How to naturally remove body hair?

So this isn’t baby related really but I’m hoping to find some help.
Just a little back story…
When I was younger I used to be made fun of for having a hairy face. Like, people would say I had a moustache & goatee. It made me so insecure, I made the HUGE mistake of shaving it. Now I have to shave everyday, sometimes twice.
Anyone know of any secret potions to stop hair growth? Or natural hair removal?
Its gotten worse since having a baby & I need help!


Laser hair removal. Have you been checked for pcos?

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the wise tale of “shaving makes it grow back thicker” is not true whatsoever. So don’t think this is your doing😉.
I’d suggest waxing because it will take longer to grow back and will eventually damage the hair follicle causing the hair to come back thinner.
Or laser hair removal if you want more of a 100% permanent solution.

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Waxing, laser removal or talk to a professional


There are options out there like others have stated. I work face to face with people not even a foot away from me and I wear magnifiers. With or without the magnifiers I can tell you that there are so many women out there that also have facial hair. If it were me I’d go with threading or waxing. Or depending on cost I’d go with laser.

Talk to your dr about being treated for pcos… Being a female and having facial hair is a symptom of that. You can get medication to reduce it and prevent the growth of it.

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Shaving is the worse thing u can do…my grandma plucked with tweezers I wax


Or laser if you can afford it

No to waxing! Get sugared!

Please do not wax your face especially around your mouth area. Some ppl have sensitive skin and will break out. If you can not get laser hair removal I suggest threading. I’ve gotten my eyebrows waxed for years and always had irritation, it’s not good for your skin. Threading is best

I would talk to your doctor about it sounds like a hormone imbalance

Threading as often as you need, or laser treatments for dark hair, electrolysis for light hair as a permanent solution (will likely take a couple of sessions).

i would pluck or wax…

You probably shouldn’t be shaving your face bc the hair is just going to grow back thicker and darker. You can try waxing or threading. Not sure how much laser hair removal costs but it might be worth it to look into it. I know some places will allow you to do some sort of payment plan.