How to potty train girls?

I never potty train. My thoughts are - you can’t be 30 and not know how to use the toilet. In other words, they’ll get there when they’re ready and when they’re ready, it won’t be hard. Mine just kinda woke up one day and said ‘I’m ready’. True story. All before school started etc too. I never pushed them. I did ask ‘is today the day?’ everyday. But I took no for an answer. And it’s been very easy. Never really had night time accidents or anything like that. Maybe just a handful of those. And it’s not discussed as much more than ‘oh well… off to the shower we go’. I’ve always thought that putting too much effort into potty training has the reverse effect.


Relax. Nobody ever gets to their deathbed and says “gee I wish I’d started going potty at 2 and a half and not 4 and a half, how could I get it soo wrong?” Lol
On the same sentiment nobody’s eulogy is like…
“she was a kind person, an old soul… and did you know she started going potty at 2! Wow! How about that huh
:wink::wink:” lol

Parents stressing out about this stuff is like the adult equivalent to the age old childhood classic “are we there yet?”

And I say to you what I say to my impatient kids… “we’ll get there when we get there and not a moment sooner, chill”

It will happen, but it’s going to have to be in their time I’m afraid, and that’s okay :wink:🩷

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Read the book “Oh Crap”. I love the title of course and the advice is excellent.

Potty training isn’t something you can force. My youngest son is 6 going on 7 and he still pees the bed from time to time. He sleeps hard. Boys develop the ability to hold it later than girls. My oldest was like this though, he’d be too busy to go. I left him naked most days because he wouldn’t pee on himself like that. Idk why but he wouldn’t. He quickly got the understanding that he had to go to the bathroom when it was time. You can’t hold it forever. He was 3 and he had no accidents. Every kid is different. What works for us won’t for sure work for your daughter.

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Remind her every.half an hour physically take her if needed

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Be annoying. Stay on her, sit her on the potty every 10 minutes.

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Kids are little and still learning they will have accidents and usually as the parent we must still remind them to use the potty my sons 4 and I have to remind him if he zoned on his tablet.

Gordo tee grrr are tour in ooPffocdo I grew one tee

I told mine at that age that if she couldn’t potty in the big girl potty she couldn’t go to big girl school. That seemed to be a motivator and made her start doing it.

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My girl was also like that made her clean if up herself and then go sit on the toilet even if she didn’t need to pee anymore so she knew that she will have to get up and go either way

Put her on the potty every 2 hrs