How to parent a 5-year-old?

Where is his Dad? Sometimes children will be who you think they will be. Perhaps separation at least tempory is needed.

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Also children are never the problem.


Lifting him up in prayer

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dont give up. our son had adhd and we were told he was born with to many white chrosomes and meds did help him. keep looking for the right dr

Girl you gotta discipline that child . Show him who the parents are . Put your foot down , take away all his toys , have a conversation w. Him telling him you love him , therefore you will correct his behavior. Spank him , and tell him you love him and will continue to correct him if he continues to act up . Go to his school and sit w. Him . This is your child , a reflection of you and your bd . Handle it.

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#1 the Dr doesn’t need anything from the school #2 sounds like you need a break :frowning: maybe let Mom have him for a couple of days if she’s willing and then maybe all go to counseling and get that baby a new dr

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I don’t understand you just don’t like the toy you gat so you will just give it to your mom?? Nice maeby you are the problem short temper?? Or maeby not enough patient??? A kid is no joke we can’t just give to our mother who knows better is our job to be the parents of our children girl you need to be the parent with love patient and disiplan is not your mother job its your responsibility and stop think that just bc a kid dosen’t lissent to you is bc something is wrong to the child you are giving up not good at all

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OP update:

Thank you so much for all your help. I have read the post and some hit it on the head. I have determined that some problems are between his Dad and I. We are going through a divorce and I have sat down and thought about the times we have argued in front of him. His father is not abusive to him but his father is not helping around the house. I do all the work and I have a full time job. This is putting more stress on me than imagined. I am willing to get help for myself and take classes to help with my yelling and screaming (anger management I think). I took him to see his Grandmother and Great Grandmother today and we all had a great time and he was extremely well behaved. I go home and then when my son returns back from his Grandma’s house, my son goes crazy. I do believe there is tension in the house between his Dad and I. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make my son’s home a happy place and not so stressful. So yes it has a lot to do with me and his Dad.


This just popped up on my newsfeed


Please don’t put him on meds. Do you and his dad yell, scream, fight? May be what he’s learned from y’all. Not trying to place blame, but my son went through that (I raised him alone) and noticed myself screaming at him…it took all the patience I had in me to just kneel down to his level, talk to him and tell him it wasn’t acceptable, put him in time out. Of course he rebelled, wouldn’t stay in time out, I nearly lost my mind walking him back to time out, again, and again, not saying a word, just walking him back till he finally stayed…one minute for each yr he was old…5yrs old…5 minutes. Etc. Kids and parents don’t come with manuals…they learn by experience. He rarely acts out in school… Red flag…teachers don’t scream or spank kids. Everyone has bad days. Maybe secretly install a camera “to watch interactions with dad”… Whether you trust him or not…you have to stop it NOW…and from experience, you HAVE to be stern, but loving when it comes to discipline, and DO NOT give in just because YOU can’t handle it…persistence is the key…not meds, not yelling, not giving in, not spanking. Good luck

Be consistent and be the boss. Little man does not rule over you lol

Treat him like a person? You’ve only spoken about discipline and your issues. Well, what about him?

Clearly he is not happy :woman_shrugging:t2:

I say take everything away even the bed if he want behave after everything is taken away. Then tear that ass up each an everytime. let him know you want be playing his game.

Let your mother have him before you hurt him

Don’t give up on your kid stay positive, be calm, kids feel
Frustration the more you are calm the more he will be calm. But be persistent!

Stop using ADHD as a excuse.

I know how you feel. My 5 year old daughter is the same way with me. She doesn’t listen to me at all, disrespectful to me. Discipline doesn’t work :woman_shrugging:t3: so yeah, I know how you feel :broken_heart:

In order to get any testing from the school, you have to put it in writing that you want your child tested for such and such. They have to do the testing within a certain amount of time. Where I live the schools aren’t allowed to tell you they think your kid has ADHD or any kind of learning disability. My son started acting out and I took him to the Dr. and she diagnosed him, not the school. You have to be an advocate for you child. Don’t take no for an answer. If you have to, try a different Dr. who will listen and help you. You can put him on meds, if it is ADHD or you can take him to a counselor and they will help him cope with it and help you cope with it as well. They will give him different tools to use on a daily basis, so he can live a normal life. I notice with my son he craves structure and routine. Let him know what is expected of him. Have charts and rules. Eventually you will get to a point where things run smoothly. Just don’t give up on him, that could make things a lot worse for him. Best of luck!

you said he’s fine around you? You and the father? Maybe he has issues with the dad? Any possibility that something could have happened between them? Or maybe he’s not spending enough time with him? I think you need to sit down with him and have a long conversation about his feelings.

Why does everyone think if your child
Misbehaves they have adhd or some shit. Never heard the term “shit kid”. Be the parent.