How to potty train girls?

When I was training my day home kids, I would have them sit on the toilet/potty and let them dip their hands in a bowl of water and play with it and run the tap on a flow that made an adult need to pee. Worked like a charm. Celebration dance with uber excitement followed if they pee’d! Or a simple let’s try again in a little bit.

well a start is good by introducing it. mine sat on and had in bathroom with me going to bathroom. even if sitting on sayy you go potty in it. thats wh at big girls do but dont push unless really ready

My girl is almost 4 and she is only 2 months trained. She didn’t even show interest, but she’s starting preschool in like 10 days so I had to get her trained. Don’t push it, she’ll go when she’s ready

My boys were 2 when potty trained, took my daughter till she was 3 …we kept trying on and off for a year and finally got it around 3

Every time I went I’d take her with me and ask her if she wants to go like a big girl, I had my mom do the same when we visited, got her big girl panties with her favorite cartoon character n told her to try not to get them messy “big girls don’t like messy panties” explain to her that only babies go in diapers.

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I always offer up a candy :candy: for pee.choclate for poop

This worked for both of my boys and I know guys and girls are different but I didn’t do anything in particular that would be boys only. I have also heard this works great with girls which is where I got the idea when I was potty training my boys. (It took a total of 3 days from start to finish and we were able to go to sleeping through the night without a diaper. Essentially going off of diaper cold turkey)
We did the bare bottom method. Pretty much I had my little one with no diaper, underwear, or anything on. I had one of those little kid potties that and we had it in the living room. I had a timer set for every 10 minutes. (So I recommend doing this or starting this on a day that you are home all day) like clockwork every 10 minutes(all day) that it went off, we would go and sit on the potty. Then I would sit with my little one because at first he did not like sitting on that thing. So We would count together to 10 using our fingers. Once we counted to 10 I gave him a high five said good job buddy. Let’s go play. Even if he didn’t potty this just kind of got him used to the fact that he’s going to have to be sitting there. (10 seconds only because you can count that on your fingers and it is a visual that your child gets.) Eventually he peed in there on one of those times where we were counting. And when he did I threw a party. We high-fived we jumped i said good job. Oh my goodness you did it! I acted like he had discovered the cure to a new disease or something. I made it like it was the best thing he had ever done in his entire life. We had a dance party high-fived and this made him want to go pee in there more. And when he went number two I acted like he discovered time travel. Which made him feel like he had done a good thing which he did. He learned a new skill. I was never a fan of giving them treats because if I run out of treats and that takes away their incentive too utilize the bathroom. So for us, high fives and dance parties and praise worked.
After he went number one twice. I slowly but surely started taking the potty further and further away from the living room and closer to the bathroom so he would get you to having to go to the potty instead of the potty being there easily available. Eventually he himself recognized his body’s need to use a bathroom and was starting to take it upon himself to go all the way back to the bathroom.
For reference on time frame, he ended up peeing for the first time in the first day and again all of this happened in a 3-day period.
As soon as we started the potty training though we did not put diapers back on. The first night I put him in a big kid underwear and I had gotten some of those plastic liners for the mattresses in case of an accident while he slept. And right before bedtime I made sure we went to the bathroom. I sey an alarm for every 2 hours that first night and I would wake him up so we would go over to the potty. (Since this was night training I brought the potty into his room so he didn’t have to wake up and have to walk all the way to the bathroom. But this just got him used to being aware of his body at night)
Lol the downside to this. Was trying to convince him that after potty training was done We can’t walk around everywhere butt naked lol
When we went out I would constantly ask him if he needed to use the potty. Over and over again. Slowly but surely. He got used to reading his bodily cues and started telling me when he needed to go and I would go with him.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best! :heart:
Edit: My boys were 13 months and 14 months when they trained. I did not force them. I simply got them used to the potty first. Another thing to add, I would not recommend using the adult sized potty right away because to them at that age it is intimidating and can cause more fear which could slow down their willingness to learn because it is overshadowed by the fear of falling in.

Our daughter is 2 about to be 3 in February. She is potty trained during the day not at night. She’s known how to potty on the potty for a year, she wasn’t ready. We usually do a huge sing a thon for her singing and dancing to “peepee in the potty” For thanksgiving my mom, brothers and sister in laws and nieces were here. She had about 20 people singing to her over the course of three days, she hasn’t had an accident during the day since :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


My daughter now 5 was just like this. Put the underwear on her and keep a little potty by her everywhere she is until she is ready for the big potty. I only put a diaper on her at night and would not give in through the day. She had some accidents but now she just wears a goodnite through the night because she still has a hard time waking up to pee…which is totally okay!!! Just stay on her and clap and jump up and down and make a big deal everytime she uses her little potty. It will work with time.:heart::pray:

We did the spend the weekend in a t shirt with no underwear or diapers. It really worked. Be ready for some accidents but it was life changing for us :heart:

Some of the advice you’re getting here is very old-fashioned.

I’ve potty trained four kids (one to go!). When they are really ready it’s quick. Switch to underwear. Set a timer for every half an hour for the first day-ish. When it goes off, all she has to do is sit on the potty and try. Every “try” is a success, but push fluids so she’ll need to go and feel some accomplishment.

After the first day you can extend the time to more like every hour. After a day or two of that, if she’s really ready, you should be set.

Reminder: kids are ready at all different times. There is nothing wrong with being 3.5+ and not being ready. These - like many others - are milestones different kids hit at different times. They don’t define her OR you. Good luck!


Let her do it on her own. No pressure. No punishments

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Both of my daughters were 3 1/2 when I just had them wear underwear. I just told them they can’t pee in their underwear they had to use the toilet. They had a few accidents. They caught on quick.


Stop the diapers all together. Use bide girl undies. She will quickly realize that she doesn’t like the feeling of being wet. And doing a reward system. Like stickers and small things for #1 bigger prizes for when she goes #2. Try to make it as fun as you can

My daughter turned 4 in August, she didn’t train until June. She only trained cause she was starting preschool and I said no more pull-ups during the day! Eventually she just picked it up

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Well. I did this. 3 day process. 1st day no clothes on not even panties every 30 minutes put on potty. 2nd day introduced panties. Every 30 minutes potty time… 3rd day clothes and panties waited for cues. Also taught sign language potty sign


My daughter was almost 4 when she was ready. I didn’t push it hard, but we tried for a long time and it just didn’t work.
When she started preschool in the fall she saw the other girls going potty and she finally decided she was ready. Cold turkey gave up the pull ups.

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My daughter was the same so I didn’t put a diaper on her so she didn’t like the pee on her she learned quickly.

Oh Crap! Potty Training book…in a nutshell…spend three days at home, uninterrupted. She wears no bottoms for the entire time. She goes on the toilet. Don’t use a potty seat. Give her LOTS of liquids so she can feel when she has to go. Lots of good info in the book.

Have you tried the 3 day potty train? Where you have baby completely naked and the potty chair in the main areas or one in main area other in the bathroom. And when she starts to go rush her to her chair. And praise her when she is going on the potty so she sees the positive. 2nd day is in just underwear and potty in main area and bathroom and once again rush to potty when she starts to go. Then 3rd day is potty just in the bathroom in undies and maybe easy slide off pants. This worked with my daughter. And semi ok with my son. Couldn’t get him to go potty until he learned he can pee on a tree lol but good luck momma. You guys got this.

My daughter refused. She was three at the time. My husband told her she will not be visiting her grandmother until she learned how to go. Ten minutes later she was trained.

get the thick training pants and some cute unders - big girl pants- she can change to at home then pulluups when going in the car! we were successful with little m&ms if she went in the toilet! some people use a potty chair in the back of the car, use a plastic bag inside the pot for disposal!

I had no problems toilet training my girls but my boy im having issues with and have no clue what to do… im just trying to wing it atm…

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Get some fancy underwear that she has picked out.

Change her to pull ups and have the potty seat in the bathroom. Take her to the bathroom and you simulate going and have her pull her big girl panties down and sit on the pot like you. Do it 20-30 mins after she eats or drinks. We had Pom poms so everytime they went we cheered like crazy.


My daughter is 3.5 and is on day three of no diaps. Literally have no advice because she’s just decided to stop wearing diapers. She’s had one accident in 3 days and idk what the switch is other than I didn’t force it or even push it just got her big girl undies and took her with me a few times. She does wear a diap at night but that’s it…


I trained my kids by taking them to the bathroom every 2 hours and have them sit on the potty. When they pee, I made a big deal about it. Also can extend the time once they go. Did this with my granddaughter recently and she was fully trained in less than a week. Put pullups on at night but no accidents.

Let her pick out some cute underwear she likes and tell her the rules.

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Quit putting diapers on her.That’s defeating the purpose.Get her some plain terry cloth traing panties and some really cute big girl panties.When she goes in the potty all week she wins the big girl panties.Don’t make an issue,take the pressure off,use a sticker chart or a calendar to mark off the times she’s successful.limit fluids 2hrs before bed.potty before bed,no diaper,


Make a big deal of her getting to choose her own big girl panties at the store and just stop using the diapers. Even if it’s just during the day to start. But she obviously gets the concept and doesn’t like being wet so just remove the option of the diapers and calmly have her help you clean up any messes she makes on the floor and she’ll get past it. With mine that had a problem with the potty at first it helped to start with having them pee in the tub if they were more comfortable doing that and then they moved to the toilet fairly quickly

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I got a potty chair put it next to the toilet and took my daughter and had her sit on it every time I went to the bathroom and I used potty time with Elmo lol


I second the comment above me… she definitely won’t like that feeling… she will get the concept I work with kiddos that age and when I know they are ready I have them come in undies


Put her in regular underwear. You may have to change her a lot for a while but hopefully she will catch on.

That’s one of the readiness signs…

From the time our daughter was tiny I would sit way back on the stool and sit her in front of me, never had a potty chair. It worked!

Stop putting her in diapers… Get her a training potty the flushing sound is scary to all kids. Don’t cave because your not doing her any favors . My step sons mom took forever with potty training and I literally did everything they would have one accident then she would put them back into a diaper and they where both 5.5 when they finished . Her son not with my husband was still peeing and pooping himself at 8 . My kids even over night potty trained before 3.

You kinda have to go cold turkey, buy a ton of pants and extra trousers/leggings. Say no more nappies, you’re a big girl now and go from there. Its a lot of work but it’s got to be done. X

The oh crap potty training book :100:

My two oldest boy 3 and girl 18 months I potty trained together it was pretty easy, my daughter hated to be wet, so I did only panties, my kids picked out their own underwear, I had a potty chart and prizes. This was 16 years ago… my youngest girl was 2 almost 3 she was fully potty trained. Just be consistent.

I reminded my girl she was a big girl, and big girls wear undies. I reminded myself all she knew was nappies. I got her underwear: she helped choose them.
I got a step thing and one of things that goes on the toilet for her, potty was a failure. Let her wear undies around the house: takes time and consitancy

Put her in normal underwear and be prepared to clean up a few messes but with any luck she won’t like that feeling and will want to use the potty. Also, let her pick out a potty seat. And make sure you take one with you EVERYWHERE. the fear of falling in can be very real for some little ones.


Yeas just put her in panties and wen she wets them tell het that’s wat happens wen you don’t use the potty . You’re in a power struggle with a toddler so play it her way. She won’t like the way it feels then reward her BIG clapping and acting a fool wen she does use her potty good luck momma

She’s a big girl now just put her on the toilet like mummy show her what you do and let her copy

First thing take the diapers off. Use panties.

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My daughter was the exact same way and she did not potty train till she was almost four. But this might sound gross. I put my daughter’s potty chair in the living room with me because that’s where we stayed all the time and every 30 minutes to an hour. I would tell her to go sit on the potty and she would go potty and she potty trained in about a week. And after about a week to 2 weeks we slowly started moving her to the big toilet and she’s only had a few accidents since then

I bought something she really wanted.showed it to her she wanted it and I said when you pee or poop in the potty you can have it.same way with grandson.and I wanna see it.they ran in pooped said can I have it now?lol

I had two daughters 6 years apart ,1973 1st one we had a potty chair across from our toilet and when I went I took them ,back then we had training pants thick ones and she got where when she started to pee she would run to her potty, she broke herself. Praise never scold

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I did a potty chart with stickers. Bought one off amazon. And after a certain amount I set goals. Small rewards to big ones like picking her own underwear out or an ice cream date for just her an I

Leave her without pants, or nappy.

Put panties on her and she will go tell her she can’t pee in her new panties that’s how we did our granddaughter

Tell her the store ran out of diapers/pull ups?

Or you could say the panty fairy (think tooth fairy or Easter bunny) came last night!!! Look she knows you’re ready for undies now :grinning: ** you know your child & you know what you can get away with… I would make a big deal about the panty fairy maybe even get a basket or make a pretty present and leave it in the bathroom you could get creative and add a reward jar / bucket / or chart… maybe hair bands or play jewlery or anything your child loves! It’s gotta be fun and it goes over best if it results in an abundance of live attention interaction and engagement from everyone involved (mom dad grandparents care givers)

Have her wear diapers and don’t change them until she gets very sore


Maybe take a break for a week and try again. Get her some big girl underwear, maybe let her pick some out at the store. Do away with diapers except maybe at night.

Instead of potty use the toilet

My 3 year old knows how to use the potty. She can do it all by herself, using her potty seat downstairs or the little potty upstairs but one day like three months ago she just decided she didn’t want to anymore :expressionless::woman_facepalming: she says she isn’t scared. She has stopped mid playing before to go use the potty so it’s not that. I have no idea what her deal is. I’m giving her a little lee way right now but another month or so I’ll do like I did her sisters at that age and just stop letting her wear pullups (she wears cloth pullups and has since transitioning from cloth diapers)

Definitely ditch the diapers/pull-ups. My 3 year old was 100% ready and 100% willing, but if we put a pull-up on her? She used it. She’s still slipping here and there, but she’s doing great by and large.

We DO, however, toss any poop accident undies - because she loves the ones she has picked. If she wants to keep them, she shouldn’t poop in them. Cost effective? Nope. But it’s definitely getting the message across.

Stop buying diapers. Put underwear on her only. Potty close by even if u leave it in the living room, and pull ups for bed and nap only.


Don’t change her diaper right away and take her to the bathroom every half hour, take her with you every time you go and gave her sit in a potty while you sit on the toilet

Let her pick out her own panties tell her to potty in the toilet to keep her new panties dry

Put her backwards on the toilet with some dry erase markers. Have her clean it off when done. I used Windex multipurpose. Potty trained over ten kids this way boy and girls. Works fantastic. Dry erase markers also work on plain white fridges for a potty chart.

Leave her wet. Place potty chair. Stop training. :raised_hand:

I watched this educational tv program on public television. They said do you think the women in the covered wagons changed their two year olds ? Nope they had them potty trained by leaving them naked. I did that with my third boy. Trust me worked like a charm. Few washed floors and few washed sheets . Well worth it!


Put her pull up down in the bottom of the potty until she gets the idea then stop with the pull up and take her every 15- 20 minutes even if she doesn’t go . Once she gets the swing of it you can adjust the time to 30 mins, then 45 etc. At night do not give her anything to drink an hour before she goes to sleep take her potty once during the night. And once as soon as you wake up in the morning. Let her pick out training underwear. First time my daughter peed in underwear she hated it and didn’t do it again.

Stop trying. Let them be naked.

Our daughter wouldn’t use a potty she would only use the toilet

If you can do it on a 3 day weekend great! Or if you stay at home even better. Switch to just undies. Go every hour. And when showing signs of needing to go. (Touching privates, dancing, etc). Use reinforcing things to engage while sitting(book,magnetic drawing board, fidget toys, etc). Sit for 2-5 minutes. You can even use a sticker chart and identify when the undies are dry/clean, allowing the child to earn a prize once it’s filled out as extra encouragement. Edible reinforcers work wonderful for successful void or BMs on the toilet. And lots and lots of praise if you kiddo really enjoys that! Sing a potty song.

After a couple days of successful voids and little to no accidents switch to 1hr 30 mins…continue until no or very few accidents and the move to every 2 hours.

Potty check before leaving the house, and upon coming back home. Always great to ask as well to help the kiddo figure out what their body is telling them, if they don’t already show signs of this.

BM’s may take longer to figure out but that’s most kids!

She needs training panties. Then when she gets wet at least they are washable. When she gets it down better she gets princess panties or whatever she likes.

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Put a pair or undies on under the nappy.

Definitely psychological if she knows. Can you put underwear on over a diaper for a while, then she can see all the cool undies? Maybe just try underwear after a bath for a while? Can you pin up all “the pretty/cool/awesome” underwear in her room? Maybe she will want to pick one after looking at them for a bit.
OR, “sorry honey, we are out of pull ups, we need to wear these for now”. Maybe not even SAY underwear.
Gotta out smart the 3 year old…lol, good luck! :crazy_face:

Put her in underwear… Buy a couple packs. She will start not wanting to pee on herself or poop. Let her know it’s gross and bring her with you when you go use the bathroom and just talk about what you are doing while in there. She just needs reassurance from you and to be out of diapers during the day

Try some “big” girl panties. Tell her no more diapers. I had it easy - my daughter did not like to be wet - so she started using the potty right away. Just another thought - do not change her diaper when she wets - she will get the idea soon that if she wants to be dry then she needs to use the potty.


Get rid of the diapers!!! Little girls hate pissy panties. She’ll catch on quick after a few raw days.

Use a pull up/diaper for overnight only. Put her in real underwear and let her wet herself. She should catch on quickly and decide to use the actual toilet or at least a potty chair. You also should take her to the pediatrician to rule out a physical issue (she may just be at an awkward stage of development).

Don’t put diapers on her . Buy her underwear and keep a potty close to where she spends most of her day .


Have you tried bribing her with something she really wants?

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Should have been potty trained a long time ago. Get her out of the diapers. Buy her some regular underwear. Who’s in charge?


I have 3 girls: potty trained them all on my own here are my tips:

NO pull ups!
Strictly panties.
My youngest was the hardest… I would hold her on the toilet screaming for 5/6 mins - take a break and go try again… she finally peed on it and was like yayyy!!!
I also let them watch their favorite show on the potty ONLY!
Stay home a couple days and stay consistent!
Bed time - stay in panties just stop her fluids like an hour or so before bed.


Try a preschool day care! Sometimes they need to be around other kids and see them doing these things on their own to motivate them

Use cloth diapers or start putting little under garment on her if you set her in the potty soon as she wakes up daily and than watch her potty signs place her back on toilet daily keep track of the times do it constantly always praise the child for a confidence boost my oldest teen found Nina needs to go potty and played the videos with my toddler and she got the jist of potty training down quickly use a toddler portable potty set her on it when your using bathroom also helped my child out she was 2 at the time good luck with everything

How I potty trained my 2 girls’ at 3 was we first showed them that the bathroom was safe && they didn’t have to worry about the toilet (our middle child was scared of the toilet). We then started the “pee pee in the potty song” each time they would go. Even if they just sat on the toilet and didn’t pee or anything was a start. Gotta be patient too and not get upset when they pee themselves because that will happen a lot lol. After that once they got the hang of peeing, I would ask them every 5-10 minutes if she had to go pee. Pooping in the toilet took a little longer because my middle child thought she’d get in trouble if she pooped in the toilet so we had a lot of pooping accidents. Eventually she got that down too and we rewarded them when they would pee or poop on her own in the toilet. Transitioning to not sleeping with a diaper at night took us about 1-2 weeks, our oldest started asking us not to let her sleep with a diaper at night, I just have her go pee before bed and that seems to help. Since you’re still new to the whole thing I recommend taking extra clothes and diapers when out in public, that was hard for us because since they’re still learning to listen to their body, it was hard for them to hold it in sometimes in time to make it to the bathroom, especially in big places like groceries stores or the mall that always has long lines (I recommend using the family bathroom if possible).

My son was/is this way except he won’t even tell tou when he uses it. It’s awful. We tried everything over the years and NOTHING worked. Taking him on a schedule, potty watch, ditching diapers, his daycare tried all their tricks. Impossible. He turned 4 in November and iv been panicking but we haven’t been pushing it for a few months other than the conversations with him each time we change his diaper that it’s nasty and he needs to use the potty and all that. One day he woke up and said he needed to use the potty. It’s still a work in progress. But he enjoys his underwear some days and occassionally will go to the potty so we’re rolling with it.

Don’t push it. She obviously isn’t ready yet.

I have three girls all potty trained by the age of 2. They are each 2 years apart and didn’t want two kids in diapers at the same time. This is what worked for me might seem kindof strange but all I did was put them in panties and kept the kids potty in the living room so they could see it and one in the bathroom so Everytime I went I would have them go with me and I would applause them Everytime they used it. Only had very few accidents.

Let her stay wet get rid of the diapers.

Same boat. My 3 1/2 year old girl refuses. I put her in undies and she loves them, but still stand there and pee in them and then ask for help bc she doesn’t like the feeling or the mess. I’ve tried rewards and she doesn’t care. I have three boys and one girl. The boys are much easier lol

Don’t panic, my girls 3 in Jan and she won’t wee on the potty. She doesn’t like sudden or loud noises and the sound panics her. We’ve had a potty for nearly 18month. I’ve put her on it and distracted her and had her drink water on it, she holds it in to the point she’s screaming she needs to wee so I end up putting a pull up on her. I’ve tried the toilet paper, the nappy etc in the potty to stop the noise, It doesn’t work… she’s just scared. But she’ll do it one day.

Well leave the soiled diaper on ,put her on the potty every 30 mins,and quit fawning over her

Leave her naked for 3 days and make her sit on the potty every 30 minutes.

Put her in underwear with rubber pants over. Say NO MORE DIAPERS

That doesn’t mean she’s so ready. It means she may be getting close. She’ll do it on her own without help or you needing to do/change anything if she’s ready.

When my girls were little I would take them with me to the bathroom every time I used the bathroom and had them sit on the potty and go through the whole process,they were potty trained in like 2 weeks

Sit her on the potty when you think she needs to pee or its time, and read her a book. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Make sure the potty you use is comfortable and sits securely on the floor.
Take her with you when you go.
Sit with her and encourage her to “wait for the peepee feeling!”
I potty trained 4 girls!

Be patient. It will happen before you know it.

Patience mama. I’ve now potty trained TWO girls and I hate to say it but, she will WHEN SHES READY. And only then lol. I fought with my oldest for nearly a year before I gave up. And within that break, she randomly decided to start using it. I thought I got lucky. But my next? The exact same thing. No matter how many rewards I offered, she just kept having accidents. I took a break from the patronizing and she started all on her own! I don’t know how old your girl is but if it’s under 3/4 years, don’t stress too much. Just keep casually bringing it up. Hopefully she’ll get it.

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I waited fory daughter to ask for big girl panties (3) and that was it. Once she went in them we went to the potty every half hour at first then slowly stretched it out to the point she went when needed. Did similar with both boys and it was just easier. They wanted big kid underwear and we took a 3 day span when nothing else was going on. They went into the underwear and frequent trips to potty. If they went they got a small candy (couple M&M’s or smarties).

The daycare used stamps on her hands and great praise. We tried everything and once she had the right teacher at preschool we had no luck. Really once they are ready, they are ready. My daughter was fully potty trained within a week after she was just barely 4.

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Bribery and putting her on the potty every 30 minutes. My son and 2nd daughter were both potty trained by 2.5 years old and I attribute it greatly to bribing them with their favorite little treats or small toys I would buy in bulk off Amazon. Little slinkies, squishy toys, those type of things. You can get like 100 for super cheap. Every time they went, they got to pick a little tiny something from the bucket. After a week or two they both started forgetting about the reward and would just go.

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I’m trying everything my daughter is the same age. She will tell me she needs to be changed. And everything. But will NOT go to the potty

We kept the potty in the living room for a few months and kept asking her if she had to go potty & to sit down n try And after Christmas I put the potty in the bathroom ps Santa helped up get through it she’ll be 4 next month but when we tried earlier it didn’t work so when they’re ready they’re ready