How to potty train a boy?

Please give me all your tips and tricks for potty training a little boy!

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No pull-ups while training just underwear. Mine didn’t like peeing all over himself and got it real quick after I took away the pull-ups. He is now fully potty trained and turning 3yrs April 30th. Be consistent and have them try to go every 30 mins. But don’t force it. Good luck!

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With our toddler now, we let him run free while at home and he picked up on some of it. Also we skipped pull ups and just done the trainers underwear. Took about 2/3 weeks to really get it, but he is good during the day now. You just have to figure out their time frame and take them to the potty over and over again. Don’t force it. If they feel stressed they won’t want to do it.

I knew of a Mama that trained hers with a small bucket :rofl: whatever works!!

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Froot loops
Every colour has points

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The little urinals you can get off of or Amazon. Worked perfect for my son.

Cheerios let him aim…

Peeing best way is have them aim at things. Fruit loops are great. Each color has a certain point level. Make a sticker chart. When sticker chart is full they get a special treat. Pooping was the hardest for me. If you set him or her works either way backwards on the toilet they have better balance and give them a dry erase or washable marker. Let them color on the lid. Washes easy and they are entertained.

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No underwear, or pull-ups. Try to dedicate a few days to let him run naked at home. Keep a potty seat near him at all times, and ask if he needs to potty every 30-45 minutes at first. Don’t scold if he has an accident, just reinforce that he needs to use his potty. If he isn’t ready, don’t force him. It’s SO much easier to do when they’re ready and saying they want/need the potty.

Let him pee outside (in your backyard if you have one). Like on a tree or something. My boys loved doing that