How to potty train boys?

I was wondering if you could post a potty training question for me.

The issue I’m having is that my son who is almost 3 and half years old, won’t tell us when he needs to go potty. We’ve been making him sit down every 20-30 minutes and he’ll go no problem. But he will not tell us on his own when he needs to go. We’re also trying to get him to stand to pee now too, but because we started potty training him sitting down he just wants to sit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


In my opinion if feels more comfortable sitting down than standing let him, just means less mess for you to clean up. You can work on the standing later.

Let him sit til hes ready to stand. :woman_shrugging: keep making him go like you are until he can tell you when he has to go.

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We just got my son potty trained and how we did it was we would ask him if he needs to potty every 15mins or so. We also had made a potty chart so he would get a sticker to put on it every time he went on the potty. Eventually he just started going on his own. We did take him out of pull ups and put in in undies during the day and easy to remove pants. For sitting/standing my son started with sitting but as he seen his daddy and pawpaw standing to potty he liked that idea more and just decided to stand on his own because he wanted to be like them.

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Be proud when he goes, clap, cheer him on & Get a bag of lollipops… tell him you’ll give him one each time he goes on his own :woman_shrugging: maybe sticker if he tries …once he knows when he has to go and realizes it’s easier for him to stand he will

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Fruit loops worked for us. Watch your son. Most kids will show signs when they have to potty.

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You can try some kind of treat/sticker reward for when he tells you. Of course you can use anything that you are comfortable with as a treat. Try giving him time to tell you in between maybe give him a little reminder starting out. And if he doesn’t tell you and potties on him self sit him down for few minutes and then explain to him that he should have told you he needed to potty. You can Google it and they have a lot of different printable charts and helpful info.

Let him sit. Less mess :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Some of my favorite men sit to pee. Makes for a cleaner bathroom.

My son is 3 and a half too. He is 4 weeks in to potty training. Although he has been dry at home since December. We don’t ask him if needs to go, we tell him it’s time to sit on the potty (always before we go out or come home) the potty is always accessible to him so he can just go when he wants at home. Whilst we are out we just watched for the signs (cross legs, holding himself) or if we though he hadn’t been for a while tell him to try. Lots of praise. Never get cross. We also have a travel urinal pot so he does stand as well. Good luck. Take lots of spare clothes with you. Be patient it will come.

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Some dont agree with candy but i rewarded my son at that age with 1 Hershey kiss for pee and 2 for poop and at somepoint he stopped accepting the candy and just went :slight_smile: and standing is not essential yet dont stress

My now 4 year old was the same. Only thing that worked for us was forcing him to go naked from the waist down for a few days. If you do go this route, get ready to clean up some messes.

Cheerio trick works great…aim and hit the target… Froot Loops are even better . Have a guy show him how . Boys love it !

Try taking him and putti g him on potty each ti.e you go when he s ready to pee standing up my. Daughter did this she dropped a few cheerios in potty and told him to sink them since he may find it fun

Don’t put diapers/pull ups on him, even at night.
Deal with any accidents they will eventually stop.

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I do home child care and I’ve really become a fan of undies only. I only keep 4 children at the most, so it’s something I can handle with 1 child at a time.

Keep them in a hard floored room in undies for the majority of the day with a potty seat, take them to potty at transition times (morning, before nap, after nap, before bed and before you go somewhere) and let nature do the rest! If they’re truly ready, they’ll only pee themselves 2-3 times before they decide they don’t like peeing on themselves. :grin: I have them do the clean up, put their wet undies in a bag, and put clean undies on themselves. I remind them that they need to put pee pees and poops in the potty and tell them “when it’s time to go, the potty is right here”, just run over to it and use it when you need to. Once they’re dependable with that, we move to the big potty in the bathroom. I tell them “what do you say when you need to go potty? You say 'Mandi, I need to go pee pee!!” I say it nice and loud and silly because then they’ll be at least halfway loud when they say it so that I can hear them… Lol… I give them M&Ms or a sticker (whatever motivates them) any time they go in the potty. I stop giving rewards about the time they move to the big potty because by then they’re going because they want to and not because I’m teaching them to.

PullUps are best for when you leave the house, until they’re more dependable at home and for nap time since it takes most kids longer to stay dry while sleeping, otherwise leave him in undies. Good luck to you!

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The book Potty Training in 3 Days by Brandi Brucks addresses your issues. I highly recommend it. Putting him on the potty at set times doesn’t teach him how to recognize the feeling of needing to go. Put him in underwear, watch him like a hawk then run him to the potty when he starts to go. Don’t ask if he needs to go. Instead give a command like “Tell me when you need to go.” Let him sit a while longer.

I had a really stressful time potty training my oldest. In fact she was nearly 4, but she also had special needs. I did learn that sometimes kids get stressed too and we both took a break. It was still lightly encourage to use the bathroom but I didn’t have her go every 30 mins or what ever block of time is chosen. After our break we started fresh with a treat box and we had a calendar set up so that she could see when school started. We had the smaller goals and treats and the bigger goal. With my son, my husband did the potty training and was out of diapers in two weeks. Maybe you need a break and daddy will have more patience right now. Whatever works. But standing or sitting is not important right now.

My son was almost 5 when he finally was potty trained. I thought he would never learn! And he started with sitting, too. So did my older son.

He’s just 3, give him time

My kids didn’t stand to pee until like a week before the started kindergarten. He’ll potty train when he wants. All children are different. My kids were potty trained at 18 months, no problem but my nieces and nephews refused to use the potty until they were over 3 and then had issues until they were close to 6 yrs old.

Let him sit. Men sit down to pee in many cultures, it’s a lot cleaner and he can stand up later on his own if he wants