enough water to cover it, then cook on high until done
Everyone has their own opinion on this… but I add broth, coke, and onion powder. Coke makes it a little sweet (i also add it to turkey). Cook on low heat. It should literally fall apart and the liquid is what help it do that. Eveeytike ice tried it without liquid it was too dry. I pull mine out while it’s still hot, pull it apart and add sauce. The heat from the meat will warm up the sauce.
Goya Adobo, Goya Sazon, oregano, bitter orange juice (or regular orange juice), lime, garlic, onions.
I use either pork loin or butt, whatever is cheaper at the time. Then this recipe, I can’t find original on internet. But rub pork with dry rub overnight, make basting sauce and let sit overnight as well.
Put roast in crockpot pour basting sauce and turn on low, hours depending on type of roast (typical 6 ton 8) if a loin less. Add chicken stock if necessary to keep moist. Best I ever had from a crockpot!!! When you can shred it, it is done.
Rootbeer or coke. Then drain before shredding. Makes it super tender
Half a cup of apple juice. Crock pots were designed so you don’t have to drown meat and boil it ( yuck).
I add some apple juice. Gives it lots of flavor and makes it really juicy.
Salt & pepper, cook fatty side up in crock pot , add about 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar & 1/2 water, couple dashes of liquid smoke, minced garlic. Cook on low 6-8 hrs. I remove from pot when you can tear it with a fork. Let cool remove fat shred however you want. I add a little bit of the juice back over mine to keep it moist.
You should join the mommy needs a recipe group page on fb
If you aren’t wanting a sauce use bone broth, I also will put chopped onions on the bottom of the slow cooker before the meat it helps the flavor more from the bottom up.
If it’s a pork shoulder there’s enough fat to keep it moist when you start cooking it.
I use just a touch of water, season the pork loin/roast and make a balsamic brown sugar glaze before serving
We use a couple cans of coke
I put my pork in add a GOOD brand of BBQ sauce, fill the bottle half way with water and shake, add that to the crockpot and cook on low for 8ish hours
It makes it own juice just season
Throw it in the pot. Google how long for weight. When done, pull pieces and use stand mixer on low to shred it.
I use pineapple juice. <3
R u serious it’s called google lady
Your house is going to stink
Honey garlic sauce, half cup ketchup and brown sugar, salt pepper 1/2 apple cider vinegar and some water
I always cook mine in root beer , gives it a kick (not spicy) but is so moist and delicious !!
No water needed. I rub butt rub on mine, put it in the crock pot, cook about 8 hours on low.
We like ours with pineapple just dump a can of chunk pineapple in your crockpot
Google would have answered your question faster
I cook mine with root beer drain it then add bbq sauce
I rub in my seasoning to the pork loin and place it in the crock pot by itself with the fat layer still on. No need for liquids. Leave it on low, the fat melts. When I get home I
Pull it out and shred it in a bowl and add my sauces then. It’s all liquid fat and blood left in the crock pot I don’t want that mixed into my sauce .
One cup of water. Cook all night on low. In the morning add one beer. We prefer a dark beer at my house. Cook on high a couple of hours- good to go
Yes water or it’ll burn.
My family uses Dr.pepper
I put the roast in with a can of french onion all day or all night, drain then add barbecue sauce and cook a little longer. It will fall apart
I put chicken broth in mine
I usually do 3-4lb pork loin, whatever seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, pepper etc (McCormick has a really good pulled pork seasoning packet), I add a cup water or broth and a half a can of coke-a-cola (or offbrand). I don’t add to much because it’ll naturally add natural juices. Leave on slow for at least 6-8hrs. Always turns out tender to be shredded and flavorful.
I put a can of Dr pepper in mine with the roast. Cook it all day on low. Pull it out and drain 90% of the juice from the crock pot. Shred the pork (which a mixer you’ll thank me later) then put it back in. I don’t BBQ sauce it. I leave that for when they put it on sandwiches.
1 Italian salad dressing packet. I cup of water and done
I do salt pepper garlic and a can of Dr Pepper slow cook for around 6 hours shred and enjoy
i use water and let it cook all night
You can make it in a crock pot or Dutch oven. Put your pork in either pot, liberally season with pepper and garlic, add 2 cubed beef tomatoes, 1 to 3 cans of Sprite (any citrus drink will do and amount of cans depends on size of pork) and let cook. If cooking in crock pot, put on in morning on low, by dinner time it will fall apart tender. If cooking in crock pot for lunch, cook on high. Same for Dutch oven, if cooking in oven for dinner, put in over by noon on 350 degrees will be done by dinner time. If cooking in Dutch oven for lunch, put in oven on 425 to 450 degrees by 10:00 a.m. should be done by noon. When cooked, leave in crock pot or Dutch oven, pull apart with fork, add your flavor of BBQ into juices, mixing all well and your done!
Now. This. Is. A. Good. Question. ,.
Dr pepper or root beer, if u can’t do that any dark pop works, lots of your favorite spices whole clove of garlic, pull and drain it once cooked, leave enough liquid to just cover the meat and add you fav BBQ sauce
I make pulled pork and simple two ingredients the meat and a cup of root beer and I cook it well I have an instapot but I cook it on the slow cooker setting probably eight hours so you should have gotten started by now but I don’t know if you got the right kind of meat but if you just put it in there put a cup of root beer in and that’s it put the lid on it turn it on and don’t take the lid off at least to Peak for a while and it should be tender and fall apart
I put some Dr Pepper in mine garlic and seasoning. It also depends if your doing pork loin or pork butt roast. I also do the pork butt and because of the fat it makes a lot of juices. I cook it then put it in a big bowl and take out any fat and the bone. I just shredded it by hand because it’s super tender. I empty the juice from my crockpot and add back in with the juices I have in the bowl. Season a little more and yum all done!
We use this and its amazing
I put pork tenderloin seasoned with salt and pepper all over fat side down, a whole sweet onion sliced, and a can of Mountain Dew into the crockpot. Cook on high 6 hrs and drain. Shred the pork and put on buns. You can add bbq to the pot or each individual can add their own.
It’s really up to your taste preference. There are so many different liquids you could use so try a few and see which you, or your family, prefers. Some people use a dark soda, or a broth, or French onion soup or dry onion soup mix with a broth or even water. And then you can always +/- ingredients to fine tune to your liking, garlic, sweet onion, Worcestershire, etc…
I use any kind of dark cola,and usually just use salt,pepper,and garlic powder…Cook on high all night drain then add barbecue sauce…It’s also good without it…I like seeing the diffrent ways people fix it…
I do a can of coke or dr pepper (not diet) and a cup of broth or water mixed with bullion.
No need for water or any liquids. Spray pot with cooking spray. The pork will produce a ton of its own juices.
I use chicken broth and garlic and add onions cook all day 6-7hours and then I shed the meat,drain the liquid you cooked in and I add bbq sauce.
Pork shoulder. Seasonings. A cup of water. That’s it. Don’t over cook it, won’t be dry
Apple cider vinegar , salt, pepper garlic paprika and brown sugar for the rub! Yum
Root beer or cola soda.
To keep it juicy use something with carbonation. We like root beer or Dr Pepper.
Look it up on YouTube
I put pineapple juice in mine.
I put apple juice and sliced green apples in mine.
Apple juice and apple cider vinegar. Salt and pepper. sliced onion if you like and cook high for one hour than low for 4 hours. Delicious
I use a family size can of golden mushroom soup and a can of coke. The best ever. On low all day.
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I throw a can of beer in with mine. A Milk stout or a good porter will give it a nice rich flavor.
U don’t need to use liquid and can only use seasonings if u want the juices from the meat and seasonings will create its own liquid as it Cooks
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I know a lot of people answered your question but here is my method.
Looks like you are using a pork roast so definitely add liquid. I like mine with a dark soda or I use beef broth and dry beefy onion soup mix with Worcestershire sauce a table spoon or so brown sugar let it cook on low 8-10 hours depending on the size of the roast I am using. I drain all but 2 cups of the liquid. in measuring cup or bowl put those 2 cups of liquid. Then return the roast to my crock pot add BBQ sauce and add 1/2 a cup of the reserved liquid. If your not using BBQ sauce shred meat using a hand mixer or two forks, then add back the two cups of reserved liquid. Then I let sit on warm in my crockpot for 30min to an hour to absorb flavor.
Chicken broth a little water. And I used the packet of pulled pork seasoning stuff at store I cook it all day
I put mine in with a large jar of salsa and cilantro w a small amount of water. Serve over rice.
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