How to potty train a dog?

What can I do about my dog who literally will not potty train? she is 6 months old and still has accidents and i think she does it on purpose…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a dog?

We need more info. What do you do/have tried?

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If it’s an inside dog, take her outside after it wakes up, most times when they wake first instinct is to go to the toilet. Or better yet if your dog is doin it constantly rub their nose in it but make sure you do that when you catch it doin it or if all else fails your dog maybe just lazy. Patience and persistents always works in the long run

Crate train. Take the puppy out every 1 hour or so. Take it out 30 minutes after every feeding. Don’t go inside until the puppy has went potty. This has worked for me every time I’ve trained a puppy


It takes a lot of patience. Be consistent. We had a dog who was stubborn. I took her out every hour and would sit outside with her forever and she would potty as soon as she came in. I just kept trying and she eventually got it. I gave her treats when she did good and scolded her when she went in the house. I tried crate training but she was not a dog that could go in a crate. She would howl and cry the whole time.

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Take the dog out every hour or two. Crate the dog at night In the AM take the dog out right away. Through out the day every time you see the dog pee spray it with water from a water bottle. Not much just enough that the dog knows it’s not supposed to do that. Tell him NO when it happens and take him outside right after it.My dog was stubborn too. She would go out and pee right after she came in. She finally caught on and it never happened again. It took me 10 month but we finally managed it.

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Used puppy pads. Put them in areas she frequently used. They’re life savers! There is also a few sprays you can try to deter her from using certain spots or to draw her to certain spots. One I read about that has great reviews is expensive but I plan to try it. My puppy is pretty good with her training but if she was taken out every 2 hours like we planned I know she would be way better.

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No they don’t do it on purpose why do you think that?


Put her out before you go to bed, actually watch her and make sure she goes, put her outside as soon as you get out of bed in the morning, if you see her sniffing around the house put her outside and say Toilet each time you put her out, reward with praises and treats every time she goes toilet outside.


I mean shit are kids potty trained in 6 months? Good lord it’s called consistency and patience. They’re puppies until the age of 3. Age 1 is round about time but here’s the deal. When you get an animal it’s life long. Do you dribble? Ever have the runs? Period leaks? Animals are no different. Even a pup at the age of 4-5 will have accidents on occasion. Wait till they’re “seniors” & lose control of their bowels.

People need to do research before adopting an animal.

Ours was the same we got her at six months and I thought for two months that she couldn’t get potty trained------ then we saw some videos on YouTube about her breed and they say positive prise , we had to change our ways from discipline her – instead of yelling or raising our voice – I took her where she pee or pop inside and say no bad doggie we don’t pee inside and took her to the door – that went on for about a month and half ---- right now she stop going inside and now when ever she goes poopie outside I video tape her and she so happy – look up her breed and see what others had too say

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We need more info. Take the dog out every time after they eat and drink. Every 15-20 minutes and BE CONSISTENT

Do not run their nose in anything. Worst advise ever. When you catch him.or her in the act, in a stern raised voice say NO. Immediately pick it up and bring dog outside. Command go pee pee or go poo poo. Whatever she was doing inside… once he or she goes, " good girl, poo poo outside." And consistency. When you can’t keep an eye, place the dog in a crate with just enough room to stand and turn around. Nooooo extra room. Trained my dog like this and she will pee or poop on command as long as she has to. Mega praise when the behavior is what you want.

6 months is still younge. :point_up:

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Do not rub her nose in it.
Positive reinforcement and treats when she goes outside.
A big NO when she goes inside.
Take her out in a.m. before you do anything else. If possible take her out every hour. Lots of exercise helps dogs move their bowels.
When she goes outside make a big deal about it and give her a treat.


Puppy pads are great and patience helps. My dogs 8 months and she was easy to train but just have time and patience and they’ll get there

Wouldn’t be on purpose. Take them out or to their potty area as often as you can and reward when they go where they’re supposed to. It’s just one of those things…going mad at a young dog can potentially make things worse so just be persistent and patient.


At that age they still can’t hold it long, it’s pretty much an hour for their age, which isn’t necessarily true, some can, (I’ve had 3 dogs that could hold it 10 hours by 8 months, even when brought outside, they did nothing) if it’s a little dog, you’re screwed, big dog and female, she.may have a UTI. That’s a number one.sign or if she is.going a lot for short pees… Also you need to train them or watch for ques. Message me if you want, I do train dogs but also a dog is better trained by the.owners, not someone else.

Also do not use puppy pads, as much as ppl say to use.them don’t… it’s encouraging them to go inside and can confuse.them… So unless that’s what you want then go for it.

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Your pup is not doing it on purpose, you’re the problem, you’re not doing it right. Research your breed to see the average length of time it typically takes to potty train, which you honestly should have done prior to getting the pup. Some breeds take a little longer than others just purely based on temperament. Also, you need to be consistent. Take the pup out every 15-30 minutes regardless of feeding schedule. When you notice that they are going longer periods without accidents, you can extend the time in between potty breaks. You also need to work on crate training. Having your pup in a crate when you are not home cuts down on the amount of accidents. Additionally, you are going to have better results with positive reinforcement… any time your pup goes to the bathroom outside, give them a treat and make a big deal about how proud you are. DO NOT scream/hit/kick/rub their nose/become aggressive with your dog for going to the bathroom indoors. Ultimately, it is YOUR fault if your dog uses the bathroom indoors. If you cannot be consistent and properly train your pup, re-home them to a family that will properly care for them and use this as a lesson not to get another dog until you’re ready for the commitment. I see it all the time in my work where people just don’t realize the level of commitment it takes and are too dense to understand that they’re the problem and not the dog. Look out for body language and signs that your pup is giving you and just do better. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Kennel training helps. It’s helped a lot with training mine.

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Research crate training


That is still very much a baby. And just like a child it’s all developmental. It can take some dogs up to a year to be completely trained. Your going to need some patience


Put puppy pads near the door then take your puppy pad outside when it’s soiled .use the same door .all the time .give puppy treats when it goes outside to works wonders.

Is it a small breed dog?
They can be stubborn and harder to train.
But if you try and stick to it. It can be done.


Oh man…
Prime example of some idiot getting a dog without doing a bit of research beforehand.
You deserve all the puddles coming to you.


She might be doing it on purpose.

Our dog is house trained. It was like potty training a toddler. We were up every two hours, taking him outside. We kept him outside until he went. You have to be more stubborn than the dog. We would stay outside, walking around, until he went, brought him inside and he got a cookie and praise.

Now, he will sit by the door when he has to go. If you don’t see him sitting at the door, he will come stare us down. When we ask if he has to potty, he goes straight for the door.

He’s a smart dog though, and I don’t know if it’s actually true or not, but he seems to know when we’re leaving for work, and we have no messes when we get home. However, my husband works out of town a lot and when he walks out the door with a bag, it’s like the dog knows he’s leaving and will poop on the floor in front of the door.

I had a dog years and years ago that would do the same. She was fine if I left for work, but if I came home, let her out, and then left again, she would poop by the door and knock the trash can over… like she was saying eff you for leaving me.

Let her potty on a pad, take it outside where you want her to potty and use rocks to anchor it there. Also pee in a cup, yes you, and pour it outside where you want her to pee.

Definitely not on purpose she’s still a baby. We crate train and it seems to be the best route.


You’re not free-feeding your pup, are you? It needs a meal schedule.

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I adopted a smaller dog who was surrendered by his owner mid age. Came to find he had potty issues so I bought him reusable dog diapers on Amazon. I only took them off when he went potty outside. He disliked them but tolerated him. After a few months of it I stopped and he no longer had accidents indoors.
Not to say this is the perfect method but it worked for that little guy!


l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17681 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

My dog is 10 and she only has on purposes…that’s what we call it. With training take them out every hour and immediately after eating. Using treats is helpful and having a designated area helps too.

Dogs don’t go to the bathroom in the house because they want to upset you!!!
If the dog didn’t HAVE To go they wouldn’t.

In fact dogs crave acceptance, and positive attention….
It sounds like your pup is confused as to where/when it should be going to the bathroom….
Make sure your doing the exact same thing every single time when you want to to go outside….every hour, for minimum of 15-20mins. And offer praise and treats every time the successfully go. Making sure you do the same thing and make a routine is KEY to successfully training your pup.


Get a bottle of urine scent & a big box of puppy pads. Place puppy pads by the door your dog will go out & put a dab of urine scent on them. Keep doing it for a couple weeks as well as going outside multiple times per day. Place urine drops outside where you want him to pee also.

Once the pup learns those smells & where, they will start going to those places to potty.

Being very consistent with going outside is key to training, as well as telling the pup to go potty while putting some drops out helps. Also use those words when you are inside & want the pup to go out to go potty.

Use the words “Let’s go outside to potty” & take pup to the door. Once outside repeat the words several times while walking around for 15 mins, letting pup sniff & pee several times.
When pup successfully goes on pads or outside, give treats telling them good job, pats on head. Do NOT ever hit a dog or rub their nose in it as the dog will begin to fear you & all training will go right out the window.

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I free feed mine but the also go out every 30 minutes and none of them potty in the house I use crates at night only unless we leave

At 6 months they should be already trained and fine overnight. I have two shepherds. I can count on one hand the amount of accidents they’ve had, even as puppies. I always free fed food/water, taking it away doesn’t teach them to go outside, it just stops them from having to go. First thing - get a kennel. Every time they’re let out of the kennel they go straight outside. When the dog goes outside, praise, pet, and give a treat. They do not come inside unless they’ve pottied first. If you catch them going inside, stop them immediately and give a stern no and take them directly outside. Do not hit the dog. You can keep a journal of their habits and you’ll notice their body’s schedule of when they go. I never used potty pads, I think its more confusing and makes it 2 steps to learn instead of 1. Our dog’s trainer did not recommend them either.


Take her out very 20 mins.

Is this a Basset Hound by chance? :rofl::rofl: in all seriousness, keep working on it. Some breed are harder than others. Do you have a dog door? Other dogs?

Crate training is the easiest way to potty train a dog

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Do you honestly think dog is doing that on purpose? You can’t be that ignorant


You mean house train


She is still a baby!


Take the dog out every hour until he gets it. Whenever he goes to the bathroom outside, praise him excessively and say something like GOOD BOY, GO POTTY. My younger dog is 9 months, hasn’t had an accident in the house in at least 3 months, and now knows what “go potty” means. It takes consistency. Major consistency. And patience. Ps he’s not doing it on purpose, you’re just not taking him out in time.


Merissa Alves did you write this? :eyes:

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My dog was this way. I had to spank her every time she went in the house, and give her treats for going outside. It worked. But it was a huge pain.


The very idea that you would think a dog would shit or piss in their own living space, as a means to be vindictive to you……

Is so loudly telling of your mental health, and your mental capacity to even own an animal.

Please find a home for the animal, someone who isn’t off their rocker.

OMG people need to stop saying a dog wouldn’t do it on purpose. Yes, they will! Dogs have feelings, personality, get confused & can be stubborn just like people. My Savannah cat taught one of my lab puppy how to use the litter Box. Which was fine when she was little. Then we had to do the whole retraining thing. She was confused cause the cat’s got to go to the bathroom in the house why can’t she… We also free feed our dogs.
If you are already doing take them outside 15-20 minutes after they eat or drink to “their” potty spot. Maybe let them choose “their” spot. I had an Akita (16yrs) that would only poop in ivy. Do you run around and play with them when outside? This will get their gut moving & prompt them to go to the bathroom. It may take 20mins. We also have a doggy door. If you have a sliding glass door or own your home were you can install one in out highly suggested. Sometimes dogs don’t have to go when you’re outside, sometimes their tummy just rumbles & they have to go now. Watch their body language. Sometimes they will start sniffing the floor, walking in circles, you need to rush them outside. Or they will go to the door, you don’t catch it so they go to the bathroom in the house. Most dogs have a tell tell sign you just gotta pick up on it. I would also suggest doing some research on on the type of breed your dog is. If it is a mixed mutt (which I :heart:) research what you think it is. Watch YouTube videos, there is no one-way to housebreak a pup. Stay positive (even when your frustrated) they will get it sometimes it takes longer.

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Following I have 6 month old pitbull and he will NOT break. He’s on a schedule he goes out about every hour and right after he eats, I’ve tried puppy pads, treats and praising when he does go outside and nothing works! He’ll go outside then come in and go again! :weary:


Are you getting aggressive or at all mean with the dog? Fear and anxiety will definitely make potty training take longer.


My second dog took a whole year to house train, and sometimes she will still have accidents in the house if I don’t let her out fast enough.

Consult with veterinarian, dog may have chronic UTI

She still a baby, still a puppy.
Take dog outside religiously, reward for going outside with high praise and treats.
Don’t let the dog roam the house, dog stays with you at ALL times.
Crate train.
Get a bell for the door the puppy can hit when she needs to go out.

Do No Harm Dog Training is great


At 6 months, they still have accidents. They are like a toddler at that age. Take them out as soon as you get up, after they eat, and every 30 mins or so during the day if you can, and before bed.
Our dogs pretty much potty trained themselves once they learned the routine, and now they come boop us with their snoots when they need to go.
But! even at 18mos they still have an occasional accident. We just clean it up and go about our day.


Scheduled potty breaks. Tell her “go potty”. Take away food and water at night.
Give treats for going potty outside.
If you’re gone awhile, leave a pee pad out.

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Tie it to the toilet :rofl:

My daughter has her dogs trained to a bell hanging on the door knob on a string, rope probably got it on eBay. Her dogs are trained to ring the bell when they need to go out! Her puppy just tuned a year old. Some dogs are easy to train some not! If they eat or drink. Waking up form a nap they need to go out. Also you need to cage train them.

If your dog is going in specific spot in your house/apartment you might need to deodorize the area continuously bc she might be marking her territory or if you didn’t get to within a certain time frame it may have gotten into the carpet padding or even the subflooring which would definitely be a problem bc she won’t stop going potty in the house till you replace the carpet and padding/subfloor. You can try taking her out more often if you haven’t already tried that (I’m sure you have). If you work, try crate training her, no it’s not cruel if you’re letting her out the rest of the time you’re at home. I had to crate train my dogs while we slept (roughly 4 hours bc I went to bed much later than my husband) or they’d potty all over and chew everything up and eventually they didn’t need to go in the crate unless they wanted to.

Potty training a dog is like potty training a child. Gotta stick to it. Get on a schedule…after he eats…every half hour to 45 minutes apart. Give a small treat and praise when he does what you ask.


Crate training and taking my pup out literally every 30 minutes from sun up to bed time is what I did for my dog. Now she’s almost 4 and absolutely refuses to go in the house unless she just absolutely can’t hold it. Consistency is key.

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Keep it in a kennel or on a leash until it potties outside. Reward wothva high value treat right after it potties, praise good behavior. When you clean up accidents scoop up the poop instead if putting it in the garbage put it where you want it to go. Wipe up the pee with a paper towel place itcwhere you wany it to go show them the poop and pee outside. Clean the area with vinegar and baking soda ot peroxide and baking soda, you have to eliminate the bacteria that causes the odor. Rubbing their noses in will just make them mad they dont understand cause and effect.

After they eat, take them out. Take them out frequently and give them a treat when they potty outside.

You did not just say you think a 6 month old puppy pees in your house on purpose :smirk::rofl: Lmao. That’s so ridiculous