How to manage anxiety?

Fan Question

Lately I’ve been struggling with my anxiety. I’ve always had anxiety, but since my pregnancy it has gotten so much worse. My pulse is often 140 or higher and so my doctor prescribed Hydroxyzine for it. It is not helping at all. Every time I leave my house my pulse goes way up and I feel like I can’t breathe. Does anyone have any recommendations for things to do to help relieve my anxiety?


Is therapy an option? I think thats the recommended treatment for what sounds like social anxiety or agoraphobia

I have anxiety and being pregnant I felt like it got worse but it was actually heart burn and my lungs being conpated. But when my anxiety is high I use cbd and it helps alot

My daughter’s doctor put her on Latuda during her pregnancy. Pregnancy exasperated her anxiety… helped her tremendously

I have the same issue. I take sunny mood. And I drink tea with lavender and honey. Hope this helps you! You aren’t the only one with the struggles!

I got like that last year, turns out i have a heart condition called wpw. The dr gave me all these meds, and it kept getting worse and worse. I didnt know what was going on but i felt so hopeless. I tried ending my life and it turned out to be a blessing as i found out i have wpw. Lots of people who have it never know til they get specifically tested for it. Not sure if its the same thing youre going through, but wouldnt hurt to check it out as a symptom is anxiety.

The medicine she put you on is just benedryl.They tried fooling me with that too


Sounds like panic attacks not anxiety

Im on the same med, it didnt help at first so my dr upped the dose. It helped. And does lots abd lots of time to yourself for self love.

Gabapentin helps myself and my husband as well. Hydroxizene is very weak, it never helped us either, but I didn’t want like xanax or valium either so gabapentin was in the middle of the 2. Also exercise really does help with anxiety tremendously but I know it’s hard sometimes as a mom to fit it in everyday.

First of all you need to figure out what is making you have the anxiety before you address the how to fix it

Ask your doctor about sertraline

CBD therapy worked for me when we paired it with medication. Lavender essential oil. Squish toys. Grounding yourself (eg when you’re in a new area name every red thing you find)

I would recommend a natural supplement for mood support. Please pm for info to the online store. :smiling_face: