How to potty train a boy?

I’d let him stay in his poopie diapers for a while and make him “clean” up the mess. (Of course he can’t do that very well, but he can certainly get the point)

Make him clean his own messes did it with mine when they did it and tried being sneaky anytime I caught them or found that they had gone potty anywhere other then the potty it worked my youngest son would actually poop in the closet and then smear it all over the walls too nasty I clean it the first couple times after I scolded him but after that and he continued the clean up was all on him

Give him a bottle of bubbles to blow while sitting on the toilet. The blowing helps digestive track push the waste out.

My mother told me this. She was born in 1917 so this may have happened in the 20s or early 30s when she was a child. A friend of her mother had a boy who pooped his pants and refused to use the toilet. His mom cleaned him every time scolding him about not using the potty. One day after she had cleaned him she was taking his soiled underwear through the house to the bath room to rinse it out and saw him eating PB&J sandwich, getting the peanut butter and sticky jelly on his face. INSPIRATION hit her. She folded his soiled underwear so she had the clean edge in her fingers and went over to him. She then wiped the peanut butter and jelly all over his face while telling him that since he didn’t care if he had it on his bottom that he should also wear it in his face. Since she had his soiled underwear in her hand he thought, “you know what” was on his face. It was the last time he pooed his pants. It was a strange punishment but it worked for this stubborn child.

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How long had he been potty trained before he regressed ? Is he in a pre school or anything ? If so talk to the people who run it. Please don’t waste much time if not resolved soon. Talk to his pediatrician and perhaps a counselor. There is a reason…

Take him to the bathroom with you sit him on potty and have a chat or game then it will be fun cos mummy is doing toilet to

If you are using pull ups…stop, my kids stopped 2 days after I put them in regular underwear

Ask if you can get an X-ray of his abdomen prior to the visit, maybe this way you could be k e step ahead.

hose him off with the garden hose outside in the backyard.

Do you have younger children? He may be seeking attention. One little boy stuttered and the problem was that his older sister would finish his sentences instead of letting him finish.

My two boys were potty trained at 17 months old they went to the Bathroom with their Dad wanted to do it like daddy

Let him hear you tell this to someone over the phone (or pretend you are). It worked for my sister when her grandchild knew she was telling me.

My son’s 7 1/2 and he started pooping in his pants again. No idea how to get him to stop

Could be a colon issue—this was the case years ago with a friend’s son

Who knows? I’d be the last to answer this question…I only had 3 boys & they were all different!

Put him back in diapers until your appointment.

Omg. My daughter did this. Then after EVERYTHING, I explained school and all the fun ( in detail!!!) and it was what did the trick. Blew my mind. Stubborn kid was being lazy.

I understand how u feel…my son was pottery trained at 2 and a half yrs old…
He used the pottery about 2 weeks the he wanted to used the toilet…as we did so we had to get a seat for him and a little step …all was fine but I could not get him to clean himself…at 4 years old he would scream mummy I’m finish he never wants to touch the matter.
But at 5 he had to cause he started school…
Keep patient with him all kids develop differently.

If he was going ok before and just started doing it then I’d seek medical attention as something caused it to start again.

Sometimes stress will cause a child to do this. This is an area of life they have control of-Sometimes a painful bowel movement will cause a child not want to go- causing even more difficulty going. Extreme focus on this will only cause more stress . Increase liguids- fruit and veggies- avoid bread- it’s binding. Take regular walks- play time. Activities assist with peristalsis and naturally brings on bowel movements

Just let him alone, he will stop messing his pants when he feels like it. He’s just a kid, let him be a kid and enjoy being a kid while he is one and stop worrying about the work YOU have to do when he messes his pants. Geeze!!!

Stop giving him things and take away favorites! Make him clean the undies out in the toilet! I Pray that there is no health problem! It’s hard on the both of you! I’m so sorry!:pray::pray::pray:

If he was completely potty trained and then started this out of the blue, then the first step is a visit with his pediatrician as there may be something wrong.

Tell him he will be treated like the baby with diapers all the time if he continues. Thank good ness I never had issues with this. But I wish I could get my 2.5 year old girl to be potty trained. Been trying since she was 1. She has a vocab but not much.

I would have him tested for autism because it seems like he is regressing and this is a sign of that.

Do you have baby there. Sometimes that starts it.

My daughter who was fully toilet trained for months reverted to diapers when her sibling was born.

Don’t assume get him checked. My son had encopresis and I hope like hell your child does not. An Xray/GI can tell you.

Please don’t worry. I was a potty training teacher for like 10 years for 2 years old. Boys usually take longer and at maybe 3 years or 4. But don’t get after them because that only causes fear and will take them longer to get it. They will get it nothing is wrong with him. Just be patient.

Is he afraid of the big toilet? Try letting him use the little potty again.

Has something changed in the house? He is regressing for a reason

Both of mine pooped in their pants until they were ready :person_shrugging:

You need to talk to him and ask if it hurts to go. And ask him if someone has told him any stories to scare him.

When you give people free stuff, someone has to pay for it! The working people!!

Today that would be called child abuse. Be careful!!!

He’s not constipated is he and the poop you are getting could be break through which will be looser.just a thought,?

My son did the same thing, just eventually stopped???

I don’t know if it will work but my daughter did that and I told her she had to wear diapers and I did. She got over it really quick

They have potties that look like fire trucks and ding when they poop

Has he been through a traumatic experience or has anyone tried go sexually assault him?

By a tub appliqué like a frog or shark tell him it his job to “ hit it” and as soon as he does he can go out and play like the other BIG BOYS

If there are no physical problems try letting him wear his poopy pants for a few hours.

A friend of mine has this problem. He is 4 & half. He laughs and says I pooped my [ants. He always wears a diaper cause he pees in his pants too. He says he is going to do it until he is 12 then laughed. It does not phase him a bit. I read all these comments and do not agree with the child cleaning up after his own poop. I like the treasure box so maybe I can suggest that to his mom.

Maybe something goung on at school and it’s more 2 it
There more dang reason then he just doing it

I put fruit loops in toilet so my boys would aim at them to pee. They loved it & never had a problem with them peeing on the seat. Once they got that done I just told them they were big boys now & had to use potty or toilet. My one son decided he no longer wanted to poop in potty. I told him he had to clean himself cause mommy only cleaned babies diapers. No way he was cleaning himself so he used potty from then on.

Give him a book…or two, so he will relax and not stress about actually pooping…then just let it happen!

Make him wash his clothes every time he does it, let him sleep in it, or even have him invite friends over and let them see what he does, he wont wanna do it after that

I would find out if there is a reason , maybe that could be dealt with. Also rewards always help

What changed in his life?

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If he was completely trained and this is new, he maybe being abused. Talk to him about good touch/ bad touch and see if he shares anything.

A good slap on that bare ass will make him pay attention and know that you mean business! Stop being his friend and be a parent!!

Have him help you “clean up”. That’s will give him repercussions without shame.

Can I ask how old he was when he was originally trained?

My brother had the same problem with his oldest that is now 21 he had to give him sad faces stickers to get him to even going to the bathroom. My oldest brother and his ex wife had a baby prior to that and he was a little jealous

Had he been to the doctor?

What about a swat on the butt? I’m sorry, but 4 1/2? Really?

Let him sit in it a while. He’ll figure it out.

For starters, don’t blame yourself.


How about putting him in a diaper when he poops?

He’s protesting something ! What changed in his life?

Did you ask him what’s going on?

Has he been vaccinated?I doubt a doctor will be helpful ,has anything changed ?any recent vaccines ?

Have you tried spanking his ass?

Make sure no one is doing anything of a sexual thing to him


I know you’ve tried asking him?

Try giving him a treat every time he potty’s in the commode

Make a treasure box. And reward him for everytime he poops the potty. That might help.

You could try letting him clean himself

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Maybe the smell bothers him in the bathroom I order my son unscented poopari and hes good now

Take him in the bathroom and make him clean himself. I know this has worked. He will need a bath.

Make him change his own diaper. It worked for my daughter.

Make him clean his own underwear out. Two times n my daughter never pooped her pants again!!!

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Put a diaper on him until he stops and uses the toilet

Skittles worked good as reward with my.boys

Make him wash his own drawers in the toilet.

Talk to your pediatrician to make sure it’s not a medical issue.

Give him one lemon drop candy for every time he poops in the toilet

Have him wash his underwear by hand worked the first time!!!

Make him clean and scrub his own undies. It’ll quickly stop.

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If there’s a newer baby in the house, he may be seeking attention.

He doing it ON PURPOSE… Start from there🤷

There could be a traumatic reason. Good call on Paeds appt

Take him to the doctor to make sure he is okay.

Dont rush him he will the more u push the more he will rebel

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Make him clean himself and underwear

Have him clean his own mess he will soon stop and use the toilet

While he’s on potty tell him go poop

Prune juice works for all ages

I bought his favorite character underpants…when he dirtied them i made him throw them away…he quit practically overnight…


Have u tried making hi. Wash his owe underwater out n toliet

Has something frightened him lately ? Ask him c what he says .

Garden hose. And make him clean himself up.

Give him a bucket and let him wash out his own poop pants…trust me it works. .and your not being a cruel mom


Has there been any big changes in his life like a new baby, new kids or other adults? Is this the only behavioral change? I hate to say this but sometimes abused kids will start wetting the bed or peeing/pooping on themselves. Discuss all changes with his doctor. This could be a physical or emotional problem. Good luck

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I would reward my grandson with a nickel everytime he would use the potty, that did it for me, it worked@

A smack on the butt should do it!

Had same issue with my youngest boy. I had him in training pants not diapers. Dr suggested I have him rinse out his own pants when he pooped in them. Did this and 2 days later he was trained and never pooped in his training pants again.

That seems to make sense to me.

Put him in pullups ,check the consistency of his bm,hard he may need stool softener,liquid he may be constipated. Keep your MD appointment and everything is normal just tell him he has to wear pull ups until he is ready to use potty to poop. My daughter had no physical problem ,she just didn’t want to stop and go and eventually she went. I had to let the embarrassment of other kids teasing her be the catalyst for her to stop. Unfortunately pullups hadn’t been on the market.

Let him wear crapped on underwear.