How to naturally go into labor?

Hi I’m 38 weeks and 6 days can I get some ideas on what I can do to go into labor naturally?


Usually they tell u to have sex because it stimulates the cervix, and also the Sperm can help u go into labor. If u tried sex and still doesn’t work , and please mind u , use under discretion. But Castor oil can start the labor process, but please if u do this u CAN NOT BE ALONE!!! Because u can go into labor fast and thngs can start moving fast lol but i hope u have a safe labor and delivery u and ur baby!!! And CONGRATULATIONS!!! :slight_smile:

I was 35w3d and last minute Christmas shopping, I walked around an outside store outlet for 2 hours. Obviously wasn’t trying to put myself in labor as I was still early yet but a few hours later, my water broke. Walk. Walk. Walk!

Had my baby the other day at exactly 40 weeks (on my due date)
The day before I did a lot of cleaning then went out shopping so I was walking. Then come home and insisted on doing the deed. Woke up 6 hrs later in labour

After you loose the mucus plug. A few days later usually labor starts

If you want to naturally go into labor, you wait till baby puts you into labor.

Just sit and wait it’s only coincidence if u go into labour with work , walking or cleaning. I think.

Patiently wait. Walk, drink plenty of water and wait. Something like 90% of babies are born between 38-42 weeks, if given the chance to do just that. As long as you and the baby are doing well, don’t rush things. Now days, many OBS will hasten things along and attempt induction at 41 weeks but, if your body isn’t ready, it may not be the most pleasant experience.