How to manage gestational diabetes while pregnant?

I need some advice have any other mommas been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and how did you manage it or handle it I’m very upset I’ve been trying so hard to keep everything under control I dont eat a lot of sugar or salt or carbs I dont drink a lot of soda I’m freaking out.


Don’t freak out!! I had it and my doctor didn’t even tell me I had it until after the post to check up and my son was born absolutely perfect. I don’t really have any advice that I can offer you since I didn’t even know I needed to take action at that time but I just know as a mom to be that stressing yourself out the last thing you want to do. :heart::v::fist: I wish you a happy and healthy duration for your pregnancy!

Carbs are in everything! I followed the strict diet they gave me and it all worked out

Starch turns into sugar. Less rice and potatoes

I went through the same. I had a ton of guilt and I cried to my diabetes counselor. It’s not anything you did wrong! Just follow the meal plan they give you, balance your carbs with proteins and make sure you keep your sugar below the levels they give you and you’ll be fine!

First things first, don’t freak out! It’s okay! As long as your baby is healthy there’s no need to worry mama! I drank more water and changed my diet and my blood sugar levels stayed in check the whole time!

Stick to veggies, protein and a little fruit and you’ll be fine

Google foods low on the glycemic index… itll help you exchange foods for those that dont raise blood sugar as easily

Had while pregnant with my son. He is hypoglycemic.

I just got diagnosed I have to do a shot of insulin before bed every night

I managed mine with diet. If you eat carbs, pair it with lots of protein.


I followed the diet they gave me and everything else such as advice. I had my son at 37 weeks six days and he was 8lbs and 14oz

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No carbs…they turn to sugar in the body. Organic meat and vegetables only.

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I had it and found sweet stuff was fine but cereals made my sugars high my baby boy was born a health 8lb 9oz And was fine I am pregnant again and have been tested twice and haven’t got it this time so fingers crossed it stays that way u will be fine I’m sure xxx

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I have had it with 2 of my pregnancies but after checking my sugar 2hrs after each meal and 1st thing in the morning my sugar was always low/normal. I honestly thing the drink they make you due is just 2 much at 1 time

I could pretty much eat what I wanted with it, you just have to drink a whole bottle of water with each meal, in the mornings and before you go to bed. What really helped me though was chewing on ice all time time. Weither it was in a diet drink or water in general. My favorite thing to eat when I was pregnant was spaghetti and everytime i ate then tested my sugar it was always around 102

You can’t prevent it and its nothing you did. Not everyone needs medication or insulin. Its different for every body and the treatment options depend entirely on your unique case and blood sugar. Just do exactly what your doctor tells you.

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Go for a light walk everyday

I managed it with diet. I was never healthier in my life. I had it with my number 3, I have 5. It was honestly a blessing in disguise!

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I had it. I had to limit my carb intake. I was allowed 60 grams of carbs per meal. I managed it through just diet alone!

Had it and my son is nearly 50 now. Just follow what Dr says

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I had it with both of mine. Just follow your diet and try to walk about 20 minutes 3 times a week.

Gestational diebiteis I don know much of i I had type two last two pregnancy and I still ate what I want and my kids are healthy

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Gestational diabetes is very difficult to control at night but not as difficult during the day once you eat alot of veggies and protein together. Stress only hurt my numbers. I ended up getting on metformin bc of my fasting numbers, night snack or not. I ended up tracking how many hours I slept and asking if metformin wasn’t lasting the whole night. I woke up earlier consistently and started seeing lower fasting numbers. Seven or eight hours of sleep only helped me.

Eat a lot of pickles and anything pickled really… Each day. Longterm use of vinegar is a natural way to keep your levels lowered. Get lots of excercise, or swim, and eat more proteins


I had it both my pregnancies one with diet and gabbleride (I think thats right) and my 2nd one was diet almost had to use insulin shots. Low carbs and high protein and veggies and drink lots of water. Both babies came out 6lbs

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Eat extra protein that help

All the people saying veggies… The correct veggies :expressionless: some have ridiculous amounts of carbs for healthy foods. Fruit isn’t great either.

Sometimes if it is toward due date. It can be a spillover of milk sugar.

Will I have to give up all carbs and sugars I dont eat a lot of those things but I enjoy them now and again I just did my glucose tests and have to start monitoring my sugar is it possible to just manage it with diet I also live in southern Louisiana so it’s been very very hot so I dont get out much I cant handle the heat it causes me to be dizzy and nauseous so I dont get a lot exercise other then cleaning the house.