How to potty train a non verbral toddler?

My son doesn’t like to be in a dirty diaper. He will constantly take it off right away when he is wet. Even in the middle of the night, he will wake up and grab a diaper himself and bring it to me. He is completely non verbal right now though, so I am not sure how we can get him potty trained. (We have appts coming up to check his hearing again & see a speech therapist) I have tried teaching him the “sign” to go potty but he isn’t getting it the only sign he uses is “more” and nothing else. Has any other parents experienced something like this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a non verbral toddler?

What about a chart with velcro with pictures of potty, food, drink, and so on? Maybe he will grasp it visually. I believe they are called PECS Symbols


My youngest grandson was a late talker. His hearing tested out fine. We were going to try to teach him sign language, but his father threw a fit. So he got speech therapy instead. He was nearly 3.5 before he started to talk. Once he started, he never hushed! Anyway, you should probably get a potty chair for him and show him how to use it. My guess is he will catch on pretty fast since he doesn’t like to be wet or dirty. You might try using a hand clap to indicate that he has to potty. It’s easy and quick. And he can clap once for pee and twice for poop. That’s a little complicated for a toddler. But it could be he’ll do it himself.

Get him little pottys and sit him on it also could do a velcro chart that has pictures of the potty and other things

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13966 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Setting a timer every 20 minutes and taking him.
Offering choice if reluctant- want to silly walk or run
Using potty learning underwear not a pull up.

My son was non verbal and he kinda potty trained him self i couldn’t communicate with him as he didn’t want to learn signs he made he’s own up over time anyway he was the same always took his nappy off etc so i showed him the potty he didn’t want to no and then i showed him the big boy toilet and that was a different ball game all he wanted was big smiles and happy faces and he never looked bk was definitely a lot harder because of no communication but if they want to do it then they will do it. Don’t force it tho cuz will put them ryt off the idea x

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I’m currently potty training my non verbal son and I’m using a timer. Every 45 min bringing him to the potty and telling him pee and poop in potty. If he doesn’t go at the 45 min mark I set a 5 min timer until he goes then start 45 min timer over. Been just over a two weeks now and and two days now with no accidents. He’s also started bringing me to the washroom or holding onto his privates to show he has to go.

I followed this YouTube video exactly three days

I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13809 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Maybe get him a book about potty training and read it to him show him pictures. Get a little potty for him take him every 20 to 30 minutes. Sit him backwards on the actual toilet if u cant get him a little potty and give him dry erase markers and let him draw on the toilet seat. Make a chart with pictures and show him to point or bring u the picture when hes gotta go.

We started with a timer for every 20 minutes during the day. I will say we waited until the child made it through naps and bedtime dry. Up the timer as child holds it longer.

I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13049 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Videos watching other children

Then reward with something that makes them happy

It’s hard I no but it’s loosing sleep it never ends he nos he needs more help than a child that hear but he sounds pretty smart he’s bring the diaper to u love