How to potty train a 2 year old?

Any tips on potty training 2 year old ?Idk how to start teaching her … she loves taking her pamper off when she’s done using it so I’m thinking she’s ready for potty training??

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I used a book called potty training in one day…it didn’t happen in one day but it really jump started it…also the Elmo potty video

First let her just sit on the toilet to get use to it and talk to her about this is where you go potty. I did rewards once they started potty training and read books about going potty. For the rewards I did stickers when they just sat there or when they went then gave an M & M or something your ok giving.

You are really training yourself. What I did was after eating or drinking I would put them on the potty chair for fifteen minutes or until they went. If they went we had Pom poms and would clap and cheer. We would time it to see how long it took and then figure out their pattern. Before we put them in the potty we would say let’s go potty and say the word potty a lot so the knew what to say when they had to go.

I bought my daughter a small potty at 18 mos just so she could familiarize herself with it. Then at 2 & 4 months, I got outta bed for the day, took her diaper off and took her straight to the potty, she went so I started having her go every 30-45 mins. If she was dry I put the same diaper back on her. If was wet then I changed her. I did this for 3-4months.

The next step was I let her go naked along with still having her go every 30-45 mins. (I tried putting underwear on her and she just peed right through them.) She eventually got to the point where she’d just take herself to the potty at home. Outside of home or long road trips we did diapers because she wouldn’t let me or her dad know she hadto go til it was too late. I did that for 4-5 about months.

Then when she turned 3 and started preschool she was in underwear during the day and still would take herself to the potty. She’ll have an accident on occasion during the day, but not often. Plus when we’re out now she tells us when she has to go. (Preschool really helped with that part)

Night time she’s still in diapers because from my understanding that’s a developmental thing and not something you can train.

On their own time. Never got anywhere by making them sit on the toilet.