How to potty train a boy?

I’m in the middle of potty training my 2 (almost 3 in September) year old son. It’s been going well for months with the whole peeing part, but I can’t get him to poop in the potty to save my life! We’ve tried praise and rewards like stickers and candies, which worked really well with the peeing thing, and even offered to double it if he started pooping in the potty, but that didn’t work, so we went to throwing away something every time he pooped in his pants (seems to mean I know but desperate acts) and throwing away undies if he went potty in them. Nothing seems to be working! He knows when he has to poop and knows when he needs to be changed but just won’t use the potty. We don’t do the throwing things away thing anymore since that didn’t work, and no rewards seem enticing enough. He has a small potty and a seat for the big potty already…any advice?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a boy?

Best advice I can give is be consistent. Let him know that everyone poops in the potty. I let my 2 year old in the bathroom with me when I go, it’s like monkey see monkey do. And if he has an accident, do get mad. Just say “it’s OK, next time let’s go in the potty like Mommy & Daddy”… eventually it’ll all click. Just be consistent :slight_smile:


Punishment is a really bad idea. Don’t make him feel shame or negativity about accidents. It will happen when he’s ready.


Are his potties accessible to him? Without needed help?
That rwally helped my son, we had the one with stairs to the potty. So we kept the door open and light on.

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It’s usually just leaving them on the toilet long enough and they go alone without even knowing and once he does he’ll keep on. But it is harder to get them to poop in the potty. If you see him making faces go sit him on the potty. Or if you know he usually goes in the morning or evening sit him down around that time to try to catch him! Once he goes he will keep going!

Maybe he isn’t ready, you said almost 3… There is set time for them to be potty trained. But why punish him? When he is ready he will

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Still very young. Be patient.
Punishment is a very bad idea.

He will poop when he is ready do not rush him just keep trying… And when he goes he goes

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Be patient with him and let him know it’s alright to go poop in the potty and that everyone dose it.he will get it when hes ready to

My son turned 4 in January and just now started pooping on the potty. I didnt force it and didnt want to make a big deal out of it. He’d ask for a pull up… go do his thing and we’d just change him. He did master the peeing part a year ago… the pooping took a long time.


He will poop when he is ready. Stop trying to force something on that he isn’t ready for yet.


My son is 3 and we are STILL working on potty training him. It has been working great and then he just will stop. I talked to his ped and he said he will do it in HIS time- so don’t rush him. Make a routine that he sits on the potty four times a day at the same time everyday. And reward him. It’s still a work in progress!! I am due with baby #3 in September and when baby arrives Avrey will more than likely regress and start to go in his pants again…. So we just go one day at a time and I am hoping and praying that one day he just gets it!!! Don’t push it mama, you will drive yourself crazy!!!

Putting a potty in my son’s room helped a lot. He has never used the potty thats in the open living room area to poop only the one that’s private and in his bedroom.

He isn’t ready… Patience it will happen… But why would you throw a young boys stuff away and punish him… Boys usually take longer than girls… And his brain has to be ready… Pooping always takes longer than peeing… I make up funny songs about pooping in the potty then we get to flush it down… Down… Down… Kids love it…

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Make him clean up his own mess. Even of it takes him an hour, sit and guide him through it until every last bit of poop is cleaned away. Along with a really quick, no fun shower. No playing in the water. Just two minutes to wash and out.

My son 45, who was over a year potty train himself, by watching his 4 year old cousin Mikey use the toilet, he was fast came off the bottle at 1years old, but when your son is ready he will do it

My oldest was difficult to train with pooping as well. For him he would even hide while he did it in his pants. I’d say he was like 4 when he finally pooped on the potty consistently.

Punishing him or making him ashamed of pooping is not the answer. Being patient while he accepts the new normal is what you just need to do.

I told my son the characters on his undies would get sad. He started peeing on the potty at 18 months and was fully potty trained before he was 2.5. My son was easier than my girls lol which were all potty trained by age 2 but every kid is different. Popsicles worked for all 3 of them. Sit them on the potty with one.

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Does he give cues when he is about to poop? If so, as soon as you see the cues sit him on the potty until he goes. I make up silly pooping on the potty songs for my boy to make it fun.

Maybe try something else besides candy? Maybe a toy of choice? Mini vacation to the zoo or amusement park? Kids can be stubborn turst me raised 5 of them and my 2 boys were a pain to potty train. Good luck

My son was almost 4 when he finally got the hang of it. Stop forcing it, he’ll go when he’s ready

So, funny not funny story, my son had this issue. After a while the hubby got real tired of it, well our son pooped his pants again and it was a MESS, down his legs everything so, hubby being completely out of patience and having this huge mess to deal with, just threw him in the bathtub, he said to him “Now you have to take a poop bath” and ever since then my sons never had a single accident. He was NOT cool with having to take a “poop bath” lmfao.


Some of yall are nasty, 4 years old shitting on themselves :face_vomiting:


I’m doing the same with my 2 1/2 yr old rn. It’s my 4th son to potty train, he will when he’s ready. Do not punish him when it comes to potty training. Sends mixed signals. An to be honest, you don’t even have to bribe. Just show real excitement an clap an tell him he’s a good boy for going in the potty. Also go to the bathroom in front of him so he sees that every one in the house uses the big boy potty.

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Does he have his own potty chair or are you having him sit on the grown up toilet? My son was afraid of the big toilet. He thought he was going to fall in. I went back to his little potty chair and he started using it. He was w 1/2. Boys take way more time to potty train than girls with the standing for one thing and sitting for the other. Give him a little more time. Don’t make a big deal about not going in the potty, it will only make him nervous and extend training. Good luck❤.

I just took the pull ups away and have my son big boy pants. There is a lot less space making it harder to poop in and much more uncomfortable when they do wee or poo, after going in the pants for either a wee or poo a few times he realised he didn’t like it and went straight to the potty. Everytime he pood on the potty we praised him, he was just 2 and so proud of himself. Best way is doing it when the weather’s nice, going outside letting him run around in pants all day and leaving a potty out, he’ll learn big boy pants are uncomfortable when wet (unlike nappies, diapers, pull ups, that have lots of space and soak up moisture) or full of poo and go to the potty pretty quick.

You could always take him to a shop with you and let him choose his very own special poop potty just for poos- if he chose it himself he might be more inclined to try it

Weirdly, both of my boys potty trained shortly after they turned 3 years old. I mostly had them naked in the house, with a potty chair in whatever room we were in, and it takes constant attention. We took this approach because it seemed if they had a pull up or undies on, they always had an accident. Not even try to go to the potty. Rewards nor being assertive helped. They were very off and on with potty training too. Then all of a sudden, after turning 3, they were 100% potty trained out of nowhere.

I remember putting a colour thing in the cistern of the toilet so when he pooped he got to flush. The water turned blue upon flushing.

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Mine is 6 almosr
T 8
7 and still doing ot

They actually do poop on toliet when they want to.

When you notice him trying to poop sit him on the potty. It’s more about the parents being observant and diligent and consistent. He will catch on.

I don’t think 2 is too young like some are saying. My oldest was potty trained in a few days at age 2. He’s 4 now. My middle son, who is now 2, is being potty trained now. The first few days are rough. He is taking a little longer than my oldest. It’s about week 2 and he usually potty’s during the day in the potty. Consistency is key. Toss pull ups. Have rewards. It’s frustrating of course but consistency is what’s important.

I had to get a potty chair just for my sons room. He had one with a ladder for the toilet. Soon as I put one in his room he never turned back.

Bring a friend his age over to play and it will embarrass him not too poop the potty.Make sure the child coming over is potty trained. My grandson just got potty trained and he’s almost 5yrs old.I thought I would die changing him…

Well, i going to tell you a story about a lady I know that had a very hard time with her son and the pooping issue. This lady is nearing her 80s now so it might lead to legal issues now. Her mother-in-law told her to pretend she was feeding him his poop, so she told him that was going to happen the next time he pooped himself. She took a box of baking soda into the bathroom, and sure enough he pooped his pants, she also had a spoon hidden there also. She made him take a bite of the baking soda telling him it was his poop. He never pooped his pants again. She said the next day she felt so sorry for him because he wouldn’t get off the commode.