How to potty train boys?

We got a treasure chest and my son painted it. I wrapped up toys and treats and he gets to pick out a prize when he uses the potty.

Also I told him when he poops on the potty the leprechaun uses magic (food coloring) and changes the toilet water colors!

Sounds a little much… but it worked for us! I was beginning to think he’d never be potty trained.

I had 5 girls. Potty trained 6 girls. My 4th girl wouldn’t use the potty. She used the toilet like her sisters.

Tell him to take a shit out back just once and then change the title to the bathroom 🤷🏽

My daughter is 3. She threw a fit but we hid the pull-ups. The fits lasted a couple days. I pushed fluids and kept pull-ups for nap and bedtime only. I put the potty where it’s easy to get to, you can try in front of the tv and just don’t give an option. After a few accidents he will realize he doesn’t want wet underwear and he will go.

I told my boy he couldn’t turn 4 if he was still a baby, couldn’t go to school ,(preschool) if he wasn’t 4… a big boy. Maybe this might work if your boy is interested in kindergarden. He cannot turn 5, go to K if he’s still little. Only big boys use the potty… guess he’s just not big yet… 🤷

A friend of my husband’s said he had all sisters. His mother put his sisters and him in “silky” panties in the wintertime. When they peed it was very cold so it didn’t take long to potty train them. That was way back maybe in the 40s or 50s when he was a toddler.

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Also I see you’re trying a potty seat? Get a small potty and move up to the bigger toilet. We bought one that looks like a reg potty. It’s easier for them and less scary.

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Purchase a couple of potty chairs One in the bathroom and keep warm with you whichever room you are in put Him on the seat every 30 minutes For at least 10 minutes Plan on staying home and not going anywhere for the next few weeks Cause potty training most of the time doesn’t happen overnight boys are harder than girls.

Just potty trained my grandson last year at 2…all kids at 2 actually…I made poster boards of a calandar and bought lots of stickers…everytime they potty they chose a sticker…special ones for #2…I ALWAYS potty train in the living room with tv and toys all around, maybe a table so they can color and forget what they are there for…eventually they p…and get stickers…pretty soon they get they idea and can graduate to the bathroom lol…


Have him pee against a tree or on a bush. Boys love to do that for some reason. That’s how my son caught on (he was also 4).

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my son will pee on the potty everytime but wont poop and I don’t know why. he loves his big boy undies but not enough too not take a huge dump in them lmao.

I think daddy needs to work with him one on one. Maybe find another little boy around the same age that’s potty trained to show him it’s not scary.


Throw Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim? :joy: my mum always used to tell me to do that with my son (I didn’t really though) lol… My boy really was a lot more difficult to train than my girls were… Just keep at it momma. Make sure everyone that watches him for you (if anyone) are on the EXACT same page with his potty schedule. Try using one of those small seats for children? I know they are kind of gross, but the big toilet can be pretty intimidating for the littles. Good luck :two_hearts:

Distract him on the toilet. Turn him backwards and give him a dry erase marker. Or put a kid song on your phone

Do a fun trip to the store to pick out new undies with characters on them and his favorite stickers! We hung a huge piece of paper on the bathroom door and every time my daughter was successful she got a sticker and we made a HUGE deal about it. Got to tell dad/call grandma/have a treat whatever. If you switch to undies do not go back to diapers. The back and forth is showing him the crying for it will work. When he gets sad tell him how much of a big boy he is and that you know he can do it!

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Throw some cheerios in the toilet, make it interesting. Tell him to aim and shoot

As weird as it sounds we started with letting my little one potty outside be gets so excited we have about an acre and he’ll say he has to pee and go to the porch he hates the toilet absolutely will pitch a fit but he’ll run outside excited as can be he will now use a stand up potty

does he have boy cousins that are just a little bit older or his age? or friends sons. They can help a lot.

currently trying the reward system with my 3 year old, except with pooping in the potty. he pees in the potty just fine but he’s very stubborn when it comes to pooping in it :sob: we’ve tried about everything, everytime he comes to tell me to put a diaper on him, i try & talk him into attempting to poop in the potty, telling him we’ll all be proud & offering snacks & toys. he just says “noooo i want my diaper” :woman_facepalming:t3:

for peeing though i just sat my child down on his little potty, he peed a tiny bit the first time and i got excited so it went from there. now we have a little step stool/potty seat and he uses it all the time!

How long have u been trying u should have started at least two years ago


My mom don’t let my nephew stand up and pee she has him sit right on toilet until he little older

I had to get one of the seats with built in steps for my youngest then the 3 in one toilet seat with the little seat on. He was so scared of falling. Even now he refuses to go in other houses/school or public. I have to tell him he can stand but he’s so little it can get messy. He’s terrified of falling down the toilet so took a long time before he’d trust the built in little seats, didn’t like the seats you can put on/off because they move a little when you sit so he thought he would fall in

Let him go pee on a tree a few times and he will have a blast. We also added food coloring to the toilet so when he pees it’s fun and he will be able to change colors

Get a potty that sits in the floor and try.

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throw a fruit loop in the toilet and tell him to aim and fire, worked with both my boys… for the poop, it’s harder… I told them to do it and asked them if they would think it would float or sink… lol, they seems curious enough to sit and do it and look…

Put a ping pong ball in the toilet and let him try pee on the ball

To those who are saying put a Cheerio in the toilet… isn’t that just telling them to put other things in the toilet?

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Let him “water the grass”, that’s what worked for my son. Once he got used to doing that, I told him that he had to pee on the potty so it would help everything else too and that’s it’s appropriate to pee there

My son is the same age and stage and goes back and forth with his toilet training so feeling you pain & frustration
What av used that work and am continuing with us av got these stickers from Amazon and put them in his potty and when he does a pee or that monster trucks or dinaours apear and he tells me mummy am making a monster truck I laugh then he uses the other once with the dinasours for no 1s and the monster trucks for no2s so e says I pee peed like a dinasour see lol it makes it fun he finds it halarous and we match his pants so he has dinasour pants and monster truck pants and we do free time lots of free time so if none is in then it’s just him with no nappy or pants on and we let him sit on the potty with his tablet about 4-5 times a day so like 20 mins after each meal & drink
For 5-10 mins each time then again just before bed

Get dry erase markers and sit him on the potty backwards. Let him draw on the toilet until he goes, and then celebrate every time he goes.

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Let him pick a floor potty and stickers to decorate it, or pick an insert. Get some fun activities to keep him busy that he can only use while he’s trying.
But let him see you throwing out any nappies left in the house, he will either go in his underwear and hate the feeling of being wet or go on the toilet.

Check out “pottytrainingconsultant” in Instagram she’s got great tips and courses you can buy. We had our little guy fully trained in a week, stay strong you got this!

­l­ ­g­et­ ­p­a­­id o­v­er $ 140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 17987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Info Here >>>

Same problem with my almost 3 year old… its freaking stressful… he has peed on the potty a few times but he refuses pull ups or underwear and screams for his bappy… but on the other note… when you put underwear on a not potty trained child they usually do pee and or poop in the underwear a few times, they obviously don’t understand the entire process and when that happens in regular underwear it is super uncomfortable and is supposed to help with getting them to WANT to use the potty or at least not want to feel pee or poop on them again.

I put a little potty in my living room like a friend told me and my little guy is doing pretty well with it. Still need some time though bc he’s not even 2, but he’s already used it countless time.

Use a training potty.

I used a step stool in front of the toilet and made it a game. I put some cheerio’s in the toilet and told him to pee on them for a prize. Took less than a week to train my son

I let my boys pee on tresses when they first start to train my 8 year old trained naked because he would go in his underwear so it was naked for a week or 2 then we put shorts on then a month later introduced underwear. My 4 year old went straight into underwear and my 3 year old daughter is basically potty trained we started at the end of March by taking pull-ups away putting her in underwear well she was having accidents no more then 5 a day she also don’t communicate really well but then I took underwear away and let her run around naked with her potty in the living room and now she’s back in her underwear. Consistency is the key. Every time he goes in his diaper or pull up immediately take it off and stick him on the potty

They also make kid potty training urinals

Sing crazy songs and do crazy dances. Read books. Make it fun…start out with them sitting down once they master that then he will learn to stand up and pee…let him watch a video. Take him to store and let him pick out his own under wear and even if he souls them keep putting clean ones back on…be consistent…put a potty in the living room even if ya have to…and use pull ups at night. But tell him we don’t have diapers no more your a big boy…so we have to work together…sing crazy madebup song like go pee pee in the potty. Then ya get to flush it down down down…and you get to watch the water go round round round. Always show him the the pee pee …poo poo dance …again make up something crazy and fun…and keep at it…you might also talk with his doctor…is there a reason why he is terrified of going???

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I know this sounds weird, but have you tried having him face backwards? Like sit on the toilet backwards. That’s how my son would go until he could reach. He started that on his own, but it seemed like he felt more secure.


Yep, been through it. Honestly I learned not to push them, it made it worse. My 4 year old JUST became fully potty trained. Around new years we were talking about resolutions and I said to him “maybe yours could be to use the big boy potty!” Then he just started going. I had tried before and he was not having it. My 6 year old was also 4 when he was potty trained and it took his big brother giving him a tablet and saying “if you go potty in your pants you can’t have it anymore”. All kids are different. My advice is to keep encouraging, but don’t push. Take him in the bathroom with you to show him there’s nothing to be scared of. Don’t be upset when he doesn’t go or has an accident. I would just say something like “oops! I guess mommy should have asked if you needed to go potty!” You will get through this, I promise. It’s frustrating now but when the day comes you will be so happy! Sending you positive vibes and hugs

He is a boy let him go pee in the yard or on a tree or tire or something. Buy a potty that looks like a real potty and let him use that also. He will build the courage and eventually start using the big boy regular potty.


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w0r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never ­tho­u­ght I’d be ­a­­­­ble to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15512 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Here’s what I did with all four of my boys. When I knew they were old enough and ready. I made sure that they only had four or five pull-ups left. And that I was excited for them to be fully potty trained when we are finally out of pull-ups. And when the pull-ups were gone. That was it. Now to cover the fear. Put toilet paper in the toilet. I had one that was afraid of the splash. I had one that had to have a potty chair. Find what works for him. Sometimes kiddos like to straddle the seat backwards. Having the tank to hold onto helps them feel like they won’t fall off. They make little man urinals that hook up to your toilet. Country living at its best, I was able to have the guys go outside with them to pee off the deck. It was a right of passage for the kiddos. And they learned how to hold it, while putting shoes on. They felt grown up going outside with the big boys. Except I then had to be sure to enforce that this is an at home only thing. Buy a cheap cereal to toss in the bowl And make a game out of Being able to aim right. Good luck.

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Get an old fashion pooh chair. I used and trained all 3 of mine with no trouble.

l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w0r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never ­tho­u­ght I’d be ­a­­ble to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18014 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

sit with him and just talk or sing to him just stay close or hold him under his thighs above the pot when he does one cheer/ say well done or something like that mine were younger It worked for me self taught Mother of three boys worth a a try Hope this helps

My son acts absolutely terrified to sit on his toilet and the big toilet he’s 18 months and hates his diaper and hates diaper changes but also hates using the toilet :weary: any ideas? He doesn’t talk much and the Cheerios thing wouldn’t work. I let him flush my toilet after I get done and he loves it and will sit on his for ab a second and then it’s right back up HELP​:rofl:

With my son the only thing that worked was a coffee can. He’d pee in it and dump it in the toilet. #2 took awhile.

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Sometimes you really just have to sit them there and stay with them til they go and be consistent. Give them a book or distraction can sometimes help (best not to use a food or candy as reward though)

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I threw cereal in the toilet, sparkles, squares of toilet paper and told him to aim. I pulled over everyone he had to pee and had him Pee on either my tire or in a bush. It’s fun for them if you make it a game. Once he realizes it’s fun he’ll do it on his own.


Am guessing you started training him after the age of 3?

The boys were my husbands responsibility, but it sounds like she trying to train him like a girl. He needs to stand like the big boys. Put pieces of toilet paper for him to aim at.

My son did this. I found that a potty seat with a step helps but also you have to kind of force it on them. You deal with accidents but they do eventually learn they don’t like being messy. My son didn’t take to it until this year and he’s 5.

Tell him he’s a big boy now and needs to follow his daddy when going potty!

Character underwear, unless he has a disability of some kind he def should be potty trained, ask him every 15 to 20 minutes if he has to go potty, tell him big boys do not pee or poop in their pants, no matter how much he fusses, no diaper, he’s not a baby, does he tell you when he’s wet, if daddy is around maybe he can go in bathroom with him, good luck

My son learned going to the bathroom with Dad, make it a game and put Cheerios in the toilet to see who can make it in the most holes😆

Did you say 4 yrs? Thought that is school going age.

We got a urinal!! It’s a frog with a removable piece to dump out and wash. Super cute even has a little wheel for them to aim at that spins.
Made a huge difference. We didn’t potty train until 3 because my son had a speech delay and I felt he needed to be able to fully convey that he needed to go before we started.
Have em pee out the door, on trees, tires whatever!
Praise for attempts and like in horseshoes and hand grenades, close counts give em all the praise!!

my great grandson is two and a half and he pees in the shower, he gets to stand uo and never misses, he will poop in his potty, good luck

Have a listen to this podcast for plenty of ideas!

With our 2 youngest boys we started out in summer by letting them go outside to pee on a bug. ( we live out in the country in the middle of nowhere) Sounds silly but it worked. After they got that figured out using the potty was fairly easy. My oldest son was a nightmare. He would sit on his potty but then go on the floor beside it. After months of that I gave up and he just started getting on the big toilet on his on. Don’t stress too much, it will happen when he’s ready. Good luck!

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Pop a ping pong ball in the loo and make it a game to hit it.

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I used Cheerios have them try to hit it.


My boy was 3 he might not be ready…


Put a step Infront of toilet and take turns when you go

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Mine wasn’t ready until 3. He also learned sitting because we had a high toilet


The weekend method works miracles

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Make it a game!! Aim for fruit loops!! Their favorite colors make them try for those most of all.

Motivate him with cool underwear. Everytime you take off a diaper let him sit on the potty. Teach him to pee outside standing up like men often do,this was the most liked thing that he could learn because he kept doing this. If you stay on top of being consistent, he will grasp the concept soon. Most boys are completely potty trained by 2 and a half years old so you have several months to help him master it. Good Luck!


Uh… clearly he isn’t ready…


Pick a plant to wee on in the garden 🪴 or a ping pong ball in the toilet to pee on.

Umm, wait until HE’S ready. :thinking:


My first son wasn’t fully potty trained until he was 4. He hated it. He’ll get there when he’s ready. Use positive encouragement and show him some potty videos with songs and stuff to get him more excited about it.


Wait til he’s ready. I pushed it with my son and pulled my hair out for SIX months. Accidents. Tantrums. Nightmare. We stopped for three months and then tried again
He was ready. It took a weekend and he’s good to go.


Leave him till he is ready

Don’t worry. He might not be ready. Boys take longer than girls. When he is ready teach first to sit down. Standing up just creates MESS :joy:


My son was potty trained until 3 1/2 and he would still have some accidents up until 4. Every kid is different. My son have literally 0 shits about going on the potty.

I used to put my son on the toilet backwards. It worked. He didn’t feel like he was going to fall in. Some say put cheerios in the water haha. If he’s 2, he may not be quite ready. My son was 3 when he was ready. I wouldn’t force him. Good luck.


First take him out to the shops and let him buy some stickers to decorate his potty chair with … while he is decorating talk about how “big people” dont wear diapers but use the toilet … then, Let him go “commando” (wear nothing from his waist down) and make it his responsibility to get to the potty by himself … tell him … I know you’re such a big-boy now and you don’t like Mommy helping you so let’s take off your pants and shoes and socks so when you feel like you are going to wee-wee you can go by yourself and wont have to worry about getting your pants down quickly … Of course he will wee-wee a few times away from his potty chair and it will make a mess and run down his legs but if you also make him responsible for cleaning up the floor (as much as he’s able to at 2yrs old) and wiping down his own legs he will gradually understand the pre-wee feeling his body makes and within a few days the penny will drop and he will be well on his way … Most little boys crave independence … so, if you can stand all the possible messes and dealing with the cleanups you will have to do once he’s cleaned or tried to clean first this method does work … good luck!

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My boys didn’t start learning til they were 3, their dad would take them with him when he used the toilet or I would take them every couple hours


Buy a seat that goes on normal toilet that way he is using it like daddy or mummy.


Have him pee/aim at the car tire.

My oldest son was potty trained by 2 1/2. My youngest was 1 week before 4. I could’ve pulled my hair out with him. Everyone said he wasn’t ready and to wait until he shows intrest. This advice saved my sanity. 1 week before his birthday we took a family vacation. He told me he didn’t want to have a diaper bag on the trip. I said then you have to use the potty. He said ok. We then went on our 13 hour road trip. We had to stop alot due to potty and both of my boys get car sick easily. No accidents and no puking! That was it!


Wait til summer and let him run around in the garden with jocks so it’s easy to get to the loo quicker and easier if there’s accidents. He’ll do it when he is ready.

I tried when my son was 2 and he was just not getting it I waited till he was 3 and tried again and he did fine then, maybe he just is still to young


If he isn’t showing signs he is ready, I wouldn’t push it and make him do it


He’s likely too young. You can continue to battle it now and it will be long and stressful or wait and try again in 6 months and it will likely be a breeze. I have four children, my boys were all ready a little later than my daughter and were close to three. They simply stopped wearing pull ups though and were very easy to toilet train. Literally a couple of days, as they were ready. X


He not ready…
He will let U know when his ready.


He’s most likely not ready yet but A sticker chart with rewards, lots of encouragement, a potty watch ( little watch that beeps every 30,60 or 90 minutes to remind them to use the bathroom) and letting them pick their own big boy undies did wonders for my boys


Pick out a potty , underwear with his favorite character. Get some books about potty training and read them with him. Put him in his training underwear and have him try a couple times sitting down. Either watching something he likes or with a book. After he starts going a couple times it is easy. And give him a little reward like stickers. Or even sitting on the adult potty backwards.

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You wait till he’s ready

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For weeing, Put ping balls in the loo and get a male/His dad to show him how much fun it is.
Has to have a stool to stand on though to aim into the bowl

My son wasn’t ready at 2. He was closer to 3 when I decided to put my foot down. At 3 he was too big for diapers. They didn’t stay on well and he peed too heavily for them. Anyway, my mother-in-law was a great help. My son hated the potty and his potty chair. At the time, we had a fenced back yard with a privacy fence, so she would take him out the kitchen door and stand on the back step with him and tell him to see how far he could pee out in the yard. Each time we would take him, we’d tell him to see if he could pee further out in the yard than he did the last time. Pretty soon he was telling us when he had to go. And we kept on with the game. He still pooped in his pants, but at least we had made some progress. Well, summer ended and it started getting cold. My son was now peeing outside by himself. I looked out the window and saw him shiver. I finally said “Son, it’s getting cold out. You can come in and use the potty. If you don’t your pee will freeze and stick you to the ground!” And we both started laughing at the mental picture that brought up. So he came inside. Once he started to pee inside, it was no time at all before I told him that since he was peeing in the potty, he might as well poop there too. And he did.

Maybe he is too little, but you can keep trying.
Buy him a mini toilet ( let him pick it himself) if his father is around ask him to take him to the bathroom with him when he has to pee ( so your kid can imitate him) try to see if you tube has any videos with his favorite cartoon character showing how to do it .
And you can always gives him little prices to encourage him.

PS : my nephew was close to 3 when my sister potty trained, he pee in his pull-up and underwear, my sister decided to keep him bottom naked ( not pull up or underwear) and he started using his little toilet because he didn’t like peeing on himself

He’s not ready then. If he’s not indicating to go, he won’t. Leave it out where he plays and tell him if he wants to try, it’s there for him. He will do it when he’s hormonally ready to do it. You can’t force it

Encourage him and let him know it’s safe and that he won’t fall in
Get some fruit loops or cheerios and put them in the toilet and get him to wee on them like a game

My mother had a terrible time with my little brother. Told him to pee outside on a tree just to get him started. Made it fun. Then she brought him back inside to do it. It worked!

Not many ten years old are still popping in their nappy…relax … he’ll sort it out.

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