How to potty train boys?

Needing tips for pottytraining my 18-month-old.

So I have been thinking about trying to introduce potty training to my son. He is 18 months and seems to hate stopping for a diaper change. I know his tell is when he just suddenly stops and squats. He cant pull his pants down yet but can pull his little boy parts out of just a pull-up or diaper. Any advice or tips???


Part of potty training is that they can take their own pants off. He is probably to young, sounds like he just a normal 18 month old.


I bought a urinal for peeing…and it was great…the pooping was another story…my son was 2 before he stopped pooping…don’t rush it!!!

It helps when the child can say to you i need to potty.

Seems a bit young to me, but every kid is different!


Mini m&m work great as a potty reward. I would get a potty and just let him go when you go or whenever.

I’ve done all my kids at 2, it’s just practice. Take them to the washroom at regular intervals and eventually they’ll do it. Plus, you have to make it fun. I would sing silly songs and play with them, I bought a potty seat and a stool so they never felt trapped up on the big potty and so their little bums can’t fall in. When they pee, clap and praise them and make sure it’s over the top, so they want to do it again. I also take my kids with me to the washroom so they’re familiar with the process.

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My daughter pt at 18mo and my son by 2. I had them go without pants at homr a few days, then losse fitting pants without underwear, and on progressed to short trips out etc. I had a potty in the living room that she could get to easily on her own. Its not too early at all, the PT age never use to be as old as it is now. :person_shrugging:

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I start all mine at 2. My two uear old now tells me “pee” or “poop” and I grab her little potty and she’ll go. Depends on how ready he is, does he tell you he needs to go, show interest or like to sitting on the potty? If so he’s probably ready to start! Never to early, they just have to be in board!


My sons 17mo he’s not ready to potty train quite yet, but we’ve just started sitting him on the potty when he gets dressed or before he gets into the bath. Just so he starts to know and get comfortable with it now

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My biggest tip if they are ready is ditching diapers/pullups. It’s a bigger cue that the potty in the pants days are over. It means the possibility of more laundry but for me anyway it worked quickly.

I started my son young at 2. We started setting him on one of those little potties in the am when he wakes right up, after lunch b4 nap, and b4 bed. It helped him get used to the habit.

My son is turning two this weekend… i have a training potty for him aswell as a stool and toilet seat or the toilet. He knows how to take off his shorts and his pull up… i take him every 20-30 min (im a stay at home mom) but wont use the restroom on the “big boy” potty. Instead between those 20-30 min he does it on his undies or pull ups. I decided to start potty training because he started to have intrest in the restoom… and would tell me when his diaper was dirty… am i doing something wrong? I didnt have any issues potty training my daughter… she was trained in one day thanks to Elmo :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just sit him on the potty every time you go. Read a book or something. Eventually he’ll do something and you can praise him then and maybe he’ll get it, maybe he won’t. Don’t rush it.

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