How to potty train a boy?

Maybe if you tell him you’re going to put diapers on in like a baby

Sit him on the big commode,facing the tank,put a toy on the tank,it will work

Real easy you ready for this great advice make him clean his underwear and pants after doing his business in them…

Patience and stop being hard on both of you. Sometimes as parents we forget that are kids and except them to act like adults.

Promise him a trip to Chucky Cheese if he poops in the potty and not his pants. Did he fall in the toilet? May have scared him.

Have him checked for Crohn’s disease

My daughter did the same thing, I tried everything and nothing worked. I asked my Mom for advice and she told me to make my daughter wash them out. IT WORKED!!! It only took a few times of her washing her own underwear out in the toilet before she started going on the toilet.

Guess you can leave it in his pants.

I asked my son if he wanted to go to big boy school, he said yes and I said that was a dealbreaker. He never did it again.

Sounds like he’s scared to go on the toilet. Maybe he fell in or something and doesn’t want to do it again. Who knows. What is he telling you? Surely at his age he can communicate why he stopped using the toilet. Hopefully the doctor can help.


Tell him about going to school and making friends and riding the bus. He has to wear big boy underwear to do those things. And he can’t poop in his pants no more if that’s what he wants to do.

Watch some of the supernanny video’s with Jo Frost on the subject and see what she does.

Good to check for medical. Love teaching them by making them clean their underwear and have a
shower—and if a necessary second step.
I wonder if child’s been in daycare?? Any chance of inappropriate behavior?

Was there any change in his routine ? Did anyone babysit him who made comments about the toilet .

Nope…had the same, told me when grown, that he just wa ted too!!

He could be upset about someone or something and this is his way of showing it. Sometimes a councelor can help.

Sit down first and then stand

And sometimes they feel they have no control or choices in their life and this they can do. Make him clean it up. I hope he isn’t sick. Lay off bananas cheese…more water.

Let him pee outside on a tree

I’d be demanding a sooner appointment.


Try giving him something he likes to read while sitting on the toilet. Let him sit awhile until he poops.

Feed him raw and natural foods with fiber will help no chips or junk

Has he experienced a trauma recently ? Have him examined by a doctor

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Keep doing potty break every 30 min might take months

Can be a sign of sexual abuse

Wash his little ass off with the water hose. My unc solved a family member with that some year ago.

I imitated a.little girl talking to her momma sayin she didnt like boys who pooped their pants…it worked almost.over night but he was always girl motivated…hes seventeen now…still


I would love take my Ma out too breakfast but she lives 350miles away so im sending her a Ma kit, things i know she likes/enjoys an loves might be late ( she knows too it will be late), doesn’t know what else in box…

He’s 4.5 yo. I’m quite surprised at some of these suggestions. Like he’s an infant? He is old enough to know he should use a potty. Perhaps he needs some stricter rules and maybe even discipline. Preschool kids get in trouble for these behaviors and aren’t allowed to attend school if they aren’t properly using the potty at this age. Not everything is because “poor baby”. Kids learn who’s in charge quickly.


My youngest daughter pooped in the bathtub or the closet… She stopped when I caught her in the closet and I cried asking what she needed and what should I do…

Sometimes traumatic events cause this. My brother and older sister were completely potty trained by my grandmother (who took care of them full time while our mother was teaching school out of town). My mother came back, picked up the kids and got on a plane to go to Germany where my father was stationed and they were so traumatized by it they began soiling themselves. Has something changed recently?

Try the paddle. The kid wants to see how far you’ll go. Show him.

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Maybe he’s afraid he’ll fall in. Our younger daughter DID fall in. All I saw were feet, hands, and her head. Wish I had a camera. Now, she’s a Marine!

Have their been any upsets in the house like dad leaving or something else. that happend to me when a new daddy in the house but he finaly stopped

Constipation check with his pediatrician something is wrong don’t punish at anytime until you see

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Did he experience anything traumatic ( even things we don’t always see as trauma can be from their perspective) that can cause him to regress? Sometimes when that happens it’s the only way they feel in control of something when their lives experience a big change.

Could something have traumatized him? My son is special need , but he is terrified of the toilet.

Before you do anything ask him why he does it first.

Once potty trained and they revert back usually means some kind of trauma like a grandparent dying … A bully etc. Sexual abuse etc

Have you tried making him stay in it for a while?

My son went thru this. Don’t clean him, let him clean it up.

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Let a couple of those dry on him. Let him feel how uncomfortable that will leave him.:smiley:

Put him in pull ups and send him to school

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How could fb allow such SHIT

Hmmmm well let me ask you and help analyze first are you and your husband are potty trained yourself, second are you setting a good example
I said it before and I’ll say it again this site is full of shit

I need more advice too

All you folks saying beat his ass… make him sit in it… One day your child will choose your nursing home. Hopefully yall won’t have to lay in it long when you start shitting yourself and no one beats the shit out of you for it. Cause you know better! Right?

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You tried tearing his ass off . Well not really off but you know. The next time he shit in his pants. Would be the last if it was mine. Just as one of them…

Danielle Kubach-Leidy

Quit letting him watch CNN.

Take him to a doctor

Jessica Leigh Moores

Let them pee outside

Tessa LeeAnn Keller good info

Send him in with Daddy. The big guy can help

Naadirah Latife Osman

Swat that bare hiney!


Very well could be linked to something like constipation. Also it is very normal for fully potty trained kids to regress. It could be that as well.

My daughter did this same exact thing she finally started
Pooping in potty all on her own this last year she’s 5 believe me we bribed her with so many things like big ticket items nothing worked she did it on her time when she was comfortable

Get an alamanac. It will tell you the best days out of each month to potty train. It sounds crazy but it works!! I did it with my daughter and she was potty trained the day we started.

My boys didn’t fully potty train until around 6 years old…it’s a boy thing :woman_shrugging:t2: they’ll do it when they are ready but I wouldn’t sweat it.

Make him clean his own underwear. Mine never did it again

My 4 1/2 yrs old boy did this up until a few months ago. Even tried kids movical but that was worse softened his poops and still doing them in pants. Doc suggested 20mins after breakfast, lunch and dinner get him to sit on toilet for 5 mins and see. Instantly worked, i cudnt believe it. Mainly works after his breakfast which is obviously his time to go. This might be worth a try.
Ps at start i used to give him ipad to get him to stay on loo for the 5mins but soon realised he was fooling me telling me he cud feel poo coming just to stay on loo with ipad. Removed Ipad and now most times he does his poos in a minute or two doesn’t need full 5 minutes. Hed still have odd accident but nothing like before

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Have you tried letting him clean it up? If he poops In his pants he gets to take them off wipe, dispose of the poop and put it in the wash. It will happen 2-3 times before he will never do it again.
Make sure you supervise every step, and ensure he’s clean as to not get rash, but a child that age should not be pooping himself.

When my Son was 3yrs old I Potty Trained him by taking him to the Bathroom Every 30mins for 3 days. He had one accident that’s it but by the end of the 3rd day he was running to the Bathroom on his on and wiping himself. But all Kids are different just take your time and have some patience.

Wet that hand and pop his ass he want poop his pants long I bet you that he to damn old to poop on his self wet hands work

Try “poop pudding”. Look up the recipe on the internet.

Sounds like he could be suffering from constipation, which creates an overflow that leaks I to their underwear. My eldest had this when he was very young. He eventually outgrew it.

Make him clean it. It’ll scar him.

He does need to go to the Dr.

I know someone who made their son clean his underpants in the toilet. After a few times he stopped pooping in his underwear.

It’s probably medical. Good thing u made a doctor appt. Hang in there

Try not to worry you will pass it on to the lad

After he poops in his pants does he want you to take it off of him right away if the answer is yes there is more to it :100:

If he is pretty regular, find a book he loves and leave it in the bathroom. It can only be read in the bathroom. Talk about the story with excitement and express how you can’t wait to see what happens next.


Make him wear his dirty pants. And when he takes them off, make him rinse them in the pot. I guarantee you he will stop


Our daughter told one of her children that if the child wanted to go play in the IKEA ballroom, you had to be potty trained! It was awesome motivation!

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Its weird to me that he was perfectly potty trained and regressed. Alot of times when children have regressive behavior either something upsetting has happened or they are trying to get your attention. Did a new baby come in the house? Is something taking more of your time than usual? Might want to talk to him and find out

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Until you see the pediatrician (and after) quit dumping on yourself for " not doing enough". He seems to be dealing with something that is stressful to him that caused him to regress. Mama kicking herself will not help, and you can bet that he will not go to school and keep this problem.

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Do you have a squatty potty for him? Or a potty his size? My son was afraid to fall in the toilet. He is 10 and weirdly, still squats to poop on the toilet. He is getting bigger and now uses the squatty potty.

Have you tried putting him on the toilet backwards? He faces the back of the toilet… Then give him a white board or washable markers and let him doole on the toilet seat lid or white board. Theirs little legs don’t go to sleep that way if they sit there for awhile. They can also see what is going on and they aren’t as scared of falling in.

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He is just being lazy and he knows it! Maybe if he attends a play-school or any other place where he meets up with friends or family, don’t let him attend because he is a dirty smelly boy. Maybe leave him in soiled pants for a while before changing him, he won’t like that? Otherwise take him into a Baby Changing room and come out with a dog, fair exchange! :grin:

I bought mine a baby doll that pees and after one day of talking him through the whole process I asked him to please show the baby how to use the potty, it was one more day and he was done. When you teach, you learn. Small people are still just people.

Somehow my daughter trained my grandson by the time he was two. Now he’s 14 going on 40. Skipped childhood entirely and is in a special school for aerospace engineering. Sometimes I wish he had been normal.

Give up the potty he will find it easier to go on the toilet especially if he is a bigger boy

My 5 year old was potty trained at 2 never had issues he always went in the toilet until he went to preschool at 3 1/2 and then he started pooping his pants at school. I talked to him and he just said he had to go and wasnt alowd. So I talked to his teacher and she said he never said anything. After him doing it a couple times a week. Fpr a cpuple months I told him i was gonna have to spank the next time he did it. I found out that he was too scared to say anything because he would do it at nap time. And they were not alowd to make any noise during nap time. I told him if he has to go potty he had to speak up and loud enough for the teacher to hear. She had the music up really loud for nap didnt see how anybody could nap with it that loud. But she was transferred to another preschool and he stopped doing it. He is now having issues cleaning all the way and sometimes gets red I just remind him to clean all the way or he gets an owie butt.

Mine got to enjoy it for a while…let him experience the discomfort…he won’t like it! Let him sit, play and whine for a while…he will quickly want to sit on the pot!

Is he eating too much fruit? BM would come quick and he can’t get to the bathroom fast enough.

A child whose behaviour or habits regress can be caused by a change in routine, stress, upset, infection, disharmony in the family, bullying at nursery or abuse issues. Suggest giving your child a break from your good intention to get his behaviour back to how it was.

Practical things can be him seeing you on the toilet, having a poo ( defacation) and allow him to see the relief you get from opening your bowels.

Warm the toilet seat or potty, have distractions like sitting on the potty and drawing or reading together, Reward system with stars.

Check out amazon for a kids poo book. Can be useful.

Lastly have a talk about pooping is normal. How food is digested…simple version.

Increase level of activity.

Ensure the environment is calm at all times. Congratulate when managed to go. Lots of love and hugs…you’re already giving.

Look up toilet training …Keep strong because your child will be able to go soon I’m sure.

Things not to do is pass on your stress.

It may be your child either may the feeling of warm poo next to their bottom. Or may just be frightened. Also google videos of animals pooping for him to see. Its normal.

This resolve over time. Best wishes and hugs Mum xxx

Make him clean his own pants. My son started doing that and it downed on me he was doing it to punish me. So I told him to clean his own pants, gave him instructions and that was the last time it happened

My son was holding poop because he was scared of big potty scared of getting messy trying to clean himself… Just assure him he’s a big boy he can do it use small potty and keep plenty of wipes handy…:hugs:

Find out if something happened to him around that time. Did he start school? Did you move? Did his friend move?

Tell him no preschool or kinder garten till he quits as you cant go to school with him and the teachers not going to wipe his butt… worked for me.

Is something going on a school?

Probably…lazy…spank him…make him clean himself…u check to see if he is clean…tell him that he is A Big boy…now

Make the toilet accessible to him and put a mirror on the wall so he can see himself.

I would see the poop sometimes when my boy was that age n his stool was huge. How can something so little put out such a big turd. It had to hurt. Seriously stool softener. Ask him if it hurts.

What’s happening in your life? Usually they regress when something happens to make them afraid to move forward so the move back.

Stool softner. It may hurt coming out. Holding it till can’t. afraid to go it hurts. Its common when he does go is the stool really big. If so it hurts stool softener.