How to potty train a boy?

Hey I was wondering if you guys can help me and give me some advice. I’m potty training my son and today is day 2 I have His favorite candies yesterday we had accidents but he still went and pee. This morning I sat him down and he’s literally screaming saying I don’t want it. I literally want to give up and not do this to him but then everybody it’s telling it’s time and not to give up. He’s 3 y/o. Every how long do I sit him? I ask him if he has to go and he would say no. I really don’t know what I’m doing :pensive:


My son didn’t get it until 4, I tried it all and then one day he was fine. He did it. I’d back off for now, mention it so often, maybe try and step and seat for the toilet. My son preferred this x

Keep him in underwear. Put his potty seat in the living room… If he pees in his underwear ask him questions like, doesn’t that feel cold, wet, uncomfortable? If we pee in the toilet we don’t feel that way… I always kept an upbeat happy mood about the potty, hoorays and great jobs! High fives and I’m so proud of you! both my kids were potty trained before their third birthdays. Good luck to you!


I went through that with one of my girls when she was 3. She would scream and cry after the first time. Nothing I did helped. She would tell me that she would be taking diapers to school with her lol. Then one day a few weeks later she just told me she had to go. That was it. She just wanted it to be her choice.

My friend successfully trained her kids by keeping the potty in the same room for example if they were in the livingroom, kitchen, outside, wherever that’s where the potty was. She’d set them on it every 30 mins or so and get really excited when they’d “go” her son was 14m when he was trained and her daughter 16m. She still out pull ups on them at night just in case but they were trained. I’ve also heard using a reward chart with stickers or candy or whatever works. My son is 13m and I plan to start trying to train him this summer. Good luck!

Sounds like your on the right track just keep it up. With my daughter when she was at that age I would have her sit on the potty for a few minutes and I would try to keep her occupied. She didn’t get it right off it took time. But with potty training it takes some time and patience. Don’t get too depressed or worried just stay focused and constinant.

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Put cherrios I’m the tolit ask him to hit them when he pees


My son is 3 and I’m fighting with potty training too…His doctor told me don’t force him or push the matter when he is ready he will let u know… but I also let him run around naked which has helped some

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Don’t force him when his ready he will use the potty.My daughter was 3 1/2 when one day she told me that she had to pee and went to the bathroom.Had no problem since every kid is different

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I’m glad I’m not the only one…my daughter was so hard to train
.half way thru preschool she finally got it…alot of m&ms…and sticker charts…honestly nothing worked until she realized she didn’t like sitting in wet undies…good luck mama

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Takes consistancy, about every 30 mins to a hr , try implementing something fun to do while they sit , make a huge deal about it when they go cheering ect. Remove all diapers out of the house only use one at night, have them in only underwear. That way the get use to the urge to pee and if they have a accident they know what that feeling means , set a timer in their room . If you put a diaper on them they will go in it everytime because thats what’s easy to them , it could take up to a week or more, good luck.

It takes time an patience. Just keep trying. Best times is when he wakes up or after he eats or drinks

I would put potty in front of the tv so he was more comfortable going.

Sounds like he isn’t ready. Most kids aren’t ready until closer to age 3. Just wait until hes ready and Itll happen in a few days or less rather than months

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He may just not be ready yet. I potty trained my son at 2 but he was showing all of the signs that he was ready. So I bought him a potty chair we just went for it one weekend. I always made using the potty “fun” and kept up the encouragement even when he peed all over the place the first day lol. Also try reading him books while he sits on the potty. Let him pick out his own big boy undies. We used M&Ms for rewards. It may take him a little longer but don’t give up.

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Sink the Cheerios game! Make it fun.

He honestly may not be ready. You can make It to where he gets scared of the potty. He will give signs when he is ready to start.

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Set specific times. On waking, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner and before bed. He is well old enough to be potty trained. Also use regular underwear. The pullups make them think they can stilk potty in their pants.

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Don’t force it. My daughter fought me tooth and nail and one day while with my sister tells her “I need to go potty” and that was it.

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My boy wasn’t ready until 3 he was too busy… My girls were so much easier!

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I always think that making it fun is important!

Sing songs together. If he has a child size potty have him sit while you sit and just talk about using the potty. Praise him for attempts even if he doesn’t go.

When he does have accidents try not to get worked up. Just talk about it and discuss the ideal thing to do next time.

Talk up how cool big boy undies are. “Let’s work really hard together to use the potty so we can go shopping and you can pick out your own super cool undies!”

If male figure is in the home it could be a cool “guy time”.

I do think at three he may just need the consistency until he “is on board or ready”.

Don’t give up. I know cleaning up messes isn’t fun, some kiddos just take a little longer but they will follow your lead. If you throw in the towel he will too and not care to continue with his diapers/pull ups.

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Don’t ask him if he has to go. Say “let’s go potty” even if he says no your not making it a question but a statement… if he says I don’t have to or no… let’s try anyways.


It sounds like he might not be ready. I would wait a few weeks and try again.


Wait until he is ready. Buy that new light target for in the potty. Keep prepping him every day "when you are in big boy underwear like daddy, I can buy you super hero underwear that proves your strong enough to use the potty/toilet. Don’t traumatized him, wait until he feels good about it.

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If he is telling you he doesnt want to do it then STOP. you are forcing him

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You are doing what you can Mama, boys are alittle harder and need lots of reminders…I teach 3-5 yr olds and first you need to be sure he is interested and understands the entire toiletry skills needed to be accomplished. I suggest to take him every 30 minutes if he only sits for 5 min that’s ok :green_heart:. Praise him for each try and Accidents will happen do.not talk down but instead say You need to listen to your body sweetheart. Maybe surprise him w a new book to look at when he is sitting on potty. I also encourage child to sing ABC with me, twinkle twinkle little star…if they need to pee by this time child will go voluntarily. Take out of pull ups! Put him in underwear and He Changes his Wet clothes and this too is part of learning this skill. You should be very consistent in both asking and then taking him and Not walk away but be close…Patience will help this process go much smoother for you both and if not then he may not be cognitively ready and that’s ok too. Give a week or two break and begin again. Potty chart w cool stickers may help too :relaxed::relaxed:

Try going to the potty. I’m currently potty training my soon to be 3 year old and he goes when everybody else goes, even if you don’t need to go, just pretend that you are, maybe that’ll help??

Don’t listen to everyone else, that drove me crazy, your child will go when they’re ready, just keep at it, don’t get frustrated, this is new to them, just be patient & don’t give up, it’ll be OK

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I’m having the same problem with my 3 year old. :disappointed: he will pee just fine when I put him on the potty but will not poop. Even when I KNOW he has to go. He’ll sit there for 20 minutes crying that he can’t do it but as soon as I put the diaper on, he goes. I feel your pain momma.

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Set a timer. Every half hour go to the potty. Stay with him. Read a book. Or watch ipad. Leave him in underware. Except at night.

We live in the boonies, so my son loves to pee on things. :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: we go outside and pick a target.


My boy wasn’t fully potty trained until he was almost 4. I’ve been told both by doctors as well as people I know boys are harder. Doesn’t help he was born with a bladder condition that makes him have a smaller bladder than he should. Accidents will happen (poop or pee) but patience and understanding is key. One thing I did was let him see me use the potty (his bio dad wasn’t much help and stopped coming around when he was 2 and he NEVER saw my parts) he would see me sitting there and ask what I was doing, I’d say “I’m going potty want to try on your seat?” and that’s when he’d try harder. Sometimes he’d say no but over time he did more and more. He told me he wanted to be like mommy and go potty. I would teach him to sit a tuck his part in so the pee would go in his seat (there was many failed attempts but he tried). Just breathe and remember, you’re just starting. Be consistent but don’t overwhelm him with it either. He’ll reject it if you push him too hard and show too much frustration.

I say her down for 10 mins (unless she went potty) every 15-30 mins depending if she went

My second potty trained herself

I suggest reading “Oh Crap, Potty training!” By Jamie Glowacki. The second and third day is always one of the hardest because the novelty of something new wares off. If he can throw a fit because he wants/doesn’t want something, he’s ready to potty train. My daughter is two, I know all kids are different, but we started almost a month ago, day two she begged me for diapers, I kept telling her she’s a big girl and diapers are for babies and after a few hrs, she never asked for them again. We started with stickers and special treats after a few successful potties with no accidents, did that for a week in the small potty and now we are off to the regular grown up potty and she’s doing great! Still a few accidents here and there, but day two is when most parents give up because they second guess themselves. Be patient, don’t get frustrated for no reason, he will feed of it, don’t second guess, don’t turn back to diapers now, it will confuse him and he will be even harder the next time to potty train. I say go without a diaper or undies for a few days, be patient and talk him through the potties then try pants/shorts without undies for a few days, until he’s telling you he has to potty and taking his pants down himself. Then try undies. But my daughter just pees in panties, so we are still on pants with no panties go now.

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Mine learned to pee pee off the back porch

It’s only day 2​:joy::joy::joy:you will figure it out ! Relax!

My boys are 29 & 21 they were both 3 yrs 4 months , but they just decided on there own. Yes there were accidents, but was so easy , don’t listen to people’s BS . They will do it when there ready. Hang in there.

Read some books little momma. There are tons of them.