How to potty train boys?

He is not ready. If you put him of big toilet he maybe scared cause his feet do not touch the floor. Never punish. Do pee/poo dance and sing. When they do go praise, clap, jump up and down. If they do not go tell them so sad next time. Let him watch Dad. We were lucky with our Autisic nephew we lived on a farm no close neigbours so we did let him go outside. Only thing is he is now 21 still live in farm, still pees outside if he is outside. It took him until 7 yrs old. Now my 22 year old I still do the dancing, singing she goes when she wants to. You have to make it FUN. It is scary for them. Or they can always feel their body. My mom pull Cheeros in toilet for targets for my brothers. Is a little messy. When every camping my husband use to line up the boy and have peeing contest. Does not work for girls, their hardest problem was peeing on their feet. That was like 40 years ago. But it worked the younger ones, they would like to be like older ones. Make it FUN for your child. Without making a mess for you. Girls are harder. I had 5 girls 1 boy. 17 nephews, 4 nieces. Relax why are you doing this for you or does he want to go. If it is for you??? When any child is ready Time toilet, books on tricks, rewards, songs, dancing, singing, watches with timer, seating on toilet practicing pooping, youTube. Your child does not sound ready( body or mentally). Expose let him take the lead.

In my opinion it’s true what they say about potty training. My son was so much more harder to train than my daughter. But I did the cheerios, and the food coloring thing and having him sit down when he’s first learning

I trained my son with toys. We got small hot wheels and put them out for him to see. And had one of those portable potties. And told him if he pees in it he gets the toy. He caught on pretty quick. And then we bought a bigger car for poop in the potty.

Trying right before bath time helped for my guy, or any time the diaper came right off, I asked if he wanted to use the potty and not always but sometimes he’d say yes and usually pee. But he was a pee as soon as the diaper came off kinda baby though, so I just followed that que into the toddler stage lol you’ll find what works when he’s ready!

I potty trained my son a 2.5 years old. I was fortunate enough to be a SAHM at the time. When he got up in the morning, he took a bath and I put underwear on him along with a long tshirt. It was November, so a little chilly here, otherwise he would’ve just been in underwear. I set a timer for 20 minutes, and every 20 minutes when the timer went off I’d say, it’s time to try on the potty. When he tried, he’d get a sticker. When he went, he picked out a sticker and got to pick a snack out of the prize bowl (fruit snacks, fun size m&m’s, lollipops, etc.) If he had an accident, we didn’t make a big deal out of it, we just cleaned it up together. Once he recognized the feeling of having to go, it was smooth sailing. As far as peeing goes, he sat on the toilet and aimed it down. It took 3 days before wet accidents stopped (while he was awake). Pooping on the other hand took a few days longer. He’d hold it until he couldn’t anymore. Luckily, he didn’t like the feeling of having an accident, so he’d tell me immediately. We cleaned it up together and talk about going on the potty next time. He was fully trained (during the day) in less than 2 weeks. At night, I’d put a diaper on him after he went on the potty just before bed. He wore one until he consecutively woke up dry for a week. He still had accidents, but that’s bound to happen.

Try to get him so sink cheerios in the potty. Lol

get him a potty seat to put on the adult toilet. the little plastic ones are useless. buy a box of cheerios to sprinkle in the toilet for him to aim at if he’s only going to pee. take him to potty every 30 minutes

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train boys?

I took my nephew riding all day for three days and we would stop every hour and after the second day he was telling me he needed to pee pee!!

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We played sink the cheerios or fruit loops. My parents did this as well when i was growing up.


Like Zach Rookie Estes said make a game out of it…

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I told my son to go outside and water the trees.

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I have 3 boys and all of them were different in learning to use the potty. Number 1 learned by reward, number 2 just did it when we said no more pull ups and number 3 learned by just being naked most of the day and LOTS of cleanup on my part…but he learned rather quickly after that.

Try floating a Cheerio in his potty for him to aim at. Have him see how many times he can hit the Cheerio. Fruit Loops work too.


Someone said put some cheerios in toilet bowl get him to aim at them…

I did the 3 day method: 1st day is naked, confined to one room, and access to restroom; 2nd day is shirt and underwear only, confined to one room, and access to restroom; 3rd day was fully clothed and went to daycare where he came home dry. He learned to sit to pee and when outside he stands to pee. I also avoided the small potty chair cause I wasn’t about to retrain him to them regular toilet. We had 2 minor accidents the 1st day but he learned the feeling of needed to go. He was 3.5 when he learned, idk if that makes a difference


It’s just what boys do. Men too! I promise you momma they will learn. Patience and reverse psychology worked for me!

Get a potty chair that attaches to the toilet and sit him backwards on it.

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You can put a couple of cheerios in the toliet bowl just before he pees. He has to try and hit the cheerios. But it seems to be a guy thing, I know a few grown ups that cant hit the hole either.

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Cheerios in the big potty. Throw a few in there target practice

My oldest boy would go through the house past the bathroom and outside to the tree. Mom that’s where the dog goes. I don’t remember what we did at night so long ago.

I potty trained both of my kids before 3yrs old. When they had underwear on and they peed, I didn’t change them right away. I let them feel uncomfortable for about 10 minutes. They didn’t like the feeling so they started going in the toilet. I’m potty training two babies now that I babysit and I use gold fish in the toilet. They enjoy peeing on fish. I use a different method because I don’t feel comfortable letting kids that aren’t mine sit in pee for 10 minutes. It is taking longer but they love the gold fish and it’s slowly working. Pull-ups don’t work. They don’t know the difference between diapers and pull-ups. Pulls ups just make it easier on us adults to change.

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l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19345 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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They also have training urinals too for little ones. I’m a single mom and no men around at all. So I got to teach him to stand to pee as well. I also have the potty chair that makes real flush sound.
I’d let him go naked outside but weather won’t be good at time of training

l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19345 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train boys?

I use to put Cheerios in the toilet and told my boys let’s target practice. If u get what I mean. Worked for my boys years ago.

I honestly didn’t really give my son a choice, I took pull ups away at bed time too and let him run around nakey most of the day that way if he peed it’d get on him :woozy_face::rofl: sounds funny but he hates being dirty and gross things so it worked, 3 weeks as of tomorrow pull up free and no accidents in the last week


You don’t. They do it themselves. Forcing it will only traumatize both of y’all and make it miserable.

Wait for them to be ready and it’ll happen so fast


You dont… they will start on their own… went through this with both of mine… and now with my 3.5year old grandson


Cheerios in the toilet and tell them to hit the targets let pee outside and tell them they are watering the trees and or grass

Camping always worked for me. Once they saw they could pee it became a game.

Have you tried putting them in jocks and letting them feel that they have wet themselves don’t make a big deal about them having accidents but remind them they need to use the toilet and reward them when they use the toilet or even make it to the bathroom I did this with my daughter and it worked

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Running around naked or we got my nephew to pee on a tree then he wanted to keep doing it then started goin in the toilet

Cheerios in the toilet and make it a game. If they pee they get to pick a treat from the “treat jar” dollar store is great for little treats and such doesn’t even have to be candy it can be a little toy or something

Take away diapers and pull ups. If they go in their pants let them know it’s gucky. When they go in the potty tell them good job and make a big deal about it. Watch how much they are drinking and get them on a schedule. If there is men in their lives have them go when they go. Cheerios and peepee races help too. Be consistent. It won’t be easy at first. Good luck.


My boys were 3 when they potty trained. Both of my boys were large for their age, and the oldest was growing out of the largest size diapers (we didn’t have pullups back then). He kept getting a rash on his side from where the pull tab on the side of his diaper would rub his skin … but I couldn’t fasten the diaper any tighter. I talked with my family Dr about it, and he said " let him run naked around the house. The first time he has to go potty and realizes there’s nothing there to catch it, he’ll run for the toilet". He said he might have one or two accidents, but he’ll learn pretty quick. We used “targets” in the toilet, and it took all of a long weekend to train both of them. They each had one or two accidents, but that was it.

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Throw a few Cheerios in the toilet and tell them to pre on them. They may have to stand in a little stool

Put a cheerios in the tolit and have the aim at it with thier pee pee

We switched straight from diapers to underwear. We started out setting timers for every 30 minutes and making him sit on the potty. Then we increased to 1 hour intervals. And then 2 hour intervals. Until we didn’t need a timer and he could tell us when he needed to go. We used Pull Ups for nights and naps until we realized he wasn’t peeing in them while he slept. He has been potty trained for almost 3 months!!

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Once we started Pre-K seen other kids using the potty it was smooth sailing about a month later.

Boys love peeing on trees and outside worked wonders in many little boys

Best method out there is letting them run around the house naked. Do NOT ever say anything negative when they have an accident or you’re going to have to start from square one. Respond to accidents with a very calm approach “uh oh, where does pee and poop go? (Let them answer) that’s right! On the potty. Next time let’s try to go on the potty!” Potty training is not overnight, it’s a lot of work and will take time. The fastest method though in my opinion is letting them run naked around the house, then after a week or two when the accidents slow put them in underwear (they will start having accidents again but it will slow again if you keep approaching it with that calm response) then a few weeks after that. Within 2-3 months my son was potty trained, rarely has night accidents but at 5 still has the odd accident.

I let him pee on tree all time but worked

I always went with their signals.I didn’t force it but,they did it when they were ready.A neat little trick tho,put cheerios in the potty and tell them to aim and hit the cheerios.

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Found this was easier with my boys …

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Wait - they will do it when they are ready and not one minute before

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Cheerios in the potty have them shoot it

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Sit them down with their favorite things

We put dish soap in the toilet and told them to make bubbles they loved it and let them run around out side with bug boy undies I suggest white can be bleached easier

It’s tough. I tried to start potty training my son at 2. He had the awfullest tantrum there ever was. I’d put him on the potty chair when he’d first get up, after meals and before bed especially, but also periodically throughout the day. I was hoping if I could “catch” him and make a big deal of it he would catch on. Well, he threw a conniption! He would scream and cry. He would get off the potty chair, sit down on his pants and underwear on the floor and go. I dropped it for about 6 months and tried again later. My mother-in-law finally got him to pee outside the kitchen door(we had a privacy fence). She told him to see how much farther he could pee each time he had to go. It worked! I had a patch of dead grass 3 feet in diameter outside my kitchen door, but I didn’t care. He was out of diapers and dry! It got a little trickier when fall rolled around. I heard the kitchen door open and the furnace kick on. I went downstairs one Saturday morning and there was my son, looking out the storm door at the heavy frost on the ground. I said, “Son, you’d better pee in the potty now or you’ll freeze to the ground till spring!” He just looked at me and grinned… then went up and peed in the “big” potty. When he was done I had his cereal waiting and his sister was up eating her breakfast. He and his sister were 16 months apart. It wasn’t long before I needed to start potty training her. I had her on the big potty upstairs. He came in from the backyard to wash off a Matchbox car. He took one look at his sister and said, “She can’t pee, she doesn’t have a tail!” She had actually started to tinkle, but that shut her off in midstream and she didn’t potty on the potty again for two weeks when I finally put her in training pants and took her and some toys, along with the potty chair to the kitchen for the day. Before the end of the day, with lots of Country Time Lemonade and cheerleading… and shushing my son about whether or not she had a tail, she was trained.

Oh crap method. 3 days and done.

I had one of these for son

l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18209 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Take them ouside for the beginning

l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19220 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14297 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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My oldest son was like that. I put fruit loops in the toilet and told him to aim for them. My youngest son was easy. He just watched his brother and started using it and that’s when I brought him underwear of his choice

Take the diaper off and don’t put it back on


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He might not like his potty. Maybe take him to the store to pick out one he likes, make a big deal of it. Even let him decorate the outside with stickers and stuff :slightly_smiling_face:

We have a frog urinal on the wall, he loves it!

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Cheerios, they have targets you can put in the toilets at the dollar store. For my kid I showed her stickers and explained how she would get them. After a certain amount for pee or 1 poop I would let her pick out of the treasure box. I literally got a diaper box and filled it with stuff from dollar store. Growing reptiles, stretchy worms, coloring books, stickers etc. She was potty trained in a couple days and we slowly weaned off the rewards lol.

I used rewards, stickers, M&Ms, popsicles 2 boys all potty trained by 2 yrs my daughter full potty trained by 18 months

Someone said they put a target up and made it ‘a game’ for him to hit it.

Cheerios in the toilet, tell him to aim.

Real underpants and a special toy that only can be used/held while on potty. Reward stickers.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train boys?

No more diapers cotton training pants

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Keep asking every little bit… if he goes if you remind him or tell him…then keep doing g what b your doing…eventually it will happen on its own…every child is differant…patience …

Let him pee outside… no joke, worked with both of my boys…


In the beginning, it’s all about asking/reminding them. That’s how we did it with my cousin, my niece and my eldest.

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We let both my boys go pantless and pee outside.

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Underwear only. Praise when he goes. Take him often.

Fruit loops (target) in the bowl! They aim and pee. Good luck!

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Take him every 15-20 minutes. Like house training a puppy


l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Don’t put diapers on a kid that old. Many parents swear by those padded cotton undies. They can feel when they are wet and uncomfortable.

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Get rid of the diapers and pull ups and go straight to underwear. Have your Old boys show him how to aim. I potty trained my stubborn boy in a week. Also get one of these

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He needs to stop using diapers completely. Diapers keep them dry. Just stop buying them. Sure you will do more laundry for a bit but the boy will figure out that he doesn’t like being wet real quick.

Take him every 30 min. My son wasnt potty trained until about 4. Dont buy diapers. Use the potty underwear

Use a piece of cereal. Throw it in the toilet and have him aim.


Mine got a little rash from sitting in poop cause he didn’t tell me he went. He was moving away from me while I wiped him and I told him “this is why you gotta use a potty this is yucky”. He tilted his head at me and goes “it’s yucky??” And I said yeah. Been using a toilet ever since

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Set a timer and if he goes sticker for reward like him picking out underwear. Use diapers for just night time if needed

Give him a reward each time he does it a cookie or a cracker. Clap your hands and see how happy you are and jump up and down and be joyful make him feel like he did something good.

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It was reminders until he told us himself. Every hour ish

We used oh crap method

Patience and rewards
Make a prize bucket with choices of little things he like stickers, things he will lose in 5 minutes :sweat_smile: one prize for going another for telling you. Kids love praise. Slowly back away from prizes and just give lots of good job and high fives… for example try what works for you both

I used cheerios in the toilet for them to aim at n hit…they loved it…I also would buy little toys from the dollar store kept them in a basket and when they went potty they got a toy everytime! I also never sat them down to pee or sat them backward…I had a little ladder potty they’d step up n pee sat down to poopie!!! Good luck to you!!!

Sit. Him. On. The. Tolite backward. Give him. Washable marks. To. Draw. On the. Lid. It. Make. It. A game. He. Will. Start. Using. It. Worked. For all. Three. Of mine. And. Do. A. Sticker. Charter. For ever time. He goes. Give. Him. A sticker. At the. End of the week. Take. Him to the dollar store. And. Let him. Pick. Out. One. Thing

Only And let them Pee
Or Put Cheerios in
The toilet and have them hit them as a target

Depends where he is developmentally but my son was above the curve so at 3.5 I made him change his own poopy diapers and let him pee in the yard (we live in the country) after two times of washing poopy undies it stopped completely. Don’t let him wear pull-ups either and put in in charge of clean up. Trust me if he’s mature enough this works like a charm.

I’d stop putting diapers on him and put underwear because maybe if he pees in underwear he will see it’s uncomfortable and will start to use the toilet when he realizes wet underwear suck

I put cereal in the toilet and told my son to pee on them lol. It worked wonders

Take the diapers away and use a reward system.
He may not feel that he is wet with his diaper, so remove them and put him in underwear (that he picked out)


I wouldn’t give up and I wouldn’t rush it my son was finally potty broke a few days before his birthday and it was due to he wanted to go to preschool and they want there kids potty broke he was fully going on the toilet in a week but I used him wanting to go to school to help and a lot of rewards like those dum dum suckers and we didn’t limit him on the suckers but if he pooped he got to choose either a sucker or a candy of his choice

<3 The potty struggle!!! I’m in the thick of potty training my 2 year old. I am asking him constantly to sit on the potty. I stopped buying diapers. We have pull ups for night and when we go out. Underwear the rest of the time. He still struggles at home. He goes to early headstart and he just started using the potty at school Friday for the first time because he sees the other boys. That’s my best trick lol! They see other boys doing it and they mirror that behavior. Your oldest sons have them all show him how they potty. Of course ask their permission because that can be intrusive to some kids but if they are okay with it have them all go potty together. Good luck momma don’t be hard on yourself or him and don’t listen to anyone shame you about his age. All kids learn differently but they all get the hang of it eventually. Your child’s mental health matters way more than what age he started using the potty!

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My son wasn’t until his 4th birthday. I gave up and lied and told him that now that he was 4 they didn’t make his size anymore and he said ok mom and from that moment on has never had an accident :triumph::roll_eyes: he’s now 7.5 :woman_shrugging:

Pants during the day, and use a toilet seat instead of the potty. Why we telling kids to go on a potty when we go on the toilet. My little one is 3 in December and he mastered it straight away day and night. My older 2 are 14 and 11 and they took ages! Toilet seat and keep asking him if he needs the toilet. Good luck

We just started potty training our son that will be 3 in a couple weeks and he is very goal oriented. We have a sticker chart and when he says he has to go potty we immediately put him on the potty and then we tell him how good he’s doing and if he goes he gets a sticker and if he gets 3 stickers in a row he gets a toy at Walmart.and the first time he ever went on his potty we took him to Walmart to get a toy so he knew it was a good thing to do. He’s gone 4 times on the potty now and has received 2 new toys from just going potty. Make it a big deal when they sit to go potty and tell them even the littlest of pee or poo is a good thing. We also gave him his favorite treat while sitting on the potty. Fruit snack or a small lollipop