Hello, my son will be 3 in July…over the past few months, we’ve been trying to work on potty training, but it’s really frustrating. he will go pee on the potty (or toddler urinal) when we ask him if he needs to pee (he tries to force out pee if he doesn’t have to go). But he won’t poop anywhere except his pull-up or the floor if he’s not had a pull-up on in a while. The issue is every time I try to explain to him about pottying and telling us when he needs to potty, he goes out of his way to not look at me and tries to run off fake screaming to get away from me, flops on his bed to avoid the conversation, which makes me frustrated as he will never be trained, or something wrong with him cuz I feel like he should look at me and understand what I’m saying. I’ve tried putting him in big boy underwear and tell him not to go in those and show him that his dad and I wear underwear and we’re big, and he can be too, but he will pee in them after he goes and hides. I’ve tried leaving him naked, but he just pees on the floor. I’m at a loss!!
With it being summertime, let him run around outside without pants in your backyard. Keep a log of what time he drinks, eats, and then does his business. Then take him however long the interval is. So if he drinks and 30mins later he pees, take him 30mins to the potty every time he drinks something. With boys, you can see when they have to pee ahead of time if they aren’t wearing pants and take them as soon as you see the confirmation. Also get a bear or fav animal/ doll and put undies on the bear. Take the bear to the potty. When he’s not paying attention, put apple juice in the potty and then make a big deal having your son check and saying he went potty. Raisins could be used as poop. Reward systems also work well. A friend of mine said to give M&Ms, but my son would chomp through them in one second flat. So I gave him fruit chews one at a time for sitting on the potty. Also let him have a favorite toy or book while on the potty only.