How to potty train a child with a speech delay?

My son will be 3 years old in May. He has a speech delay but no interest in the potty


My son had a very bad speech delay when we potty trained, we used visual prompts, I would say the words pee and would point to front of my pants and then for poo say and would point or pull on thr back of my pants. Keeping very simple with terms so he could pick up on words. “Pee” or “need pee”
When we would want to try on a potty prompt, I would point to the front of my pants and the potty and say “let’s try pee in potty” both potty and simple words came in time.

You’ve got it​:raised_hands: just keep consistency :muscle:

take him every 15-30 minutes & have him sit on the potty for 10 minutes.
my son is autistic & basically nonverbal. that’s what i did with him, starting his first birthday (i always start my kids first birthdays). it took him a few weeks compared to my other kids, but he was ok by 18 months.

What does one have to do with the other? I’m not trying to be rude or funny in reallybwould like to know the correlation

make it fun. male child cheerios in the toilet.

My son is 3 1/2 with childhood apraxia of speech a neurological speech delay and not interested in potty training so I feel your pain