How to parent a 10-year-old?

Suggestions on how to get my ten year to stop talking back? She’s very outspoken for her age. I need her to come down a couple of notches. Any ideas of how to? Or is this age appropriate


Good old fashioned ass beating

Yep. Whoop her. Take the thing she enjoys the most of and punish her for a week from it. If that don’t work, then take everything from her room except her bed. She will have plenty time to think about her actions then.


My son is ten and also in the talking back stage… when it gets stressful for me and I can feel myself wanting to argue with him I just tell him that it hurts my feeling as a mom who tries her best when he talks back or won’t listen and makes me feel disrespected and send him to his room to come up with three reasons why he appreciates his life and family. He can come out when he has his reasons however long it takes is up to him. Gives me time to regroup and him time to reflect on his behavior. So far it’s working really well and we are having less and less issues.


Start taking things away


Pop that heffa in the mouf :woman_shrugging:t5:


Gina thought some of these comments might give u some ideas🤷🏼‍♀️

Mine is 11 and life can be absolute hell when she’s in those moods! I don’t really have advice because nothing ever works with her and she’s just getting worse and worse the older she’s getting. But I definitely know what your going through and you’re not alone. XoXo

Chores, and if that don’t work, absolutely no devices or screen time. And if that don’t work, no door on her bedroom. And if that don’t work time out, like a toddler time out. And if that don’t work spanking. Just keep going down the list of ideas until she’s been humbled enough to understand you’re the parent and she’s the child.


If u grounded taking things away and she still doing … Coming from that one good pop in the mouth or butt and it should stop but. Every parents different … I know that worked on mine

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My daughter started @ 8 yrs old so everytime she talked back I made her face the wall for a couple minutes and if she continued to after facing the wall then I would whoop her, she eventually stopped but has a few outbreaks once in a while

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Try to get to the bottom of why she is acting this way. That way you know if she’s just being a brat or if she’s acting out because of something. If she’s just being a brat then start taking things away and ground her. Toys, electronics, phone/TV/internet privilege, anything that is important to her. If you have to, take everything but her clothes and bed and have her earn her things back. If there is an underlying issue than that needs delt with before anything will change.


It doesnt go away I have a brother who’s gonna be 16 hes fucking terrible!

Take control, teach respect (yes ma’am, no sir are the correct answers to an adult ), and practice not getting the last word.


my fricken 6 year old is this way!

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Spanking…my 7 year old covers his mouth if he talks back or isn’t respectful bc he knows he will be popped…


I don’t think this problem can be solved.


First and foremost, pay attention to how others are speaking to one another in front of her. :heart:


It’s so sickening ALWAYS seeing people suggest hitting.

Do not hit your children.
They are not beneath you.
Treat them like you treat others.
Take away privileges.


I slapped my daughter in the mouth, she is no longer talking back. I dont usually hit them so it really took her by surprise.


How do you talk to her? Are you modeling the behavior to her or in front of her towards other people?


Sometimes a mom have to go crazy and maybe it will change her tune next time just bring the crazy out and scare her don’t hit her just act crazy

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If she wants to talk to you like an adult swat her butt a few times and send her to her room. Dont put up with it or it only gets worse.


It’s normal. That’s the age hormones start to go haywire. Talk to your child when they are calm to explain how you feel and how the attitude and talking back is inappropriate. And during it burst…with mine i seems them to their room if they want to keep it up i will take your belongings. Try me. My daughter’s tend to apologize REAL QUICK!

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Oh it definitely comes with the age and usually girls before boys. My trick was patiently explaining why it is so disrespectful, how people would see and react to her. And then let her know that behavior is NOT acceptable and you will not entertain any conversations with her until she has some manners. Then ignor her completely when she comes at you with the attitude. She’ll get the hint.

Kids will test their limits but hitting a child is like saying you are not allowed to hit someone and then you do. Most kids act how they see “others” acting and if you are a yeller they will be. Talk calm, dont hit and let them have their say.Kids act up for a reason, maybe tired or stressed.They can have bad days too.


My daughter did it once, and I mean once! I flicked her in the lip, and she never did it again!


It wont ever really stop. I have a 12 yr old that drives me nuts. Punish punish punish. Keep up on discipline, and if you say somethkmg like “if u talk to me like that agin, your not going to ____”, and then shes rude again, FOLLOW THROUGH. never send out empty threats. Good luck. Its testing boundries.


Need I say more? :fire::cold_sweat:


Can we all take a step back, and notice how we speak/act when we are stressed, mad, angry, upset?
Can we all say 100% that our words are under control, all the time?
Children mimic what they see. They will treat others how they see you treat others. They will react the way you react. They will speak the way you speak.
Take a step back and realize how you handle things, and maybe make some changes to better yourself, and your child’s behavior.

Everyone has their own language. Learn your child’s. Hitting solves nothing. Hitting teaches your children to hit.


Consequences for actions. Whatever works for her. An extra chore when she talks back, sentences, grounding, we tricked the boy when he lied that he had to eat a Hot pepper (it was really a sweet bell pepper the little ones that kinda look like jalapenos) but be careful with that. He told his nana it was a ghost pepper and she called CPS. We showed her the bag and she laughed but still


Hard issue to solve lol. Dont hit your 10 yr old, it wont help. Try talking to her when she’s calm. Get on her level and figure out whats going on. If she doesnt tone it down after some talks and trying to figure out whats going on with her try taking things she likes, tv, gaming system, phone if she has one and so on.

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I feel ya!! It’s perfectly normal. Trust me. It means she’s learning to trust her own thoughts and opinions, to defend herself.


Normal. Just try to nip it in the bud and explain it to her nicely why it’s not appropriate. See if you can make her reflect on how she’s wording things. It’s worked for me.

Im a spanking type if mom and my kids are great! My 12 yo son tho is acting up. A little talking back, and little things like giving me looks and moving slow when he’s told to do something. Don’t be too hard, this is a hard age. Their hormones are going crazy and they sont understand why they are feeling weird. My husband and I had a long convo with him yesterday while doing yard work. Sometimes they just need some exercise and to vent. :heart:


It’s a normal part of pre pubescent development.

It’s definitely normal for the age. Just gotta stay on top of it

She have any electronics? Phone, tv, stereo? Take all that. Take everything out of her room except a mattress. Its a lot of work. But kids hate it.

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Sometimes kids have sas I always brought it up to my kids that I felt they were talking a little bit disrespectful to me and tried to work on it grime there on sometimes it worked sometimes not its hard when kids are sasy and they don’t realize there doing it and girls oh my sasy for so long my best advice is to just focous on them realising you don’t like the tone they take with you tell that child this hurts how you fell about your relationship and then say this is how I would prefer you to talk to me and you say the words then repeat the way they did it let them know the difference

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Give her lines to write. Make her write a long report on effective communication.

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Depends on the child. My step boys talk back and all I have to do is take their electronics away. My boys get their butts whooped after we talk about what they did wrong. There is already a house rule of no back talking/attitude in our home no matter how adults at either home acts. My son took one good belt whooping at age 10 and he has been an angel ever since. My 9 year old Autistic son is a different story. He sees the world in it differently so I have to go about punish differently with him depending on what he is obsessed with I take that toy or game away. Otherwise he hates being flicked in the ear. Another child is 13 and hates time outs. HATES timeout. He will stay in a corner for almost an hour before he calms down then his timing starts. My youngest stepson is 10 he hates writing sentences. My father spanked me and hit me all the time and I didn’t go around hitting people. You know your child. Find their weakness with trial and error. Once you find what works for your children then take that away as punishment. I’ve literally cooked food that my own kids don’t like because they wanted to act like little brats so for dinner momma made what she wanted and the kids had to eat “pork chops and string beans” everyone’s least favorite meal :smile::smile::smile::smile: goodluck Hun! I have a blended family of 7 kids! I have a different punishment for all of them. :wink::wink::wink:


Hard labor make her do chores my son is to tired to talk back

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Just wait til she’s 13 then you will really see what talking back is!


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Chores are considered a reward to her. She loves doing chores. So chores would not be a good idea for punishment

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Take things away that she is attached to. Phone, laptop, tv, time with friends, etc. Please don’t use physical violence, there are much better ways.


I told mind if she continued i was gonna ground her

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I don’t know but they have a lot to say and they start learning how to ask questions and I think it’s good probably annoying but when they hit the teenage years they probably stop talking to you so I would probably try to enjoy it, as hard as that may seem at the moment.

I have a 10 year-old also and he never stops talking back so if you find a remedy please share

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My daughter has been like that since she was 7 and she’s 16! U know what changed her? Getting a job! They love her where she works! She’s the only busser that has stayed! She makes good $ and is learning how to save and works w mostly adults! Her getting a job changed her soooooo much!

Wash her mouth out lol… but really if she is 10 and already talking back …GOOD LUCK!! It only will get worse… And although I know it’s hard and aggravating. Try and be patient … remember that young girls go through lots of hormonal changes and it’s tough in their minds and body. Think of how our period makes us feel as adults? Put yourself in her shoes and realize her life is changing and hormones can be hard to deal with. Open up a communication line. If her mouth gets out of line tell her to go to her room until she snaps out of it. Walk away and pay her no mind.

My red head is 12 this month and her mouth is way out of control and I’ve done it all! So good luck.

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Punishment won’t change behavior long term. It will only create a divide. I would suggest getting to the root of her feelings and working on those.


Here’s the opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics and numerous doctors/scientists/psychologists/PROFESSIONALS on the long term effects of using corporal punishment on your children. I don’t care for the whole “my mom hit me and I came out okay,” defense because hitting your children just because you were hit isn’t a healthy or logical excuse. There’s other proven methods to explore without perpetuating a cycle of children limiting their own behavior simply out of fear that their own parents will hurt them.


I got backhanded… one good one. Didn’t need another one :woman_shrugging:


Kids want to grow up way faster. When my kids decide to start talking back it’s a “quick stop look at me and try saying what you just said in a better way. That tone is not acceptable and will not be tolerated” and then YouTube gets taken away or decreased and believe me that definitely changes the attitude.
I feel all kids get sassy at some point or another but it’s a matter of being direct and quick to shut it down if you continue to allow it it will just keep on happening!


Look all I am saying is that a pop in the mouth or a stinging rear end never killed anyone. Now this is after you have tried talking and other methods of punishment. Also have you tried embarrassing them. My son was acting up in school and we had tried several things. So I went to the school and made him apologize to his whole class them I told him in front of everyone that if I had another call I would be attending class with him. He was mortified and a I have stopped getting calls.


Lol my daughter is 7 and she’s such a fuckin smart ass. Im in the same boat and we’re drowning but im here with ya :joy::joy::joy:

My daughter is 15 and still back talks so

My 11 yr is the same nd i just have to give a look when shes outta line nd she knows. I will only tolerate it to a certain point. I take things that are important to her away until she comes down a few pegs. I refuse to b disrespected in my home

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Take away the things she likes the most. Until she realizes… phone internet tablets TV. Toys allowance .

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My sister is going threw this… Or was…does she like money??? Lol

My 11yr old was walking a fine line. I put her in the corner the other day for 15mins…lmao she hated it but seemed to work.

Have her sit down and talk calmly and respectfully at a time when there isn’t an issue. Ask her why at 10 she feels it’s ok to give you back chat. Tell her is bad and disrespectful and hurts you. That as her mom you love her bits but it’s you job to bring her up to be the best she can be so her life will be successfully and happy. Tell her you will want to be treating her as a mature 10 yr old not a cheeky 6 yr old and both she and you and family in general will be happier. Also tell her you will have to remove whatever is her thing, ie screen time, meeting her buddies to play at wk end or what ever it is if the attitude doesn’t improve. Have a warning word to use to remind her she is not in trouble but about to over step that line. Let her choose the word. Praise her when she is been mature and pleasant. It won’t solve it altogether but might help her to take it down a bit. Praise Praise Praise and in front of your friends and relations so she gets to bask a while. Good luck.

Take away things that she loves more like her iPad if has one or something like that and then make her earn it back by doing chores. My mum did this with me and the obvious smack on the rear end if I was still misbehaving and I’ve turned out just fine. Still have the attitude to be honest :joy: but I know when I can bring it when we are mucking around and having fun.
Hope it goes well :blush::grin::joy:

My 7 year old boy does that. And not even really back talking but he ALWAYS has to have the last word. Drives me nuts. He might look like his dad but he’s got him mamas sass :joy::joy:

Welcome to pre teens. When mine would try that I would give them the chance to say it again right to my face and with the look I had they knew better. My daughter was my worst one though and it didn’t help that she had my attitude.

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Discipline from a young age and this won’t happen. Single mom of two girls, 15 & 19, and I never had an issue with this…ever. Gotta teach them respect from the start, unfortunately parents nowadays seem to forget to teach about respect.


Where when and why . She need to learn this and it’s not ok to back talk or be rude .

Don’t accept the behavior. Change it. You’re the parent, they need guidance.


I know it’s illegal now but my grandmother washed my mouth out with soap


I got so frustrated with my son wants. That I dumped a glass of water over his head. He then ran to the phone and called nine-one-one. The officer was cracking up laughing. I do not Advocate that. But it can be really frustrating


Get a grip on it now or it’s just going to works get worse. I would shut off the internet and take the phone away.

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Good old days home training as i call it…

Teach her to express herself respectfully. My parents were against back talk or my having an opinion, my step mom saved me from a lifetime of being walked on by helping me expressing myself respectfully.


Can do any of those things my parents did,because it is with it or nip it in the bud now and hope you get away with it.

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It’s normal for that age. I’m not saying that you should just let it go and not get on to her, just that it’s normal.

I used to get soap in my mouth, mum used to say do u want to do it or u want me to do it? If i sed me an did it gently she pushed it so it grates against my teeth. Wudnt advise it now but it worked

My mom used to put a drop of soap on our tongue when we would mouth off or use foul language. :woman_shrugging:t2: it worked

She’s testing you and you’ve got to show her who’s boss. My kids lose all electronics for no less than the rest of the day… Devices go in my room and I may give them back the day. My kids aren’t perfect but they are very well behaved compared to a lot of kids that I’ve known… I think it’s because they know for a fact that there are consequences to their actions… Back talk doesn’t slide.

Let it be known that this is disrespectful and won’t be accepted.

Don’t let her test you like that. It will only escalate

Give her 1 good ass whooping

Take devices away n give her chores to do n makeher earn everyone back one at a time

And tell her if something else is the reaaon for back talking u she can come to u n u willbe therefor her

If it’s necessary give her a spanking. I dont mean break out a belt and start wailing on her! I mean spank her within reason and then explain to her why she received a spanking and what to do in the future. I only spank mine if its extremely bad behavior. My daughter is the “good one” but she gets mouthy sometimes. I have popped her in the mouth a few times. Not enough to really hurt or anything just enough for her to realize she cant talk to me like shes an adult. Some of you may disagree and that’s fine but I dont need to hear about how you dont agree with me. You can keep that to yourself. You do what works for you and I’ll do the same :+1::grin:

Tell her that its unacceptable. No one else talks to anyone else that way, why should it be any different for her?

While it happens to be an age thing …(I have 2 daughters who are adults now----but getting them there wasn’t easy!!) She needs to understand that her back talking will have consequences.My youngest wanted to fight with me verbally over an outfit she had chosen to wear to a family dinner with my father…I asked her to change and she started with her crap (“I shouldn’t have to change.” I should be able to wear what I want." Etc…) I told her that it was not up for discussion “Either change of you can have P.B. & J for dinner while the rest of us go out.” Then I shut up on the subject. …She changed. Later she asked me why her changing was such a BIG deal and I showed her the LONG rip in the side of the outfit and it would have been exposing her underwear!! Tell her what you expect out of her then …ignore the back talking (some kids just want to verbally spar and other just really want to check out their boundarys. Boundrarys must be set and consequences explained and then doled out…But you need to pick your battles…I did not care if she wore weird eye shadow if we were just going to the park…but no make-up to school until she was older…I feel for you but trust me mama “This too shall Pass.” …although it may feel like an eternity until it does!!

My momma would pop my mouth but that’s not okay now ay?